Chapter 255 The Worst Decision!
Watching the enemies on the road gradually enter the ambush circle, Li Yunlong waved his hands, signaling everyone to take cover and prepare for battle.

The enemy did not notice any abnormalities and continued to move forward.

A regiment of the puppet army walking in front safely walked out of the ambush circle, and the little devils in the middle inevitably let down their vigilance, and each of them continued to move forward without fear, and the speed was quite fast.

Although these little devils are already very tired at the moment, they don't want to waste time, because the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and if they want to suffer less, they have to speed up and try to get to Luzhou as soon as possible.

Seeing that the little devil had completely entered the ambush circle, Li Yunlong raised his hand and ordered loudly: "Hit~!"

Following Li Yunlong's order, the soldiers ambushing on the hillside all aimed at the little devil and pulled the trigger.

"Da da da~!"

"Bang bang bang~!"

For a moment, there was a loud gunshot, and dense bullets flew towards the little devil below like raindrops.

"Puff puff~!"

The bullet hit the devil's body, and there was a muffled sound. The defenseless little devil fell down in an instant.

At the same time, the bombing team also dropped grenades one after another.

I saw the grenade spinning, whistling and flying down the mountain with black smoke, and fell into the crowd of devils one after another.

"Boom~! Boom~!"

Violent explosions sounded one after another, and pieces of flames rose into the sky. The little devils on the road were immediately turned upside down by the bombers, causing heavy casualties.

Since the devil's team is relatively dense, and they are not prepared, the casualties of the little devil are undoubtedly the greatest at the moment the battle begins.

"Dong dong dong~!"

At this time, there was also rumbling cannons from the artillery position, and the shells flew over the top of the mountain one after another, falling into the crowd of devils one after another.

"Boom~! Boom~!"

The little devil who was suddenly attacked has completely messed up.

The little devils ran around, looking for a safe place, ready to fight back.

Li Yunlong shouted excitedly: "Give me a hard hit! Get rid of these bastards."

"Fire with all your strength, don't save me ammunition, just beat me to death!"

When Li Yunlong first started, it was undoubtedly the best time to wipe out the enemy.

In the first few minutes, the little devil didn't react at all. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he naturally wanted to kill as many little devils as possible.

Once these little devils reacted and started to organize a counterattack, the best opportunity was missed.

At that time, it must be several times more difficult to kill a little devil than it is now.

Under the protection of several guards, Chief Makino hid behind a big rock in a panic.

"Bagaya Deer!"

Colonel Makino couldn't help cursing: "Where did these hateful dirt roads come from?"

A devil officer next to him quickly said: "Your Excellency, it must be Li Yunlong's new regiment."

"Bagaya Deer!"

Colonel Makino gritted his teeth and cursed: "If we don't wipe out these damn bastards, we will never have peace."

"Send the order immediately, and the troops will immediately deploy on the spot!"

"Immediately notify the front and rear imperial alliance troops, let them deploy immediately, outflank the two wings, and launch an attack on the enemy."


A devil officer responded respectfully, and quickly sent someone to convey the order.

At this time, the little devils also began to gradually organize a counterattack, and the situation improved.

However, the Eighth Route Army occupied a favorable terrain. Under Li Yunlong's personal command, the soldiers also desperately shot at the little devil.

The devil's firepower was completely suppressed, and he was completely passive and beaten.

Chief Makino was sweating profusely, and said angrily, "What's going on with those imperial alliance troops?"

"Why haven't we organized a counterattack yet!"

There was a puppet regiment in front of the little devil and a puppet regiment behind it. According to the order of Makino, the puppet troops of these two regiments circled from the two wings and attacked the flanks of the Eight Route Army.

In this way, the forces of the Eighth Route can be effectively restrained, and they can gradually reverse the current situation.

But the two puppet legions on the two wings, with more than [-] troops, have already launched an offensive formation, but these puppet troops dare not take the initiative to attack at all.

One by one, they were dawdling, but they just shot at the Eighth Route's position from a distance.

But the distance is too far, and it's useless for them to fight like this.

Therefore, Balu can still attack the little devil with all his strength, making it impossible for the little devil to turn the tide of the battle. That's why Chief Makino is so angry.

A ghost officer next to him said: "These imperial association troops are slow to move, and these cowards don't dare to attack at all."

"Bagaya Deer!"

Chief Makino said angrily, "They're all a bunch of trash, what's the use of the imperial army raising these trash."

A ghost officer persuaded: "Your Majesty, the Imperial Association Army is a bunch of mobs, and it is simply unrealistic to expect them to be like the Imperial Army."

"Now the imperial army is in danger. If we continue to fight like this, it will be very difficult to reverse the situation."

Colonel Makino asked, "Then what do you think should be done?"

The devil officer said: "It's better to break through now, then reorganize the troops and launch an attack on the enemy."

"In this way, the imperial army can regain the initiative."

At this moment, Colonel Makino was a little flustered, and suddenly felt that going on like this was not the way to go, it should be a good way to break out.

Colonel Makino hesitated for a moment, and then ordered loudly: "Send the order down immediately, and order the troops to break through to the south!"

They were originally heading south, and breaking out to the south meant breaking out to the front.

Judging from the current situation, it shouldn't be too difficult to break out to the south, so Colonel Makino decided to rush out first, break out of the ambush circle of the Eighth Route, and then make plans.

However, how did he know that it was because of his momentary negligence that he made the worst decision.

In Li Yunlong's words, it's because these little devils don't know how powerful Li Yunlong is.

It is precisely because of this wrong decision that this little devil is doomed to tragedy.

Following Makino's order, the little devils immediately began to break out to the south with all their strength.

"Captain, this little devil wants to break out and escape!"


Li Yunlong couldn't help laughing, and said: "These little devils really don't know what to do. Since they want to die by themselves, then we can't blame us."

"Brothers, continue to beat me hard!"

Under Li Yunlong's order, the soldiers continued to shoot with all their strength.

Bullets flew towards the little devils like raindrops, and many of those little devils who tried to rush out fell on the way to break through.

The entire battlefield was filled with gunpowder smoke and artillery fire, and little devils kept falling down, and the ground was already covered with a layer of devil's corpses.

However, the devils have a lot of troops after all, and it is not realistic for Eight Routes to stop them all and wipe them out here.

At this time, some little devils had successfully rushed out of the ambush circle, but there were still a large number of little devils behind, continuing to rush south.

Li Yunlong was always observing the situation on the battlefield, and continued to strengthen the output of firepower for me.

"Order the fifth battalion and let them deal with the puppet army behind. These second devils have no courage to attack, so we just need to contain them and stop them."


A soldier next to him quickly responded, and turned around to convey the order.

After a while, Li Yunlong felt that the time was ripe, and Li Yunlong immediately ordered loudly: "The trumpeter blows the charge! Except for the fifth battalion, the rest of the troops will attack immediately."

"Let me rush down and completely defeat this group of little devils."

"Tick tick tick tick tick ~!"

Following Li Yunlong's order, the loud charge horn sounded.

"Kill it~!"

Amidst the thunderous shouts of killing, the heroic soldiers rushed out of the position one after another, and quickly rushed towards the little devil at the bottom of the mountain.

The soldiers were extremely brave, and one by one, like tigers descending from the mountain, they rushed towards the enemy below.

As the company commander of the spy company, Zhou Weiguo led the spy company's position at the southernmost point.

After hearing the charge horn, Zhou Weiguo immediately ordered loudly: "The whole company charges, take this opportunity to kill these little devils."

The Eighth Route Army suddenly launched a charge, which caught the little devil by surprise.

Originally they thought that the Eight Routes would not dare to launch an attack at this time, but the Eight Routes really launched an attack.

At this moment, the devils are in a mess, unable to organize effective resistance at all.

Facing the fierce attack from the Eighth Route, the little devil's team became even more chaotic, and each of these devil soldiers panicked.

Faced with such a situation, the little devils could only instinctively speed up and continue to flee south.

At this moment, Zhou Weiguo suddenly found a group of little devils fleeing towards the south at a high speed several hundred meters away.

But among the chaotic crowd, many of these devils were military officers, which caught Zhou Weiguo's attention.

And the most important thing is that a group of little devils formed a circle, protecting one of the little devils inside.

Zhou Weiguo quickly lay down on a big rock again, where the sight line is very wide.

Through the scope of the sniper rifle, Zhou Weiguo clearly saw that the devil surrounded in the middle was an officer.

Judging from this situation, this guy's official position is definitely not small.

Although he couldn't see his epaulettes clearly, it was already certain that this guy must be a senior officer of the devils, and most likely the highest commander of the devils, otherwise it would be impossible for so many little devils to protect him.

Zhou Weiguo was condescending and quickly locked on to the target.

At this time, a shell just fell around the group of little devils, and several little devils were blown out.

The old devil in the middle also staggered and fell to the ground.

The two little devils quickly helped the old devil up, and continued to run forward with the old devil in his arms.

The opportunity is coming!

Zhou Weiguo pulled the trigger decisively.


A crisp gunshot sounded, and the bullets flew towards the old devil quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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