Chapter 250
The sky is cloudy, and there is a little wind, so although the snow in the mountains is almost gone, it gives people a cold feeling.

The mountains have existed since ancient times, but after all, a long dragon winding among the mountains makes people feel the existence of human beings, and that long dragon is the Great Wall.

At this time, thousands of disheveled officers and soldiers were heading west at the foot of the Great Wall, and Shang Zhen and the others were among them.

This time they were with the big army, so naturally they couldn't talk like they did when they were the only ones. What's more, Old Mao Wang said before they set off that if they got cheap, they couldn't be good-looking, so they must not be sloppy.

The so-called don't talk about it, that's the dialect of Northeast China, it's just Mandarin, and it must be low-key.

As the leader of this team, Shang Zhen has always been a model for observing discipline, not to mention that he is not a talkative person.

He turned his attention to the team that came forward. This was the first time Shang Zhen participated in such a big operation since he became a soldier.

It stands to reason that so many people should have the momentum to go to the national calamity together, but Shang Zhen, who is in such a team, doesn't feel it at all.

The clothes worn by all the officers and soldiers cannot be said to be tattered, but they are also dusty.

Most of the weapons in their hands are rifles, but some soldiers have no guns in their hands, just like Shang Zhen himself.

When he returned to the establishment, in order not to let others bully him, he gave away his flower organ, and then got the order from the troops to go to Gubeikou. At this time, Shang Zhen naturally had no time to get a gun.

Originally, he thought that after meeting with Wang Laomao and the others, he could share one share from his own hands, but his idea was wrong.

Now Wang Laomao and the others don't have all the weapons in their hands. The reason is that after they fought with the people in their company, their guns were ordered by the battalion commander.

When the company commander Li interceded with the battalion commander and let them go to the new company, they asked the original company for guns, but they didn't give them good guns at all.

You must know that the guns in their hands are all good, such as the 13th type of the Japanese army, the Liao [-] of the Northeast Army, and the flower machine box cannon.

But the day before yesterday, when they played monsters in the company, that man made them all offended. If the gun was in his hands, how could he take it out again?That kind of situation is like a meat bun hitting a dog, can you still expect the dog to spit out the bun again?

At that time, Company Commander Li begged for mercy, but the battalion commander did not punish them. It would be great if they could be released. They still wanted to get their guns back. How could that be possible?

So the group of scattered people took a few broken guns and set off to Gubeikou with the large army.

At the earliest, Shang Zhen and the others followed the [-]th Army to fight the Japanese army on the front line of Xifeng Tuyere.

When they thought of a trick and beat Wang Qingfeng, they were taken back into the organizational system. The brigade of their Northeast Army was tens of miles west of Xifengkou.

Then they followed the main force and headed west again. After four days of rushing all the way, they were finally only a few dozen miles away from Gubeikou.

Naturally, this journey was miserable, but now Shang Zhen and the others still haven't reached the new company they need to arrive!
And this was Shang Zhen's idea.

That company commander Li gathered Shang Zhen and Wang Laomao together to "rescue" them, but only told them the number of the company they should go to, and then they hurried back, but let Shang Zhen and the others report for duty by themselves.

Now that his own people are safe, Shang Zhen is not in a hurry to take everyone to the new company.

Once bitten, twice shy.

This time, whether it was Shang Zhen or Wang Laomao, they were all bullied by others, depending on the appearance of the original company, the new company may not be much better.

So Shang Zhen told the big guys, let's go with the big guys first, and let's see what happens!

Everyone agrees with Shang Zhen's idea!
Just like they are now, a group of skirmishers with less than ten broken guns add up to less than one hundred rounds of bullets. If they have combat missions after arriving in the new company, they will be treated as a squad and thrown in Go to the front to fight the Japanese army, then the Japanese army will come to a small cannon, and they will completely disperse in this world!

This Northeast Army was defeated, and when it ran to the front line of the Great Wall, it was a rout. Now, although there is a temporary establishment, the mentality is still the mentality of a rout.

But these have nothing to do with Shang Zhen, but Shang Zhen doesn't think so.

When they were at their worst, they were kicked out from behind by the Japanese army. How could they be miserable?

At least now that they are on the sidelines of the big army, although there will be rain of ideas in the sky, but they can't hold back the large army, and they may not necessarily be the unlucky ones.

Don't raise awareness with Shang Zhen and the others. They also want to drive away the Japanese invaders, but they need to survive more.

Their team marched like this, and the team didn't stop until dusk.

Shang Zhen winked at his own people, and the ten or so of them should not go to a nearby woods.

Otherwise, this temporarily formed team is still in a broken state of mind.

Shang Zhen and the others didn't go to their own company at all, but just slipped away like this, and no one asked along the way.

Thinking about it, there are thousands of people, and the dozen or so of them don't show their mountains and dews, so who will pay attention to them?

Company A will think they belong to Company B, and Company B will think they belong to Company C.

The reason why this happens is because some company commanders can't even recognize their own soldiers!

With such a team, how could it be possible to win the battle with low morale?Even if Wang Qingfeng's brother-in-law, the brigade commander, wanted to fight the Japanese army once, but his whole team was definitely not a matter of a day or two.

"Come on, it's time to eat and drink!" After arriving in the woods, Old Mao Wang said while sitting on a rock.

It was indeed hard work to march all the way, so everyone took out their dry food and started eating.

It was the end of March now, and the temperature here had risen. The dry food was carried by them close to their bodies, and it was not completely frozen after all.

Shang Zhen and the others are also pitiful.

Since they don't want to return to Jian for the time being, it's not easy for them to eat. After they started marching, it was Qin Chuan who exchanged his leftover smoke with a certain company's cooking team for a bag of corn noodles. Pancakes, and then everyone shared them. This was their rations along the way.

Soldiers and fighters naturally eat very fast, that is to say, one person eats a few big pancakes and drinks a few sips of cold water before eating.

But at this time, Shang Zhen and the others became alive after seeing that the large army wanted to rest here.

"I've been suffocated on this journey!" Hou Wangshan, who was barren and bared, said first.

It's just that when Hou Kaishan spoke, everyone looked at him, and no one answered for a while.

The reason is that now that Hou Wangshan's face is also disfigured, his whole temperament has changed.

Just imagine that his speech is not as poor as before, his person is not as indebted as before, he has become taciturn, and his face has changed again. Isn't this like a different person?

"Monkey, tell me about what happened after you separated from us. You were bluffing for nothing that night, but we didn't hear clearly. We were only focused on fighting." Qian Chuan'er said.

"Then what's the point, it's good that I can come back alive now." Hou Wangshan didn't want to talk about it, and this was different from the original Hou Wangshan.

Seeing that Hou Wangshan refused to speak anymore, others did not force him to speak.

In fact, Shang Zhen and the others had already talked about Hou Wangshan behind his back, and they guessed that Hou Wangshan must have been stimulated by the killing of his wife and children by the Japanese army.

At the same time, they felt relieved that Hou Wangshan was finally not as annoying as before.

"I don't know if we'll travel to Gaha?" Qin Chuan muttered at this time.

Others were about to answer, but at this moment Shang Zhen said: "Stop talking nonsense, someone is coming."

Since they didn't return to Jian, they were naturally wary of others, and everyone was staring out of the woods.

Then they saw an officer from the brigade walking towards them.

The reason why the man is said to be an officer is because the man has a box cannon hanging from his waist.

(End of this chapter)

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