Bright Sword: We Li Yunlong are fighting elites

Chapter 244 Waiting for the Rabbit!

Chapter 244 Waiting for the Rabbit!

After Zhou Weiguo went back, he immediately called all his soldiers over.

Everyone knew that Zhou Weiguo had just returned from the head of the regiment, so there must be some new missions, and everyone was very excited.

Guo Yonggui asked impatiently: "Platoon leader, what new mission did the regiment leader give us this time?"

"That's right! Is it a combat mission?" Another soldier asked quickly.

"Platoon leader, you are talking! What is the mission?"

Zhou Weiguo waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said: "The head of the regiment told me that we have just arrived in the Luzhou area and need to understand the enemy's situation in various places."

"So the head of the regiment decided to send several small troops to the thirteen counties in the Luzhou area to investigate the situation."

"Our platoon is one of them, and was assigned to the Pingshun Huguan area."

"The road is relatively long, and it will take at least a few days to go there."

"Guo Yonggui, you immediately take a few people to the cooking class, help them work together, and arrange dry food for us for five days."


Guo Yonggui responded quickly, and then hurriedly left with a few people.

Zhou Weiguo went on to say: "Others, get ready immediately, the troops will set off early tomorrow morning."


Everyone responded excitedly.

Everyone knows that going out this time will definitely involve fighting, so everyone is very happy.

Especially with Zhou Weiguo leading the team, in just a few days, Zhou Weiguo has convinced the dozens of soldiers under him.

But this time Zhou Weiguo and the others went to a relatively far place, it took almost a day to go there, and another day to come back.

The road is far away, and this is not a base after all, and everyone is not familiar with the situation here, and enemies may be encountered anywhere.

However, what Zhou Weiguo was most worried about was not meeting the enemy, but he was worried that the journey would be too far, and if he captured the spoils, he would not be lucky to come back.

After all, the area along the way is also occupied by the enemy. If you bring a large amount of spoils, if you encounter the enemy, it will definitely affect the battle.

Zhou Weiguo thought for a while, after all, no one can say for sure what will happen in the future.

So we can only take one step at a time. If there are really more loot captured, it can only be buried on the spot.

Wait for the opportunity to take it back slowly.

Early the next morning, Zhou Weiguo led the soldiers, carrying enough weapons, ammunition and dry food, and then left the Xiantang Mountain area, heading all the way towards Pingshun County.

Since this area is occupied by the enemy, in order to avoid the enemy, Zhou Weiguo and his troops could only take the small roads in the mountains.

At night, the troops arrived at Pingshun County.

Zhou Weiguo took the soldiers and found a place in the mountains to rest temporarily.

Early the next morning, Zhou Weiguo called all the soldiers together.

While eating dry food, the soldiers listened to Zhou Weiguo's introduction of Pingshun's general situation.

Zhou Weiguo then said: "Comparatively speaking, the enemy here in Pingshun is not too strong."

"But do you know why I have to bring you to Pingshun?"

Everyone shook their heads one after another. Everyone thought it was assigned by their superiors.

But Zhou Weiguo knew that it was Zhou Weiguo who chose Pingshun and Huguan.

Zhou Weiguo didn't hold back anymore, and continued, "Because it's far away from Xiantang Mountain, and in the Pingshun and Huguan area, there are basically no troops from our Eighth Route."

"So the enemies here are even more rampant, which is quite beneficial to us."

"For example, in Xiangyuan, since we entered Xiantang Mountain, the enemies in Xiangyuan County and various strongholds are basically too scared to go out."

"In this way, even if we want to beat up these bastards, we won't be able to beat them."

"But it's different here. It's far away from Xiantang Mountain. The kid must never have dreamed that we would appear here."

"We can totally catch them off guard."

"Everyone take the time to eat, wait until you are full and drink enough, and then set off."

"Let's go to Xiling Village to see if there is a chance to vote for him."

Hearing this, the soldiers were naturally very excited, and each of them ate more vigorously.

After eating and drinking, Zhou Weiguo led the soldiers to Xiling Village.

The reason for choosing Xiling Village is that the road from Luzhou to Pingshun passes here.

In the vicinity, this road is undoubtedly the busiest road.

Because he didn't understand the enemy's situation, Zhou Weiguo planned to come and wait for the rabbit for the first time.

Under the command of Zhou Weiguo, the soldiers lay in ambush on a barren hill east of Xiling Village.

As a result, after waiting for less than an hour, a patrol team of devils drove over.

After Zhou Weiguo received the news, he quickly came to a place with the best view, took a closer look, and sure enough saw a little devil driving towards him from a distance.

The leader was a three-wheeled motorcycle with three little devils sitting on it, followed by ten little devils running forward.

In order to take care of the devils who were running behind, the speed of the motorcycle was not too fast.

"It seems that this is just a routine patrol of little devils."

Guo Yonggui nodded and said, "It's not too oily!"

Zhou Weiguo said, "No matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat."

"Besides, this is a class of little devils. Killing one devil is better than killing ten puppet soldiers."

"Get rid of them first!"


Zhou Weiguo picked up a [-] big cap, aimed at the little devils in the distance, and said: "Everyone listen to my gunshots, the riflemen shoot together, and must fight for a volley to kill all the little devils. "


The order was quickly conveyed.

After a while, the little devil finally entered the ambush circle.

Zhou Weiguo took aim at the little devil on the motorcycle. Behind the motorcycle was a devil with a saber in his hand. He was obviously the leader of the devil's unit.

Sitting in the side bucket was a kid with a crooked machine gun.

Zhou Weiguo said softly to a soldier next to him: "I'm the kid who opened the car, and you are the machine gunner who is in charge of hitting the devil."

The soldier nodded and responded softly: "Understood!"

After all the little devils entered the optimal range, Zhou Weiguo decisively pulled the trigger.


A clear gunshot sounded, and the bullet escaped, flying straight towards the little devil who was driving.

At this time, there was a gunshot next to it, and another bullet flew out.

The bullet shot by Zhou Weiguo accurately hit the kid driving in the chest.

With a sound of "Puff~!", a spurt of blood spurted out, the bullet successfully penetrated his chest, and got into the body of the leader of the Devil Squad who was sitting behind him.

The two little devils were shot through the candied haws, and they were all killed by one shot.

At the same time, the soldier next to him also shot the little devil sitting on the side fight, killing him with a single shot.

The motorcycle lost control and plunged directly into the ditch next to it and overturned.

As soon as Zhou Weiguo's gunshot rang out, other soldiers also fired.

Dozens of rifles fired at the same time, and the dense bullets quickly flew towards the ten little devils behind.

The devils didn't even have time to unfold, and even before they fell down on the spot, they fell one by one in the pool of blood.

The thirteen little devils did not make any resistance at all, and were all taken away by a wave.

Zhou Weiguo stood up, smiled and said, "You did it beautifully."

"Guo Yonggui, your squad is in charge of security, and the rest of you will follow me to clean up the battlefield."


The soldiers responded loudly.

Then Zhou Weiguo rushed down with the soldiers. The soldiers were also experienced and quickly began to clean up the battlefield, mainly collecting weapons and ammunition from the devils.

Zhou Weiguo took two people and pushed the three-wheeled motorcycle up. The ditch was not very deep, so the motorcycle was not damaged. Zhou Weiguo checked it and found that there was basically no serious problem. .

Zhou Weiguo ordered: "Take off all their clothes and take them away!"

A soldier said with disgust on his face, "Why are you taking off their clothes?"

Zhou Weiguo explained with a smile: "Of course we don't lack these sets of clothes now, but we have to pretend that we are very poor, even the enemy's clothes will be ripped off if they are poor, so that the enemy will not take us seriously Son."


Under Zhou Weiguo's order, the soldiers quickly took away all the spoils.

However, Zhou Weiguo kept some of the captured grenades, and then took a few soldiers and began to lay out booby traps.

While arranging booby traps, they are also teaching these soldiers how to arrange booby traps.

At this time, a soldier asked: "Platoon leader, will this booby trap blow up the passing people by mistake?"

Zhou Weiguo shook his head and said, "The booby traps on the highway are all placed under the devil's corpse."

"Ordinary people passing by, how dare they look at the corpses of these little devils!"

The soldier glanced at the thirteen naked corpses on the ground, and said with a smile: "That's right, these guys are all wearing loincloths, and they look like little devils at first glance. Even if ordinary people pass by, they will hide as far away as possible." gone."

Zhou Weiguo nodded slightly, and then said: "Come on, let's go to the mountain to arrange some!"

"Sooner or later, the little devil will come to collect the corpses. When the time comes, we will inevitably have to investigate the scene. If we arrange some more on the mountain, we will definitely gain something."

Then Zhou Weiguo set up some booby traps where they were ambushing just now, and then asked Guo Yonggui to deliberately drop a few bullet casings.

The Eight Routes are short of guns and ammunition. During normal battles, all the bullet casings must be brought back.

At that time, they will be sent to the arsenal to reload the bullets. However, due to limited technology, the quality of the reloaded bullets will naturally not be comparable to the original bullets.

Therefore, the gap between Balu and the little devil is not in a certain aspect, but in terms of weapons and equipment. It is completely behind the little devil, and it can be said to be far behind.

(End of this chapter)

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