The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 264 Frontier Frontier = Frontier

Chapter 264 Frontier Frontier = Frontier
"Turn off the insurance, no one is allowed to shoot!" Shang Zhen, who had been lying on the top of the hill observing the battle situation, ordered.

Some of his companions felt surprised by Shang Zhen's order, but the order was still carried out.

"I said boy, will you turn off the insurance, don't move, you will go off again!" At this moment, Qin Chuan noticed that Chu Tian was fiddling with the trigger.

"Give me the gun, and I'll teach you." At this moment, Chen Hanwen, who was next to Chutian, noticed that the Type [-] rifle in Chutian's hand was still on standby.

Chu Tian's face was already red.

He didn't deliberately study rifles, and he didn't go through recruit training, so he didn't know how to turn off the three-eighth cover insurance!

Originally, everyone's respect for what he said about the Great Wall was thrown away in an instant.

"Don't keep talking about the boy, he's a civil servant." At this time, Old Mao Wang said something to save Chu Tian from the siege.

"Everyone will be a brother in the trenches from now on, you are not allowed to laugh at him anymore." Then Old Mao Wang added another sentence in a serious manner.

The others stopped talking after listening to it, after all, there was an attack ahead.

At this time, Chen Hanwen taught Chu Tian how to turn off the three-eight-fold insurance.

In fact, it is not a teaching, it is a very simple thing, that is to press the oval nose on the bolt of the [-] cover forward, and turn to the right when it reaches the position, this is to close the safety, and it is ready to shoot Then press the nose of the machine forward and turn to the left once it is in place, and then you can shoot.

Chu Tian said "thank you" to Chen Hanwen in a low voice, and then he turned his head to look at Old Mao Wang.

It's just that Old Mao Wang stopped looking at him and looked forward.

At this time, Chu Tian was undoubtedly also grateful to Wang Laomao.

Originally, from his two days of contact, Wang Laomao was a very cold-faced person, not to mention that he had heard from Qian Chuan'er that Wang Laomao had been a beard.

So he looked at Wang Laomao with fear.

But also because of this, now such a "virtuous and respected" person like Wang Laomao can speak for himself, alas, I can only feel grateful!
But at this moment, how could Chu Tian know what Wang Laomao really wanted?
If Wang Laomao had been a platoon leader, he would not treat Chu Tian as arrogantly as others, that's why he said the two words just now.

But at this time, Old Mao Wang really looked down on Chu Tian from the bottom of his heart.

A bear like this can still be a company commander?Laugh out loud!
Then how could it not even turn off the safety of the [-]-type rifle!

When Shang Zhen and the others seized the [-]-type rifle of the Japanese army for the first time, he also studied it, and then he remembered that he had seen this kind of Japanese rifle before!
Because it turns out that some troops of the Northeast Army also have [-]-type rifles in their hands. I heard that they were imported from Japan, but I haven't played with them!

He has asked Chutian, Chutian has been an officer for three years, and he has never seen a [-]-style rifle in three years, but he doesn't even know how to insure the rifle when he gets it. This kind of person , Oops, I have grown that little boy face in vain!

Wang Laomao was a little distracted when he thought about it, but at this moment he suddenly heard the little dustpan say "no", when he looked forward again, he found the trace of the Japanese army. Did the Japanese army rush over? !And they could already see the Japanese army starting to shoot at the mountain ahead!

The hill where they are now is the one on the right side of the two hills they were on when they came here, that is, the one where Shang Zhen's group is located.

When the Japanese army attacked the flank positions of the 25th Division before, they could only see the smoke and dust from the Japanese shelling. As for the fighting between the two sides, it was blocked by the terrain.

When they were fighting against the previous group of Japanese troops at the foot of the relatively high mountain in front, Wang Laomao took a rough look at the terrain. The defensive positions on the flanks of the 25th Division were not directly in front of the two hills.

Now that I think about it, the defensive position cannot block all the Japanese troops, and the checkpoint is relatively steep, and the forces that can be manipulated above it are limited after all.

Because of this, the 25th Division, which felt that its strength was not enough, called for reinforcements, but in the end they transferred their "broken brigade" to guard this mountain pass.

"Shang Zhen, what should we do? Should we rush out or stay here? Or retreat?" Ma Erhuzi asked Shang Zhen at this time.

This horse and a tiger thought quite thoroughly, but he thought of all three possibilities.

"Look again." Shang Zhen responded and continued to look.

If Shang Zhen didn't move, others would naturally not move, so everyone continued to look forward.

By this time they have already understood it, even if they can't understand it, they still want to understand it.

The gunshots from the 25th Division's flank position remained, and it seemed that the Japanese army had not been able to occupy it.

But in the end, there was a Japanese army who turned around, but they were shooting at the mountain in front of them.

It’s just that the shooting by the Japanese army is not very meaningful. The mountain is relatively steep. Even though there are few people in the 25th Division above, the Japanese army’s desire to take down that mountain is definitely not something that can be achieved in a short period of time. .

The rival in love and we are at a stalemate again, no wonder Shang Zhen is not in a hurry to retreat.

"Keep an eye on it!" After Shang Zhen finished speaking, he shrank back and turned his head to observe the terrain.

As far as Shang Zhen's flip operation is concerned, others don't know what it means. Anyway, up to now, they have followed Shang Zhen. Although they have suffered losses, no one can direct them better than him, so they let him direct. .

But Chutian was already nervous at this time, the mountain in front was not very far from them, what would they do if the Japanese army ran over to occupy their mountain?

After today's battle, Chucai realized that some of his thoughts were really naive.

But what to do next?Chu Tian was also thinking.

Going forward, just a dozen or so of them are useless at all. If they are discovered by the Japanese army, they will be wiped out soon.

Stop the Japanese army here?That's not enough, their mountain is not like the one in front, and the Japanese army will be able to attack it soon.

It seemed that he had to retreat, but if he retreated, it would be exactly the opposite of what he said to be on the front and the front. Chu Tian was already entangled.

But at this moment, Old Mao Wang said in a low voice: "Boy Shang, there are fifty or sixty little devils coming to us!"

In fact, it's not that the old hat Guangwang saw it, but everyone else saw it too.

"It's not fun this time!" Qin Chuan murmured, "Don't be blocked by little devils, we are now more advanced than the frontier!"

"What do you mean by that? If you return to the frontier of the frontier, you can say that you can get to the frontier!" But Chen Hanwen corrected his mistake in expression.

Qin Chuan was about to refute, when Old Mao Wang shouted, "Shut up!"

So Chen Hanwen shut up, and Qin Chuan turned into a pout.

(End of this chapter)

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