Bright Sword: We Li Yunlong are fighting elites

Chapter 459 A good thing happened to Li Yunlong again!

Chapter 459 A good thing happened to Li Yunlong again!
Boss Liu also saw the terrain of Wujiagou. The terrain here is complex and most suitable for ambushes.

As long as the eight roads deliberately let go of a hole, after the little devil breaks out, he can only take the Wujiagou road.

As long as the devil enters Wujiagou, he will surely die.

At this time, a staff officer said: "Then we have to send troops to the Wujiagou area in advance to make arrangements."

"I'm just afraid that time is running out and it's too late."

Boss Liu stared at the map and said thoughtfully: "We can only draw troops from the troops that are relatively close, and we have to call in elite troops."

"The only one who can meet these two conditions is Li Yunlong's new group."

"The devil should also know how powerful the new regiment is, and it is estimated that they will never break through from the direction of the new regiment's defense."

"Our troops have also taken over part of the defense area of ​​the new regiment. Now the main force of the new regiment is resting and reorganizing. It should be able to complete this task."

"Inform Li Yunlong immediately, let him lead an elite force, and rush to Wujiagou quickly, remember to be concealed, so as not to be known by the little devils about our intentions."


A staff officer next to him quickly responded, and turned around to convey the order.

This order was quickly conveyed to Li Yunlong's headquarters. Li Yunlong stared at the map for a while and said with a smile: "Boss Liu is indeed Boss Liu!"

"As soon as the little devil sticks his butt, he knows what shit they're shitting."

For this, Li Yunlong is also deeply admired.

Xing Zhiguo next to him also sighed and said: "It is true, we must not accept it!"

"Then we?"

Li Yunlong said with a smile: "The old leader is so partial to us, and entrusted us with such a good task, we can't embarrass the old leader!"

"Immediately mobilize the cavalry battalion, armored brigade, first battalion, special agent battalion, second battalion and third battalion, and two artillery companies to Wujiagou."

"The rest of the troops stayed in place to prevent accidents."

Xing Zhiguo asked with some concern: "Are there too many troops mobilized?"

Li Yunlong explained: "The terrain on the Wujiagou side is not suitable for the deployment of the armored brigade and the cavalry, so the armored brigade and the cavalry battalion are arranged in this position to support them in the middle."

"If there is any problem here, they can return to help in time. If there is a situation in Wujiagou and the little devil breaks through our defense line, then they can also quickly go to Wujiagou for support."

While talking, Li Yunlong pointed to the map and explained his strategic intentions to Xing Zhiguo.

Xing Zhiguo nodded slightly and said, "It's better that you are thoughtful. In this way, you should be able to ensure everything is safe."

Li Yunlong said with a firm face: "It's not that we should, but we must ensure everything is safe."


Xing Zhiguo nodded and said, "Then I will arrange it immediately." Then he turned and left.

Li Yunlong raised his binoculars again to observe the situation in the distance.

Li Yunlong sneered and said, "Isn't it too late for me to think of playing strategy after I've reached this point?"

"This beast is a beast!"

After Li Yunlong finished speaking, he also put down the binoculars, turned his head and left the front line.

Things are going well on the front lines now, so there's nothing to worry about.


At the same time, the little devil had secretly assembled his troops and secretly arrived in the southwest direction of the position.

Hashimoto's group has lost their composure seriously, which is directly related to their life and death.

So he rushed to the forward position in person.

A ghost commander came to the Hashimoto group, and said respectfully: "Report to your Excellency, the commander of the division, the attacking troops are all ready, as long as you give an order, we can launch the attack."


Hashimoto Group nodded slightly, and then said: "This is our last chance, only success is not allowed."


The devil's chief swears: "Please don't worry, your Excellency, division commander. Even if you risk your life, the humble officer will go all out to fight for a bloody path and let the main force break through."

Hashimoto Group nodded slightly, and then asked: "Is there any change in the enemy army on the opposite side?"

A ghost officer replied: "According to our surveillance, the enemy army in the southwest direction did not have any special actions, so the preliminary judgment is that they should not have discovered the intention of the imperial army."


Hashimoto frowned slightly.

The devil officer said: "Your Excellency, Division Commander, we have tried our best, and we did not find anything unusual. The enemy army must not know our intentions."

Hashimoto group pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "We just stopped attacking suddenly, they may not guess our intention."

"And it's gotten to the point where even if they do guess our intentions, there's nothing else we can do."

"Immediately order the troops to launch an attack according to the original plan."

"Tell the warriors, I'm here to watch them make their mark and break through the enemy's defenses."

"It's a matter of life and death, and we must win."


The little devils present responded in unison.

Hashimoto group raised the binoculars again and observed the situation on the opposite side. At this moment, the Eighth Route Army position on the opposite side was peaceful.

The old devil Hashimoto group observed carefully for a while, but did not find anything unusual.

Soon the devil followed the order and began to attack.

The sound of the rumbling artillery sounded, and the little devil used all the last artillery pieces to bombard the position of the Eighth Route Army in the southwest direction.

For a while, artillery fire raged, and gunpowder smoke filled the entire position.

Before the sound of the guns stopped, a ghost commander raised his saber and shouted loudly: "Warriors of the empire, the opportunity to make contributions to His Majesty the Emperor has come."

"Please charge with me~! Kill me~!"

Following the order from the devil boss, a large number of little devils raised their bayonets and rushed out screaming.


At the same time, in Beiping, the devil's headquarters.

Gangcun Ninger said anxiously: "Has the Hashimoto Division not yet broken through?"

Kasahara Yukio replied: "I just asked about it, the enemy army resisted tenaciously, and the imperial army has not been able to break out of the encirclement for the time being."

"However, the Hashimoto Division has begun to change its strategy. According to Hashimoto-kun's plan, the troops suddenly turned to attack southwest. This is their weak point of defense, and if there is no accident, the enemy will not guess us. Attacks will be launched from this direction."

"So we can definitely break through the enemy's encirclement from here."

Gangcun Ninger frowned and said, "Break out from the southwest? '

"It's true that you can catch them by surprise, maybe you can break their encirclement, but can you really withdraw HD?"

"Only when the troops reach HD, can they be considered truly safe."

(End of this chapter)

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