The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1619 Where righteousness lies

There is such a foreign story.

I only remember the general meaning. It was that the occupiers told the women in the city that you can take away what you think is the most important and kill the others!

Then each of those women brought a big baggage and put their men in it. They wanted to carry their men out of the city!

Without verifying the authenticity of this story, just speaking from this principle, it is still very important for men and women to talk to each other.

In the same way, somewhere in Shandong in the winter of 1939 AD, a group of Northeastern military officers and soldiers happily followed a man wearing civilian clothes and ran back.

The man wearing civilian clothes was naturally Wang Jiu, one of Wang Qingfeng's personal guards, and those Northeastern officers and soldiers were Shang Zhen's group.

Everyone was walking in a hurry, and what Wang Jiu told was roughly the same as the story at the beginning, except that the man and woman were separated.

This time, it was Mr. Wang who took his wife, who was about to give birth, to the edge of their guerrilla zone.

It turns out that Mr. Wang also knew that Shang Zhen and the others might not have enough ammunition and supplies, so he also thought of sending guns and food to Shang Zhen and the others.

But the problem is that on the one hand, they don't know where Shang Zhen and the others have gone. On the other hand, Ju Hongxia is about to give birth.

And just a few days ago, there was news of a large-scale invasion by the Japanese army. Wang Laomao could only move here from the guerrilla zone with those who stayed behind, using a carriage to pull ammunition and supplies.

Of course, Wang Laomao also has his own Xiao Jiujiu. Their battalion is too close to the division, which means the big trees attract the wind. He thinks it is safer to take people to the edge of the area so that his wife can give birth to his child with peace of mind.

Old Mao Wang also knew that Shang Zhen would come back with his troops sooner or later, so he sent people out to wait at the edge of the guerrilla zone, and the person in charge here was Wang Jiu.

Originally, Wang Jiu could have collided head-on with Shang Zhen and the others, but Hao Dali's people in Wanjia Village below began to harm the people.

Wang Jiu was worried that something might happen to Mr. Wang and the others, so he ran to look, but before he could find the place, he turned around and saw Shang Zhen and his team at a high place.

After all, there were hundreds of people, and even the two columns were quite long.

Although Wang Jiu was not sure that this team was Shang Zhen and the others, he still had to run back to chase them!

But who would have thought that Shang Zhen was in a bad mood, but he asked the troops to speed up their march. In this way, the round trip was still several miles, and Wang Jiu was not tired enough to crawl like a rabbit and pant?

But now that they heard that Wang Laomao's wife was about to give birth, Shang Zhen and the others naturally ran back.

Hao Daliying is causing harm to people in Wanjia Village, so don’t let Mr. Wang trick them!

Besides, according to Wang Jiu, Wang Laomao and Wang Qingfeng were pulling several carts of ammunition and supplies, so what if they were robbed by people from Hao Dali’s camp?

Although we are all in the same group, but good things like ammunition and supplies, what I give you is what I give you. You have to take advantage of my personal favor, but you can't do it if you steal it!

Originally, Shang Zhen had assigned all the veterans who followed him to various companies.

But this time when Shang Zhen returned to the guerrilla zone, he was walking in front. Now he was walking back and naturally passed by the three companies.

When the veterans saw Qian Chuan'er and the others, they ran back in a hurry and asked what was going on? Qin Chuan's answer was, "The old tree is blooming, no! The old tree is bearing fruit! It's in the village below!"

Really, there was really no need for Qin Chuan to say more. With his words, "old trees bear fruit," the veterans naturally guessed that Wang Lao Mao was the one.

Then who is it that when Wang Lao Mao and Ju Hongxia got together, they talked behind their backs that the old tree was blooming new flowers or Lao Mao was sprouting new buds!

As a result, other veterans took one look at Shang Zhen's face and followed suit.

Shang Zhen did not forget that Hao Dali's people were harming the people.

If he blocks it, he will have to fight with the people from Hao Daliying.

Then bring these veterans with you, they are still very experienced in fighting!

Shang Zhen and the others have been walking for more than half an hour, and they are still marching in a hurry, which is not fast, but now they need to walk the extra mile back again, but knowing that Mr. Wang is in the village they just passed by, all Everyone feels energetic! Soon they reached the high ground again, where the road forked.

But at this moment, they suddenly heard gunshots coming from Wanjia Village!

There were one or two sporadic shots at first, but then it turned into the sound of intensive shooting.

As soon as he heard that it was a gunshot, Shang Zhen didn't even give an order, he just ran to Wanjiacun.

Shang Zhen didn't know exactly why the gunfire rang out. Who knew whether it was Hao Dali's people who wanted to rob their camp of ammunition and supplies, or whether Hao Dali's people wanted to kill the people in the village.

There is no way to guess this kind of thing, and we can only talk about it first.

Shang Zhen ran away in front, and Qiu Bo stopped in a hurry and shouted to the following troops to follow him quickly.

Shang Zhen and others are back, so of course the people in their camp will not continue to move forward, but will also turn back. They need to protect their camp's supplies! Just go slower.

And when Shang Zhen quickly ran to the previous fork in the road and looked towards Wanjia Village, he heard the gunshots becoming more intensive.

Then it seemed that he ran down the road to the village without even thinking about it.

"Something's wrong with the gunfire!" Qian Chuan'er followed Shang Zhen to the fork in the road and shouted.

"That's not right, I feel like there are little devils!" Qiu Bo, who caught up again, also said.

"Go and protect the battalion commander and deputy battalion commander!" Qiu Bo quickly ordered the veterans who followed him, but then he stopped again.

As the battalion commander, Shang Zhen has already rushed to the front line, but there is another battalion behind him, which needs someone to command.

Qiu Bo, Qian Chuan'er and other veterans all concluded that something was wrong with the gunfire. There should be Japanese troops present. As the battalion commander, Shang Zhen couldn't possibly not figure it out.

But Shang Zhen had to reach the village as quickly as possible, and he had to protect Wang Laomao's family.

As for what to do with the large army behind, Shang Zhen didn't even say a word, but Qiu Bo understood, because he had these veterans behind him, so he did it without Shang Zhen's orders.

Again, after a long period of fighting side by side, there is a tacit understanding between the veterans.

This is like a mason who is plastering. Does the person carrying the clay still use the mason's clay trowel to knock on the pot? Seeing that there isn’t enough plaster inside, it’s time to add more!

Shang Zhen ran the fastest. When he rushed all the way to the entrance of Wanjiachun's village, he saw more than ten Northeastern Army soldiers retreating from it.

Shang Zhen felt unfamiliar at first sight. He didn't know if it was from Hao Dali's camp, but it was from another Northeast Army.

"Bang bang!" Shang Zhen fired two shots into the sky, then pointed the cannon at the soldiers and shouted, "I am the commander of the third battalion, Shang Zhen. What part are you in? What's the situation?"

Originally, the soldiers raised their guns when they saw someone blocking the way, but when they heard it was Shang Zhen, everyone quickly put down their guns and stopped running away.

"Sir, we are from the Second Battalion." A soldier replied, and it turned out to be Hao Dali's battalion. "Japanese soldiers have rushed into the village. Their strength is unknown. We can't resist them anymore!"

"Rush back, didn't you see that everyone in our battalion is behind you? If anyone escapes the battle again, I will kill him!" Shang Zhen cursed.

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