The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1631 The Importance of Intelligence

One morning one day later, Shang Zhen ambushed his soldiers on both sides of the road.

The terrain on one side was not bad, at least there was a forest, but the other side was not satisfactory. It was said to be a rocky beach with a few stones, and it was said to be weedy but not overgrown, so it was not suitable for the team to hide.

At this time, Qian Chuan'er, who was in the woods, was somewhat disappointed.

However, his disappointment was not because of the terrain, but because there were few enemies.

According to Battalion Commander Shang Zhen, it was true that someone gave me a pillow when I was sleepy, but according to the latest information, this pillow was a bit small.

Because there were not many Japanese troops who came, it is said that there were only about twenty, and the rest were all puppet troops, about a hundred people in total.

Shang Zhenying was planning an ambush in order to make a big noise to attract the Japanese troops. How many Japanese soldiers had just arrived? How could they make a big noise?

Seeing Qian Chuan'er's slightly disappointed look, Li Jiao, who was with Qian Chuan'er at this time, smiled and said, "Don't be disappointed, there is still good news."

Qian Chuan'er is responsible for the intelligence work of Shang Zhen's camp, and happens to be connected with Traffic Officer Li. The two are similar in age and have familiar personalities, so they are already very familiar with each other.

Therefore, Qian Chuan thought it was troublesome to call him "Li Jiaotong", but he just called him "Li Jiaotong".

"What's the good news?" Qian Chuan'er asked.

"This group of puppet soldiers is the national army from the original place. They turned out to be a pistol company." Li Jiaotong said.

"Oh?" Qian Chuan'er's eyes lit up when he heard what he said.

Qian Chuan'er knew that Shang Zhen was worried that their company's twenty-gun cannons were too few to equip the division headquarters, which was really not like a guard camp!

If all the puppet army pistols are captured, not to mention that they are all twenty-ring box cannons, then half of them are serious elite troops. They are said to be lower than the Japanese devils. Can't believe it!

"That company now has a box cannon, and most of them must have twenty-gun guns." Sure enough, Li Jiaotong said.

"Really? Does our battalion commander know? Have you told our battalion commander?" Qian Chuan'er asked hurriedly.

"Of course I have said it, how about you arrange your troops like this?" Li Jiaotong asked.

Qian Chuan'er glanced at the current terrain and smiled, relieved that Shang Zhen was prepared.

"Are you sure they will have enough cannons in twenty-ring boxes?" Qian Chuan'er asked again.

“What I said will be right.

Let me put it this way, if I got to the horse and artillery company and asked for the gun, I wouldn't be able to get it out, but if I asked to borrow the gun to see if I could still get it out of their hands. "Li Jiaotong was a little complacent.

Qian Chuan'er, the traffic officer of the Lunan Guerrilla Army, had also seen it, but he had never seen anyone like Traffic Officer Li.

At first glance, the other traffic officers are honest and honest, no different from other farmers.

And this traffic officer Li's words are called "fart's slippery star" in Northeastern dialect.

How did the Lunan guerrillas find such a traffic officer? Qian Chuan'er felt funny.

But then he discovered that Li Jiaotong had something in common with other traffic officers, that is, no matter how you thought about it, you would never have imagined that such a person was a traffic officer of the Eighth Route Army of the Communist Party of China.

"Are you listening?" Li Jiaotong was unhappy when he saw that Qian Chuan'er was distracted.

"Listen, go on." Qian Chuan'er came back to his senses and said hurriedly.

"Their company commander's nickname is Ma Dapao. He likes box cannons. It is also said that his guy is very big, just like a horse." Traffic officer Li continued to introduce.

Upon hearing what Li Jiaotong said, Qian Chuan'er couldn't help but laugh.

"You didn't work as a traffic officer for nothing. You know everything so clearly?" Qian Chuan'er seemed to be sighing but was actually praising him.

Qian Chuan'er was in charge of intelligence in Shang Zhen's camp. In the eyes of others, Li Jiaotong was talking about irrelevant things when the war was about to begin, but Qian Chuan'er was very interested.

"That's right, I was originally hanging around here. If you guys start fighting here, I have to hide and I can't let those guys recognize me." Li Jiaotong continued with a smile.

"You haven't told me why Ma Canao wants to hit Baodu Gu?" Qian Chuan'er asked again.

"This is a long story to say." Traffic Officer Li said.

"It's okay. The Japs won't be here for a while anyway. Please tell me slowly and I'll just listen to the story." Qian Chuan'er smiled.

"This has to start with the previous generation of their family." Traffic Officer Li also smiled.

"Fortunately, you are not two generations behind from the previous generation, so you can bring down the Qing Dynasty." Qian Chuan'er also joked. "It is said that when Ma Dapao's father was young, he fell in love with the old lady of the Baodugu family who is now the head of the family.

Of course, that old lady was also a delicate beauty at that time.

But the older generation said that Ma Dapao's father was a second-rate man at that time. Who would give him a daughter from a good family? Ma Dapao's father asked the matchmaker to propose marriage, but of course she refused.

Who in a good family would mess with a slut, so he made an excuse, saying that the old lady was two generations older than Ma Dapao's father, so how could his grandson marry his grandmother? "Traffic officer Li spoke with gusto.

Shandong people pay special attention to seniority, and Qian Chuan'er knows that.

"But what are you calling your grandson or your grandmother? It's just the same surname. You've been out for five years, so why call you a relative?" Li Jiaotong didn't agree with the woman's reason for refusing.

"What's going on with Ma Dapao in this life?" Qian Chuan'er asked.

"Ma Dapao's father is still alive now. He is over sixty this year. Ma Dapao is less than forty this year. Dapao is talking about his temperament. In fact, he is the second child among the boys at home. Ma Dapao is also Ma Dapao. Second child.

This horse cannon is doing better than his father. Isn't he the company commander now? He has about a hundred people under his command.

But this Ma Dapao has a different hobby from others when it comes to men and women. Others like yellow-flowered girls, but he is not, he likes older women! "Li Jiaotong really knows everything when he talks about the "odd things" in the local area.

"Ah?" Qian Chuan'er was stunned for a moment, thinking that this guy also likes this old lady, right?

As if he had read through Qian Chuan'er's thoughts, Li Jiaotong said hurriedly: "Don't think wrongly. I mean he likes older people, not that he likes old ladies, but he likes married women." Old ladies!"

"Oh." Qian Chuan'er breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what Li Jiaotong said.

"One time, when we were attending a big fair in eight villages, this horse and cannon fell in love with a woman. Well, she was an old woman, but who do you think that old woman is?" Li Jiaotong said with a smile.

"Where should I go? Could it be related to that old lady?" Qian Chuan'er's interest was completely aroused.

"Pros and cons!" Li Jiaotong gave Qian Chuan'er a thumbs up, "That old woman is that woman, she is in her forties but she happens to be that old lady's second daughter!

I have also met the second daughter. Even though she is in her forties, her figure and appearance are not bad at all.

This horse cannon wants to snatch this woman away.

But haven't your camp been to Baodugu? That place is easy to defend but difficult to attack. People in the village still stick together. Although they don't rob their homes, they are not easy to mess with.

That day, Ma Dapao was in plain clothes and only brought a few people with him. But when he went to rob the girl, he was beaten by the person holding the calf, and he failed to rob her!

People who ride horses and cannons have guns, but people who hold calves also have guns!

At that time, when the man with the cannon showed his pistol, he immediately raised the firecrackers, two firecrackers.

Although the fire blunderbuss needs to be ignited, the fire blunderbuss used by others is like a lighter gun and has flint, so you don’t need to use any medicine to twist it.

Although the fire blunderbuss can hit iron sand grains far away, it is a large blur!

If the attack is real, the box cannon can only kill one, but the fire blunderbuss can knock down all of them!

If someone is hit, the person will not die immediately, but sooner or later he will die. If dozens of iron sand are hit into the body, wouldn't it be like a sieve?

So, this is how the feud between them ended.

Ma Dapao had long wanted to give Baodu Gu a bloodbath, but he never had the chance, and this time they defected to the Japanese. I guess he wanted to take advantage of the Japanese's momentum to bring Bao Dugu down.

Ma Dapao thought she was the second daughter, that old woman.

Ma Dapao's father was thinking about that girl's mother.

You said these father-in-law and father-in-law are really the same as the two father-in-law! "

"It's quite shameless." Qian Chuan'er also expressed his anger.

"However, I guess he is not sincere about beating Baodugu this time. I have also told your battalion commander." After talking about Ma Dapao, Li Jiaotong got down to the topic.

"Why?" At this time, Qian Chuan'er was naturally more curious. Scandal was a small matter, but fighting was a big deal.

“It’s not like you don’t know the terrain of Baodugu, it’s difficult to get up there.

I guess this time the Ma Canpao came here with some Japanese Japs. In fact, he wanted to kill a few Japanese Japs, and then use the Japs' cannons to knock down Baodugu. "Li Jiaotong said decisively.

Qian Chuan'er didn't answer the call this time because he didn't know whether Li Jiaotong was right or not.

He just sighed in his heart, it seemed that his intelligence work was really nothing compared to the locals.

Then should I also establish my own intelligence network, or discuss with the Lunan guerrillas to share intelligence?

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