The little devil's chariot brigade was ambushed by the Eighth Route Army, and all of them were wiped out, leaving no one left.

The devil cavalry regiment that followed was also completely defeated by the new regiment. Most of the more than a thousand cavalry were wiped out. In the end, only a few dozen little devils took advantage of the chaos and escaped.

However, most of the cavalry regiments were killed, even the men and horses.

In the end, Sun Desheng collected more than a hundred horses in total, barely able to form another cavalry company.

However, the cavalry battalion also suffered losses. In short, the cavalry battalion did not gain much this time.

Sun Desheng also had resentment in his heart, and couldn't help complaining: "These guys are too dark, so many horses, such good horses, all of them were beaten to death by me."

A soldier next to him couldn't help persuading him: "Battalion Commander, don't complain, if it weren't for their help, we wouldn't be able to kill this cavalry regiment so easily!"

"There is nothing perfect in the world!"

Sun Desheng waved his hand and said, "Okay, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and clean up the battlefield, and collect all the remains of the brothers who died."

At this time, a soldier asked: "Battle Commander, so many horses were all killed."

Sun Desheng said: "Forget about those dead horses, first pick up weapons and ammunition, and take away everything you can take away."

"Time is running out, we don't have time to waste time, if we have time after packing up, we can take some horse meat away."

Although horse meat is not a very delicious meat, it is still meat anyway.

At that time, the conditions were difficult, and various supplies were relatively scarce. It was not easy to have enough food. As for meat, it was rarely a good thing to eat.

So no matter how unpalatable the meat was, it was a rare delicacy for the soldiers of that era.

Li Yunlong lit a cigarette and took a leisurely puff.

At this time, a soldier ran over and said: "Commander, the battle is basically over, the devil's chariot brigade was completely wiped out, and the devil's cavalry regiment was basically completely wiped out, only a very small part escaped. "

Li Yunlong nodded slightly, and said: "It's a good job, but immediately send an order to tell the soldiers to hurry up and clean the battlefield, and then retreat immediately."

"The main force of the Guangtian Division is getting closer and closer, and they will arrive soon."

"After the troops cleaned up the battlefield, they immediately retreated to the west according to the original plan. They had to move quickly. If they were chased by the little devils, they would be in trouble."


A soldier quickly responded, and quickly ran to convey the order.

Li Yunlong then shouted: "Notify Lao Xing immediately that the troops attacking Guanzhuang will also temporarily stop. After the troops are packed up, they will withdraw immediately and retreat westward across the board."


At this moment, the little devils near Guanzhuang were basically wiped out, and only a few hundred people were left to hide near the train station to resist stubbornly.

The devils have an advantage in terrain, and the Eighth Route Army is too lazy to waste troops here, so they didn't really attack with all their strength.

After Xing Zhiguo received Li Yunlong's notice, he immediately ordered the troops to clean up the battlefield and then retreat.

As for the remaining little devils in Guanzhuang, they are just a group of remnants and defeated generals, and they don't have much fighting power left.

They can still survive while hiding in the fortifications. If they dare to come out, wouldn't they be sent to death?
So these little devils couldn't stop the Eighth Route Army from retreating.

Under the unified command of Li Yunlong, all units of the Xinyi Regiment began to retreat westward in an all-round way.

At this moment, the main force of the Jizhong Military Region has already completed the task of withdrawing westward and passed the Ping-Han Railway Line.

Li Yunlong and the others' cover mission had already been completed long ago.

However, the main force of the Devil Hirota Division has already approached the Ping-Han railway line from different directions.

The news reached the temporary headquarters of the Hirota Division.

After hearing the news, Kotaro Hirota couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise, and asked loudly, "What? What did you just say?"

"Reporting to your Excellency, the division commander, the chariot brigade and cavalry regiment we sent to support were ambushed by the enemy. The chariot brigade was completely destroyed. People are all broken."


Kotaro Hirota shouted in disbelief: "This is absolutely impossible. There are so many tanks in the chariot brigade, how could it be defeated by a group of Tubalu, and the defeat was so miserable."

The devil officer said helplessly: "Your Excellency, division chief, the chariot brigade was ambushed by them and fell into the enemy's encirclement. Basically, there was no resistance, and they were completely wiped out by the enemy."

Hearing this, Kotaro Hirota was even more dumbfounded, and said angrily, "How did this happen? How did they do it?"

The devil officer shook his head and said, "I don't know, none of the chariot brigade escaped back."

Kotaro Hirota said angrily, "What about the cavalry regiment?"

"The cavalry regiment was ambushed by the enemy on the way to support the chariot brigade. The troops suffered heavy losses. The commander of the regiment was also broken. In the end, only a few dozen people escaped."

"They also don't know how the chariot brigade was wiped out by the enemy."

"However, the cavalry regiment reported that they were attacked by enemy chariots. The enemy's chariots numbered at least dozens, and their strength should not be underestimated."

"The cavalry regiment was no match for them at all, and was defeated by the enemy without warning, so they suffered heavy losses."

Kotaro Hirota was already furious, so he couldn't listen to these explanations.

Kotaro Hirota said angrily: "Fart, it's all fart. It's obviously their incompetence. It's really unreasonable to make up so many excuses."

It's no wonder that Kotaro Hirota was so angry, mainly because of the huge losses.

The Chariot Brigade and the Cavalry Wing, both of which were built with a lot of money spent, can be said to be very costly troops, but they were killed just like that.

This is equivalent to investing so much money, all in vain.

How can he, the head of the division, explain to the military?

Kotaro Hirota felt his head was buzzing now, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

But in the end, all of this turned into anger, anger towards those trash, mainly anger towards Balu.

"Li Yunlong! I will smash your corpse into thousands of pieces!"

Kotaro Hirota shouted loudly: "Send the order immediately, all troops, speed up, and you must rush to Guanzhuang as soon as possible. After arriving, immediately launch an attack on the Tuba Road. You must wipe out these bastards in the Guanzhuang area." , none of them can be let go."


A devil officer next to him responded respectfully, and turned around to convey the order.

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