Chapter 179 Learning to Be Hard-hearted (Part [-])

Humans are social animals, and they can never get rid of group nature.

From our village, from our village, from our fort.

From our class, from our grade, from Nagada in our family, from our three northeastern provinces, and from China.

Northeasterners and Northwesterners are now joining forces to fight the Japanese devils, and now a Northwesterner says a Northeasterner is a "stupid", and the Northeasterner next to him will feel uncomfortable when he hears it, such as Shang Zhen.

But Shang Zhen couldn't refute it, just because the soldier of the Northwest Army was right!

With knives and guns in hand, charge into the battlefield, facing jackals, don't surrender.

There are only two outcomes of surrendering. One is that your knees become weak and you become a slave to others, and the other is that others do not accept your surrender.

In the faint shout of "We surrender", Shang Zhen saw the soldiers throwing out the rifles in their hands.

He was indeed an idiot. At this time, Shang Zhen had a feeling that he hated iron but could not make steel.

This kind of surrender made Shang Zhen think of dogs.

If a dog is hostile to humans, it will either snort or bark its teeth.

But when its master comes, it will fall to the ground when it is not hostile, and take the initiative to expose its soft belly.

When the master reaches out to rub his belly, he will feel a very comfortable feeling.

A soldier who surrenders is like a dog who surrenders his weapon and surrenders his life and death to his enemy.

What happened next confirmed the stupidity of those soldiers and the correctness of Shang Zhen's views.

Shang Zhen and the others saw that they really didn't shoot in the days when they rushed over, but they rushed on them in a swarm!
The bayonet gave off a cold light in the cold sunset, and the cold bayonet pierced into the surrenderer's body, and hot blood flowed out.

Amidst the screams, those soldiers were all stabbed down by the Japanese army with bayonets!

The scene was too bloody, Shang Zhen finally put down the binoculars, the scene was already too horrible to look at.

He really couldn't guess what kind of mood the soldier who raised his gun to fight back just now was stabbed down by the Japanese army.

Regret is affirmative, but have you been misled by your cowardly companions?Yes and no, or I am not strong!
The wind was blowing from a distance, and the snow particles from the mountain were blown into the necks of Shang Zhen and the others who were hiding on the big rock by the mountain and looking down.

But no matter whether it was Shang Zhen or Du Man, they didn't move. The people on the top of the mountain who avoided the sight of the Japanese army didn't know what happened below, so naturally they didn't react.

It is also impossible for the Japanese army to discover that there is still a group of Chinese soldiers hidden on the cliffs on the top of the mountain. From the perspective of the Japanese army, such a mountain that is difficult for one person to climb is no different from other mountains.

However, there happened to be a kind of heaviness, embarrassment, grief and indignation, a kind of emotion of mourning for misfortune, anger and indisputable emotion flowing silently and invisible among Shang Zhen, Du Man and the others.

Shang Zhen tried his best to keep his composure, but he couldn't be free from thoughts. He decided to tell his companion two things after this matter is over!

One, don't surrender.

Two, if you want to surrender, don't abduct others!

Shang Zhen and the others could not reveal their location no matter what, so they remained silent.

After all, they are the audience. Even though the following stage play is not exciting at all, which makes them feel heavy and depressed, but their stage play will never stop because of their silence.

And at this time, the "performance" that was originally depressing has a bright spot!

Shang Zhen saw that the group of Japanese soldiers who had been chasing and killing the two soldiers from another direction had rushed over.

Shang Zhen remembered that they were two soldiers, one was knocked down by the Japanese army, so where is the other soldier left?
When Shang Zhen found the soldier, he saw that the soldier was hiding behind a rock, his arms stretched slightly backwards, his hands - too far away to see clearly.

Shang Zhen subconsciously raised the binoculars again, at this moment he saw a black dot across the lens, and he moved the binoculars instinctively to capture the trajectory of that black dot.

And when he fixed the binoculars, the black spot had disappeared, and he saw the panicked expressions of the Japanese soldiers who were rushing over.

Then there was a "boom", and a puff of smoke rose up!
Judging from the position of Shang Zhen, the effect of a grenade weighing one catty after the explosion is not so obvious.

It's just that those Japanese soldiers fell down before they had time to lie down, but they were blown upright by the grenade!

Shang Zhen is no longer that military rookie, of course he knows the power of a Japanese grenade explosion.

They now call the grenade used by the Japanese army a 48-petal grenade.

The reason is that the grooves distributed on this grenade divide the grenade into 48 small parts, which means that when the grenade explodes, there should be 48 pieces of shrapnel.

Within the explosion radius of the grenade, it is absolutely not a problem for 48 shrapnel to hit a few people.

In this explosion, Shang Zhen, who was originally depressed, immediately cheered up, and he was the only one who cheered up?
He even heard "Hey" from several people around him. Although the voice was very low and they didn't say anything else, he could also hear the same excitement in that voice.

At this moment, the difference between the Northeast Army and the Northwest Army disappeared, and there were only three words - Chinese!

The explosion of the grenade basically revealed the approximate location of the soldier.

Shang Zhen and the others on the mountain saw that the soldier jumped out from behind the back stone where he was hiding.

To Shang Zhen's surprise, the soldier didn't run out of his hiding place to escape, but bent down and ran directly to the Japanese soldiers who were brought down by him.

"What is he going to do?" Du Man's subordinates couldn't help talking in a low voice.

Who doesn't feel sorry for each other when they see heroes?

The defeated soldiers of the Northeast Army were chased like sheep by the Japanese army, and now Shang Zhen and the others finally saw someone who dared to fight back against the Japanese army.

Although they said they couldn't reveal their position, after all, some people couldn't help but speak.

Shang Zhen didn't say anything, but he had already thought about what this soldier was going to do.

At this time, I saw the soldier groping around the body of the Japanese soldier who had been blown down by him.

And there was a Japanese soldier who was not killed by the grenade, but was only injured, but was kicked in the face by the soldier!

They also don't know how the Japanese soldier was kicked by him.At this time, the soldier had been discovered by another group of Japanese soldiers.

Shang Zhen and the others saw those Japanese soldiers with their guns in their hands, so they surrounded him.

At this time, the soldier of the Northeast Army threw out the grenade one after another.

Just now, he rushed to that group of Japanese soldiers to grab grenades!
To say that this time he snatched a lot of grenades, and there was an explosion sound after the grenade flew out.

It's just that although the momentum was great this time, the effect of killing the enemy was much worse. Naturally, that was because the Japanese army had already taken precautions.

At the moment when the grenade exploded and the smoke and dust rose, the Japanese soldiers lay down to hide, the soldier got up from the ground, and ran towards Shang Zhen and the others with a Japanese rifle he had just picked up in his hand.

"Aiya", "Aiya", "Aiya", except for Shang Zhen and Du Man, the four soldiers all said "Aiya".

Who doesn't want to kill the Japanese invaders?Before witnessing the massacre of the Northeast soldiers being slaughtered by the Japanese army, they could only suppress their anger, and the blood of the Yanhuang people was only stinging, but now they saw their companions fighting the enemy bravely, but let them stand by, the blood in their bodies was ignited again, who Don't want to save this soldier?

At this time, Du Man turned his head to look at Shang Zhen worriedly.

If Shang Zhenfei wanted to make a move, he didn't even know whether he should block it.

If Shang Zhen's shooting meant that they were exposed on this mountain, then they would be besieged by the Japanese army, and their reconnaissance mission would not be completed.

But what right does Du Man have to prevent Shang Zhen from making a move?After all, Shang Zhen belonged to the Northeast Army, and if he saved his Northeast Army, what could he say about him from the Northwest Army?
Du Man couldn't figure out what Shang Zhen was thinking, and at this time, Shang Zhen probably couldn't even figure out what to do.

Reason prevented him from moving his hands, but emotion made his hands ready to move, and he was ready to grab the gun.

What finally made Shang Zhen no longer entangled was that in a sudden gunshot, the soldier who had run only [-] meters away from Shang Zhen's place finally fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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