Gangcun Ninger sighed deeply, and said, "Maybe we were wrong at the beginning."

Now Gangcun Ning Er is also full of regrets, but now that he has reached this point, what else can he do?
It doesn't make any sense to say this.

A devil Da Zuo said: "The main reason is that the enemy is too cunning."

"Our two divisions, with tens of thousands of imperial troops, have been fighting with them for several days in the area south of Wu'an, but we still haven't been able to find their main force."

"And they just use a small group of troops to harass us constantly, carry out sneak attacks or ambushes on us."

"If our troops spread out to encircle them, they will suddenly concentrate their superior forces and attack us."

"This is what they call a sparrow war."

"Sparrow battle?"

Gangcun Ning Er frowned, and said helplessly: "I never imagined that the Imperial Army would be helpless in the face of these dirt-losing tactics. It's really ridiculous. shameful humiliation."

The devil Da Zuo said cautiously: "Your Excellency, calm down, fighting here, they do have a certain advantage, and the people here will support them with all their strength, causing a lot of trouble to the imperial army. "

"It is precisely because of this that Commander Tada formulated the "Three Alls" policy, killing, looting, and burning all the civilians of these enemy countries."

"To a certain extent, this has indeed played a certain role, but recently, the strength of the enemy army has begun to develop rapidly, and the imperial army was even unable to attack their base in Jin Province, which led to the further development of the enemy's strength When it grows stronger, this strategy basically loses its effect."

Gangcun Ninger asked: "That is a long-term strategy, and it will not be effective in the short term."

"Now we can't afford it anymore. There are tens of thousands of people in the two divisions, and the daily consumption of ammunition is very large."

"And airdrops alone cannot meet this requirement, so they won't last long."

The devil officers present were lost in thought, and didn't know how to answer this question for a while.

Gangcun Ninger continued: "Since this is the case, we can only give up for the time being."

At this time, a devil officer said: "Your Excellency, Commander, can we call back both divisions and besiege Li Yunlong."

Gangcun Ning Er shook his head and said: "Li Yunlong is too cunning and cunning. Our troops can't surround them, so it will be very difficult to eliminate them."

"Even if the two divisions are all transferred back, it's nothing more than being led by their noses to hide and seek. It doesn't make much sense at all."

"Unless they can be restrained and have a decisive battle with them, and now the troops are already exhausted, if they are transferred back to besiege Li Yunlong, they will probably be asking for trouble."

"Forget it, stop the action for now."

"Order Gaocheng Division and Zuozuomu Division to withdraw to Wu'an City and temporarily rest and stand by." …


The devil officers present responded in unison.

Following Gangcun Ninger's order, the two divisions immediately stopped the sweeping operation, and then retreated to Wu'an City.

Li Yunlong naturally got this news very quickly.

Li Yunlong was slightly surprised when he heard the words, and then said: "Haha~! So, Gangcun Ninger really gave up?"

Xing Zhiguo said with a smile: "Judging from the current trend, it should be given up."

"Otherwise, they would definitely not give up their attack and retreat back to Wu'an."

"And I reckon that they should give up too. Think about it! Over the past few days, the supplies and equipment of the two divisions are probably almost consumed."

"If they don't retreat, are they really going to run out of ammunition and food?"

"The supplies in Wu'an City probably won't last long. When they withdraw to Wu'an, at most they will take a short rest, and then they will withdraw to HD."

Li Yunlong nodded slightly and said: "It's really true, then we can't let them have too much fun."


"He comes whenever he wants, and leaves whenever he wants. There is nothing so cheap in the world."

Xing Zhiguo said: "The troops of the two divisions of the little devil are all gathered together. Even if we gather the troops of the division commander and brigade commander, we can't eat them in one bite. Don't be foolish, you boy."

Li Yunlong said with some disappointment: "Before I thought about separating them and defeating them one by one, but I didn't expect that old devil Ning Er, Gangcun, would be scared of being beaten."

"They didn't dare to separate at all, which made us miss the opportunity."

"But we can't waste the opportunity in vain. We must take advantage of this opportunity and eat him hard."

"Even if you can't eat them all, you have to take the opportunity to bite off a bite of their flesh."

"Prepare immediately, anyway, we can't let them leave easily."

Xing Zhiguo nodded and said, "Okay, I'll make preparations immediately."

At the same time, both Kong Jie and Ding Wei also received the news, and they also began to lead their troops to join Li Yunlong.

The three of them discussed that they must take this opportunity to teach the little devil a hard lesson.


In Gangcun Ninger's headquarters, the old devil stared at the map in front of him and said, "Have the troops withdrawn to Wu'an?"

A devil officer said: "All have been successfully withdrawn to Wu'an City."

Gangcun Ning Er frowned and said: "The supplies stored in Wu'an City won't last long, they will rest for two or three days, and return to HD immediately!"

"But be careful with Li Yunlong, this guy will definitely not let go of this opportunity."


The devil officers present responded in unison.

At this time, a devil Da Zuo said: "Your Excellency, Commander, I think that if our two divisions are gathered together, they may not have the courage to do something."

"If they really have the guts to do it, then they are looking for a dead end. We can take this opportunity to eliminate these dirt roads."

"Humble job thinks this is a good opportunity."

Gangcun Ning Er couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard the words, and said, "You mean, we can take this opportunity to lure Li Yunlong into being fooled?"

The devil Dazuo said: "Actually, we don't need to lure them. You have already said that they will definitely not let go of this opportunity. We just need to follow the steps. If they really dare to come and take the opportunity to bite them, we will not worry about it." There is no chance of killing them."

Gangcun Ning Er nodded slightly, and said, "It makes sense, maybe this is our last chance to eliminate Li Yunlong."

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