Just when Chu Tian ran to the back of the hill, he noticed that although the fighting here was not fierce, it was very dangerous.

Because there are Japanese troops in at least three places.

The first place was right next to them, at the foot of the mountain. Three Japanese soldiers fell here, their blood still steaming white in the winter.

The other place was a bush less than a hundred meters ahead on the left. Several Japanese soldiers fell into the bush and crushed the bush.

And on the way to the bush, there were still several Japanese soldiers lying in confusion.

It seems that the Japanese army should have rushed into the bushes desperately after being ambushed by Shang Zhen and others. The result of this was naturally that there were Japanese corpses on the spot and in the bushes.

As for what happened to the three Japanese soldiers at the foot of the mountain, Chu Tian couldn't figure it out for a while.

Fighting is like this. If you haven't experienced it personally, who would know what happened just now.

Chu Tian had just finished scanning the battlefield when someone on the mountain shouted loudly: "Run! Keep running!"

Chu Tian raised his head and looked up the mountain, and saw that the soldiers who were covering them on the mountain were also running down the mountain.

According to Shang Zhen's usual fighting habits, they all retreated with cross cover.

In other words, Shang Zhen and the others were still providing cover for Chutian and his platoon on the top of the mountain, allowing Chutian and his platoon to run to a safe place.

Then Chutian and the others turned around and provided cover for the platoon led by Shang Zhen, asking Shang Zhen and the others to withdraw as well.

But the above refers to general situations.

The current situation is that the Japanese army is still chasing after them, so what kind of cover can the people on the top of the mountain do? In a matter of minutes, he might be killed by random gunfire from the Japanese army behind him.

Therefore, under the current situation, the best method of retreat can of course also be said to be the method of escaping, that is - escape, as long as you can escape, you will count!

"Let's keep running to cover the battalion commander!" Chu Tian shouted to the people in his platoon, and then he didn't forget to shout to the people on the mountain, "Where is the battalion commander?"

"The battalion commander tells you to run!" At this time, a soldier on the mountain shouted again.

Chu Tian glanced again, expecting to see that the soldier was not moving on the top of the mountain but was waving to him, telling them to run away.

Chu Tian knew this soldier named Shen Tiancheng, even though this soldier was disguised like a sniper.

He didn't know this soldier by saying how familiar he was with him. This soldier was not an old man from the Northeast Army, but someone who later joined their battalion.

However, this soldier was very talented in shooting, and was a rare master with a gun among the soldiers who joined later.

Because of this, the battalion commander Shang Zhen also liked this soldier very much, and even specially taught the soldier how to practice marksmanship more accurately.

Now was not the time to hesitate. Since Shang Zhen told them to run quickly, Chu Tian could only turn around and lead the people to run forward.

At this time, on the top of the mountain, Shen Tiancheng said with a little pride: "Batalion Commander, I killed four Japs this time. Do you think you can accept me as your apprentice?"

When Shen Tiancheng asked, Shang Zhen, who was lying not far away from him, couldn't help but turn his head and glance at him, so he saw Shen Tiancheng's face that was full of youth and pride.

Shang Zhen admitted that Shen Tiancheng, a young soldier who was just 20 years old, was indeed very talented in shooting, and he had given him guidance twice.

Moreover, Shen Tiancheng practiced shooting very hard. Sometimes watching Shen Tiancheng practice shooting reminded Shang Zhen of his own experience of practicing marksmanship when he was just a soldier.

Seeing that Shen Tiancheng now wanted to be praised by him and wanted to be his apprentice, Shang Zhen showed a smile on his face.

As the old Chinese saying goes, "Master and disciple are like father and son."

That's not just because the Chinese pay great attention to inheritance, but also because the master will teach his apprentices his best skills for making a living.

But there is also an old saying: "Teach the disciple and starve the master to death." If the master teaches the disciple, then he is a companion, but if he is a companion, he is an enemy!

Therefore, it is very important for a master to select a disciple with good character. If he has identified a disciple, he will teach him everything he has, and that disciple will provide for the master until he is old and die!

Therefore, when those skilled old craftsmen are called "master", they will never agree unless they want to accept you as their apprentice.

Of course, Shang Zhen was not involved in these things. He wanted to train all his soldiers to be sharpshooters. But just when Shang Zhen was about to agree, he suddenly heard a gunshot, and then he saw the gunshot on Shen Tiancheng's head. Blood spattered!

There was actually a bullet that penetrated one side of Shen Tiancheng's temple and came out from the other side!

Shang Zhen watched as Shen Tiancheng's originally smiling face, full of youth and pride, changed. He opened his mouth wide, his eyes filled with disbelief, and then he fell down!

If Shang Zhen was an inexperienced veteran, he would definitely rush to visit Shen Tiancheng.

But he was a veteran. His head hadn't turned around yet, but his body had already made a choice. He held the rifle and rolled sideways.

And the moment Shang Zhen rolled away, there was not a gunshot, but a bullet flying past where he was just now!

not good! Missed the little devil! Shang Zhen shouted secretly.

Chutian and the others were ambushing the Japanese troops on the road ahead. Naturally, they did not know the fighting situation here in Shang Zhen.

In fact, at the beginning, the Japanese search team had already reached the foot of the hill where Shang Zhen and the others were hiding.

However, the Japanese army fired two random shots into the mountain, probably as a test.

Shang Zhen did not let the soldiers fight back, because they were hidden on the top of the mountain and the Japanese search team did not see them.

As a result, the Japanese army sent three soldiers to climb up the mountain. It seems that the Japanese army also took advantage of this commanding height.

But just when the Japanese army was approaching the bushes on the left front, the battle started at Chutian's end.

As soon as the gunfire rang out from Chutian's end, the three Japanese soldiers who were climbing up the mountain at the foot of the mountain quickened their pace and went up the mountain. As a result, they were killed directly by Shang Zhen's soldiers with box cannons, while the rest of them fired at the gun. Japanese search party shoots.

The number of people in the Japanese search team was not larger than that of Shang Zhen and others, so Shang Zhen and others took the lead.

But the battle went so fast, who knew there were still fish among the Japanese army that had slipped through the net!

Now that Shen Tiancheng was killed in battle, Shang Zhen guessed that there should be a Japanese soldier at the foot of the mountain who had been watching them on the mountain.

And why did the Japanese soldier shoot Shen Tiancheng first? That's not because Shen Tiancheng disguised himself.

Shen Tiancheng was very interested in learning shooting. After he heard the story of going into battle to fight snipers, he went to learn it with all his heart. He also asked the veterans what the Japanese camouflage clothes were like, so he made one for himself. . .

And in this battle, Shen Tiancheng really used it.

But precisely because of such a camouflage suit, Shen Tiancheng became more conspicuous on the mountain!

If the Japanese army were far away, of course such camouflage clothes would work, but the problem is that now Shang Zhen and the others are not even 100 meters away from the Japanese search team they ambushed.

Then Shen Tiancheng must have been discovered by the Japanese army, and because of his unusual clothing, the Japanese army would have some speculation, so the first shot fired by the Japanese army must have been Shen Tiancheng.

From this perspective, Shang Zhen, who had been wearing ordinary soldier clothes, actually saved his life!

It cannot be said that it is a mistake to pay attention to one's disguise and concealment in battle.

But it was because of this disguise that Shen Tiancheng lost his life, or from another perspective, he blocked a shot for Shang Zhen.

It is Li Daitao's death in another sense, or it can also be called Li Daitao's death.

But this is fighting, this is the twist of fate.

Therefore, those who survive the war are the survivors. From the perspective of both the enemy and ourselves, they are called winners, but from the perspective of life, they are called survivors.

Fortunately, Shang Zhen is currently a survivor, but he doesn't even know how many soldiers' lives he owes!

That little devil hiding in the dark must be killed!

Shang Zhen didn't have time to look at Shen Tiancheng's body anymore, but he had such a clear understanding in his heart.

If we don't kill that little devil, Chutian and the others who are running far away will definitely suffer casualties and will be shot in the dark!

This little devil's marksmanship is so accurate!

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