Chapter 175 The People Are Suffering

It's just that a surprise is a surprise, but it doesn't mean that there will be no changes.

When Shang Zhen led people around from a nearby building and appeared behind the Japanese army, an accident happened. Shang Zhen only saw two Japanese soldiers.

One hid in the corner of the house, and the other hid behind the pile of firewood. Shang Zhen did not notice the Japanese soldier hiding in the pigsty.

The pigsty in that house was made of planks instead of adobe walls. If the Japanese soldier was in the pigsty, Shang Zhen felt that he should be able to see through the gaps in the planks.

However, no!
Did that guy hide in the pigsty?

The so-called pigsty is where the pigs live. It is a small shed as a pig house, and then there is a small yard. The small yard is naturally a place for pigs to eat and drink, and it is also a place for people to accumulate farm manure.

If the Japanese army got into the small shed where the pig slept, Shang Zhen really couldn't see it, but would the Japanese army really get into the small shed to lie down with the pig?This Shang Zhen really has no way of knowing.

At this time, what happened next was out of Shang Zhen's control, and he didn't have time to investigate.

Because there was already movement in front, gunshots of "pa" and "pa" sounded, it was Wang Laomao who stayed where they were and they fired.

As soon as Wang Laomao fired at the other end, the two Japanese soldiers at the other end immediately assumed a shooting posture.

Let's fight, this situation is no longer for Shang Zhen to think about.

The gunshots of "pa", "pa" and "he he" sounded again, and the two Japanese soldiers fell down after being shot several times. How could they have thought that Shang Zhen and the others appeared behind them?But he didn't even understand how he died.

"Be careful! Be careful on both sides!" Shang Zhen said, holding the flower trap and rushing forward.

Shang Zhen didn't know where the fourth Japanese soldier was, so he had to get rid of the Japanese soldier in the pigsty first.

But he only ran a few steps forward when he heard a scream of "ah" from the left rear.

Instinctively, Shang Zhen squatted down and turned sharply, turning into a shooting posture kneeling on one knee.

At the same time, there was a gunshot, and a bullet flew past his scalp!
At this time, Shang Zhen caught a glimpse of a khaki-yellow shadow through the gaps in the sparse board walls!

"He..." The flower mechanism in Shang Zhen's hand rang, and the khaki figure fell down.

But at the same time, the shouting sounded again.

The scream just now belonged to a woman, but this time there were more hysterical screams from the Japanese.

This time, before Shang Zhen shook his hands, there was a "cha ka", and the section of the wall that was supposed to block Shang Zhen's sight fell down!

Shang Zhen was not fighting alone, he was followed by more than a dozen people.

Seeing that the line of sight was blocked by the plank wall and he couldn't see clearly, the tiger pillar just next to the plank wall also got angry, and he kicked on the post of the plank wall as soon as he lifted his foot.

The so-called plank wall is to use wooden squares or wooden poles to make uprights, tie two crossbars up and down the uprights, and then tie bark vertically to the two crossbars.

The people in this family were originally poor, and the pillars were not known how old they were, and they were already rotten from the wind, rain, and sun, and the tiger pillars were so strong that they knocked down half of the wall with one foot.

At this time, when the board wall fell down, the situation in the whole yard could be clearly seen.

Seeing that a Japanese soldier has fallen down and is struggling and convulsing on the ground, it was just knocked down by Shang Zhen with a flower trick.

At the same time, there was another person who fell on his back in a pool of blood. It was a middle-aged man. His chest was covered in blood, as if he was already dying.

That’s all, but what Shang Zhen and the others saw at the same time was that a Japanese soldier was pressing a Japanese knife on a girl’s neck, while his other hand was grabbing a middle-aged woman’s neck. neckline.

The situation in front of him is already obvious, that is, the third Japanese soldier was not in the pigsty at all, or moved from the pigsty to the house, and the young man who reported the letter just now did not find out.

The third Japanese soldier and the fourth Japanese soldier took the family members as hostages.

And just when the two Japanese soldiers were about to attack Shang Zhen and the others, the middle-aged man should have warned the police, and then he was stabbed to death by the fourth Japanese soldier, that is, the officer!

At this time, although the mother and daughter were taken hostage by the Japanese army, after all, all the enemies have been found and there is only one person left. Now Shang Zhen only needs to think about how to rescue the mother and daughter. After all, there is no need to worry about the Japanese army. Shot at them in the dark.

The Japanese officer knew that he was doomed, but at this moment he pressed the knife on the girl's neck.

The expression on his face was ferocious and hysterical, while the girl's expression was pale.

Generally speaking, in the Northeast dialect, girls who have grown up and are not married are called big girls.

It's just that the girl in front of her is about sixteen or seventeen years old, she looks thinner after all, so she can't be called a big girl yet.

Shang Zhen took a closer look at the Japanese officer in front of him again, and at this moment he saw the Japanese officer's pistol being thrown on the ground again.

The gun of the gun said it had been pulled away but it couldn't go back. There was an eggshell stuck in the bullet slot.

Shang Zhen and the others naturally captured such a pistol from the Japanese army. The combination of the gun and the gun box looks like a bastard with an exposed head, so they all call it a bastard box.

At this time, Shang Zhen guessed again that the Japanese officer was going to shoot at them, but the bullet jammed, so this guy had to use his Japanese sword to hold hostages and confront his group.

Both the enemy and the enemy couldn't understand each other's language, so Shang Zhen and the others were wary. Seeing that there was only this one Japanese soldier, they were not in a hurry to shoot.

And the Japanese soldier was lucky after all, otherwise why would he take hostages?For a while, the enemy and us faced each other like this.

Just how long can this confrontation last?In the end, this confrontation ended with a "pop" gunshot.

The Japanese officer was confused before he died.

He believed that he had hostages in his hands, and he also carefully observed Shang Zhen and the others. No one moved, so where did the bullet come from?

When Shang Zhen and the others turned their heads, they saw a soldier slipping down from a broken haystack.

That soldier was the sharpshooter from Dooman's gang.

The two houses were separated by a distance of [-] to [-] meters. As long as the Japanese officer did not notice this distance, he would not be able to react to that shot at all.

With a sound of "clang", the Japanese officer's lone wolf knife fell to the ground, and he himself fell backwards.

But at this moment, the girl held hostage by him screamed again, because the blood of the Japanese soldier splashed on her face in that shot.

After a while, the middle-aged woman who was trampled by the Japanese soldier finally came to her senses. He got up and ran to his daughter.

The girl's neck was cut by a Japanese Japanese knife, bleeding profusely. As a mother, of course she was worried.

But she had just glanced at her daughter, but turned her head to look at her husband who was already lying in a pool of blood, and then burst into tears.

Shang Zhen and the others felt helpless, but the matter was not over yet, at this moment they smelled a smell of smoke.

When they looked up again, they saw black smoke rising from the family's thatched cottage.

This thatched house is actually occupied!
It turned out that when the Japanese army rushed into the village, the family was cooking and the three members of the family were held hostage by the Japanese army. Naturally, no one took care of the firewood, so the fire in the stove was lit outside to light the firewood in the kitchen. No one cares if the fire is still on the house?

For a while, Shang Zhen and the others looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

It was a thatched cottage, and the fire started to burn and crackle, and there was no way to save it!

Thinking about it, the people in this family are really miserable. The man was killed by the Japanese army.There was also a bloodstain on the daughter's neck by the Japanese army's saber, and now the house was burned, so where should the remaining mother and daughter live in this cold winter?

Perhaps, as the ancients said, prosperity makes the people suffer, and death makes the people suffer too!
(End of this chapter)

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