Countless points form a line, and countless fire points form a line of fire.

But now it can be seen with the naked eye that there are irregular lines of fire burning towards the hills around the hills.

Not to mention that mountains and forests don’t catch fire in winter, it just depends on how powerful the fire is? When the fire source is strong enough, everything is flammable, let alone organic plants?

And just on that hill, Shang Zhen and the other seven were already busy. They were waving their bayonets and desperately cutting down the surrounding bushes.

In later generations, fire prevention in forest areas had a unified name for this called "fire isolation zone".

The Northeast is not only filled with soybeans and sorghum, but also with mountains and forests. Although Shang Zhen and the others have never stayed in the old forests, they still know more or less what a fire isolation zone is.

That is to create a fire escape on the mountain of plants. If the fire reaches the fire escape, since there are no plants there, it will naturally be extinguished.

The desire to survive made the originally tired Shang Zhen and the others struggle again. Fortunately, the beeping and burning sounds around them directly covered up the sound of them swinging their bayonets to chop.

And since the Japanese army set off the mountain fire, Shang Zhen and the others did not have to worry about the Japanese army going up the mountain.

Fortunately for Shang Zhen and the others, this hilly area covers a large area. Just imagine that it took Shang Zhen and the others nearly an hour to cross this hilly area. Then they could have created an isolation zone before the fire reached here.

They had to make the isolation zone wider. The wind was not strong today, so they were not worried that the fire would be blown across the isolation zone by the wind. They were worried about the burning of the mountains and plains when the fire became strong.

They had seen Japs set villages on fire many times.

After the house burned, no one could be reached within a few meters or even within ten meters. Who knew if they would be cooked by the mountain fire when the mountains and fields were completely burned?

The hard work pays off in the end.

Finally, when the fire reached the isolation zone, they felt that the scorching heat was bearable and the fire could no longer burn, so they began to retreat to the middle, where there were no bushes that had been cut down by them.

Yes, they only hit the fire isolation belt, not to cut down the entire area where they stayed. First, they didn't have the physical strength, and second, it was completely unnecessary.

Looking at the red fires all over the mountains and plains, avoiding the black smoke produced by the burning, the seven veterans sat in the bushes. Although they were lucky to survive the disaster, they also felt that their limbs were all frightened and there was no trace of them. of strength.

When they were first chased by the Japanese army, they started sprinting for 100 meters.

As the pursuit continued, they conducted a forced march.

Once they got to this hilly area, the Japanese troops set fire again, and they could only fight hard to build a fire isolation zone.

The exhaustion of physical strength again and again finally made them lose their energy.

Fortunately, the fire can't burn them now and they don't have to worry about being chased, so Shang Zhen said: "Sleep! I wonder how it will be burned in the middle of the night? Can we take the opportunity to go down the mountain?"

Several other people just glanced at him in the firelight without saying a word, and then all lay down.

"I won't be in a hurry to find a hut this time when I fall asleep." Qin Chuan closed his eyes and murmured.

What he means is that when people are asleep, anyone who is in a hurry to find a latrine is holding back urine.

They were already very thirsty. They had been chased by the Japanese army for a long time without even a sip of water. When they got up the hill, they were surrounded by the Japanese army and burned with fire.

How could they hold their urine and find the latrine after falling asleep when their throats were so thirsty that they were smoking?

Qin Chuan's words were just out of habit. No one would answer his words at this time. After a while, not only the others but also Qin Chuan himself fell asleep.

There was a wind blowing from a distance, and the red light flashed and extinguished around them, and these seven anti-Japanese soldiers fell asleep like this. Who knows what the future will be like?

People who can think about the future are all energetic. Now they have no fighting spirit. To put it in Northeastern dialect. Now they are already—bears (cowardly).

Of course Shang Zhen and the others don't have an alarm clock, but people like them who often participate in battles don't need an alarm clock.

The war has tempered their biological clocks to the point of inseparability. Just before falling asleep, Shang Zhen just set a time for himself. He must wake up after four hours of sleep.

When he woke up, his mind was still confused, but he had already sat up.

The next thing that made Shang Zhen wake up completely was that he felt a sudden chill on his forehead.

Aren't you in the middle of a fire? Although there was no fire around him now, it was impossible to burn the fire completely.

In Shang Zhen's common sense of life, when winter comes, the bushes are frozen when they are wet. Although the Japanese army artificially created a fire, the dry bushes were burned, and the frozen bushes were not Probably burned clean.

This was the case when they were in their hometown in the Northeast. Where do poor families get coal in winter? In order to prevent the fire from burning out in winter, when the fire is strong, frozen hard bush roots will be added, which is called "fried head lumps" in Northeastern dialect.

Since the surroundings should still be warm, isn't it strange that a spot on my forehead felt "swiftly" cold?

Shang Zhen hadn't thought about it yet, but at this moment he felt several cold spots on his forehead.

"Eh? Is it snowing?" Shang Zhen reacted at this moment.

I was chased by the Japanese army for most of the day today. I remember that the sky was gray. In the dark sky, there seemed to be a few stars above my head, right?

But now it’s snowing!

At this moment, Shang Zhen's heart was filled with endless joy.

He raised his face and opened his mouth wide, sucking in the air greedily like a child, hoping that more snowflakes would fall into his mouth.

However, when the coldness actually entered his mouth and melted, he felt hungry and thirsty like never before.

The hunger and thirst were so intense that he instantly forgot the joy of the snow, and instead shouted in a low voice: "Wake up, everyone, it's time for us to set off!"

A few minutes later, the awakened veterans carefully walked down the mountain under the leadership of Shang Zhen.

If they don't go out tonight, will they still have to wait for the little Japs to search the mountain during the day tomorrow? As for the 113th Division Headquarters, Shang Zhen has given the Japanese army enough temptation.

Shang Zhen and the others don't know if there are still Japanese troops guarding the bottom of the mountain, but they have to go down the mountain. If they don't go down the mountain and the Japanese army comes to search the mountain again tomorrow, they will definitely be dead.

There was still the smell of burning smoke in the air. Shang Zhen and the others set their feet very lightly, for fear of stepping on the unburned charcoal.

But even so, they still inevitably made some noise while going down the mountain.

Whenever a sound was made, they had to stop and listen quietly to prevent being discovered by possible Japanese troops.

Of course, even if the Japanese army heard the noise they made, the Japanese army might just observe quietly on the spot, waiting for these Chinese soldiers to walk into the "death trap".

But as for Yu Shangzhen and the others, is there any better way besides waiting and listening after making the noise? Could they still ignore the sound coming from under their feet and just kick and clank and continue walking down?

Sometimes fighting is a kind of gambling, and at this moment, Shang Zhen and the others got the most complete explanation.

But in the end, Shang Zhen and the others made the right bet. When they reached the foot of the mountain, they were not discovered by the Japanese army.

Maybe the Japanese army had withdrawn, maybe the Japanese army had not withdrawn, but the direction Shang Zhen chose to go down the mountain was facing the village they saw during the day.

Because Shang Zhen felt that if the Japanese army thought that the mountain fire was not enough to kill people like him and left a warning at the bottom of the mountain, then the warning on the hills towards the village should be the loosest. After all, the Japanese army would definitely think that they As long as he doesn't die, he will definitely escape, and the direction of escape certainly cannot be the village.

There were hundreds of Japanese troops who came to chase them. It was impossible for the Japanese troops to retreat in the winter, so the Japanese troops could only live in that small village.

The Japanese army shouldn't have thought that Shang Zhen and the others would have such courage, right?

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