Bright Sword: We Li Yunlong are fighting elites

Chapter 232 Devil's New Commander!

Chapter 232 Devil's New Commander!

In fact, even if Jun Tada didn't commit seppuku, the Devils Base Camp already intends to replace him as the commander.

At that time, Lieutenant General Gangcun Ning, who was serving as a military counselor at the Devils Base Camp, was ordered in the face of danger, and was appointed by the Devils Base Camp as the new commander of the North China Dispatch Army.

(Now Gangcun Ning Er is still the rank of lieutenant general. According to the historical process, he will not be promoted to the rank of general until next year.)
In fact, the so-called military councilor is an idle job.

Due to some special reasons, Gangcun Ning Er was transferred back to China to serve as the military councilor.

And it's been a few months, and now it's finally reused again.

Gangcun Ning Er was naturally very happy, so after being appointed, the old devil immediately rushed to North China without stopping.

When Gangcun Ning'er's plane landed at Beiping Nanyuan Airport, a large number of little devils had already gathered here.

Under the leadership of Yukio Kasahara, chief of staff of the North China Dispatch Army, all these little devils came to meet Ning Er Okamura.

Tada Toshi committed suicide by harakiri, but he took all the responsibilities before, but he did not implicate Yukio Kasahara, who was the chief of staff, so the old devil was able to stay in office.

As soon as Ningji Okamura got off the plane, Yukio Kasahara greeted him and said respectfully, "Your Excellency, Commander!"

Ningji Okamura patted Yukio Kasahara on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Kasahara-kun has worked hard during this time."

Yukio Kasahara quickly said: "Your Excellency, the journey is exhausting, which is the real hard work."

Ninger Gangmura waved his hand slightly, and said, "Kasahara-kun, you don't have to be so restrained. Speaking of which, we are also old friends."

"And in the future, I will be the commander and you will be the chief of staff. The two of us must work together and work together. Only in this way can we gradually restore order in North China and make this place the real rear of the imperial army."


Kasahara Yukio responded respectfully: "It is my honor to assist Your Excellency, Commander. I will definitely do my best to assist Your Excellency, Commander, and calm down all the resistance forces in North China as soon as possible."

Ningji Okamura nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Yusi, with Kasahara-kun's assistance, it will definitely be more effective with half the effort."

The two greeted each other for a while, and then Yukio Kasahara quickly let Ningji Okamura into the car.

Kasahara Yukio held a grand welcome ceremony for Okamura Ningji.

In this way, Gangcun Ninger officially took over the post of commander of the North China Dispatch Army.

On the second day after Gangcun Ninger took office, a grand press conference was held.

Under the constantly flickering spotlight, Gangcun Ninger stepped onto the rostrum and accepted questions from reporters from all sides.

"Your Excellency, what do you think of the current situation in North China?"

Gangcun Ninger smiled and said: "I admit that the situation in North China is a bit chaotic, but this is only temporary."

"The enemy army is nothing more than a dog jumping over the wall in a hurry. The Imperial Army will soon completely wipe out these enemy troops and restore order in North China."

"Your Excellency, Commander, most of the railway lines in North China are paralyzed, and in the just-concluded Ping An Campaign, your army suffered heavy losses. Do you really have the ability to pacify North China?"

Gangcun Ninger said confidently: "Of course, as I said just now, the enemy army jumped the wall in a hurry and made some extraordinary actions, which led to the deterioration of the situation in North China in a short period of time."

"But this is only temporary. The strength of the imperial army is obvious to all. We will never be defeated by a group of Tubalu."

At this time, a reporter asked: "However, in the First World War, your army suffered heavy losses. The 37th Independent Mixed Brigade and the [-]th Division were wiped out successively. Is this the strength of your army you said?"

Gangcun Ninger frowned slightly, and continued: "In the first battle of Ping An, the imperial army did suffer some setbacks, but it was definitely not like the enemy's propaganda."

"Neither the Independent Ninth Mixed Brigade nor the 37th Division was completely wiped out. This is an indisputable fact. I hope that journalists and friends can distinguish right from wrong."

"Of course, we also admit that we were indeed ambushed by the Eight Route Army, which caused heavy losses to the troops."

"But this is just an accident. We will learn from our lessons. I can guarantee that similar things will never happen again."

"And the imperial army has the ability and determination to pacify North China and restore order in North China."

"The paralyzed situation of the railway just mentioned, we will also solve it soon."

"And the imperial army is also mobilizing troops, preparing to encircle and suppress the enemy army. I believe that it will not take long to gradually wipe out the resistance forces in North China. By then, the entire North China region will completely restore peace."

The little devil publicized that the 37th Independent Mixed Brigade and the [-]th Division had not been completely wiped out, it was nothing more than to cover up their ugliness.

The actual situation is that the Independent Ninth Mixed Brigade and the 37th Division, except for some of the wounded who stayed in Heyuan and were not killed, the rest were all killed, and the loss of troops far exceeded [-]%. All wiped out.

However, in order to hide his ugliness, the little devil only announced that the two troops had been severely damaged, and mobilized some troops from the rest of the troops to join the two troops, so as to create the illusion that the two troops had not been completely wiped out.

This is also the usual style of the little devil.

At this time, a reporter continued to ask: "Your Excellency, Commander, but according to China's propaganda, the Ninth Independent Mixed Brigade and the 37th Division have been completely wiped out by them."

Gangcun Ning'er smiled and said, "I just said that these are all rumors."

"It was they deliberately spreading rumors, or deliberate false propaganda for political purposes."

At this time, the reporter continued to ask: "But the head of the Hirata Kenkichi division and the head of the Fujioka Takeo brigade really died in battle."

Gangcun Ninger said: "This is indeed very unfortunate news. This time the empire has lost a total of three generals."

"This is indeed a very heavy blow to the Imperial Army."

The 37th Division is a three-unit division with three infantry regiments under its jurisdiction. These three infantry regiments are combined into an infantry regiment, and the commander of the infantry regiment is a major general.

So the 37th Division lost a major general and a lieutenant general this time.

Including Major General Fujioka Takeo of the Independent Ninth Mixed Brigade, three generals were killed.

The reporter then asked: "Since the Ninth Independent Mixed Brigade and the 37th Division were not wiped out, why were so many senior officers killed?"

Gangcun Ning Er replied shamelessly: "Our imperial army fought bravely, and senior officers often set an example by going to the front to command or even go into battle in person, which resulted in relatively high casualties among senior officers in the imperial army. "

"And this time, the enemy attacked our army's headquarters in a surprise attack. Lieutenant General Hirata Kenkichi was killed in the enemy's surprise attack."

"These enemies are too cunning, and this situation is completely accidental."

"In the future, we will also sum up experience and lessons to avoid similar tragedies from happening again."

Gangcun Ning Er pretended to take out his handkerchief as he spoke, and pretended to wipe away his tears.

This old devil's acting skills are very good, and he seems to be really crying for the death of his comrades in battle.

But some of the reporters present did not intend to let him go like this.

At this time, another reporter asked: "Then why did Commander Tada commit seppuku? What does General Okamura think about this?"

Gangcun Ninger said with a serious face: "Tada-kun is an excellent imperial soldier, and even a true samurai."

"The failure of the frontline battle caused the imperial army to suffer huge losses. Mr. Tada blamed himself very much, thinking that it was all his responsibility. It was his command mistakes that led to this failure."

"Tada-kun is also an extremely strong person, and he is unwilling to bear such a shame. In a moment of anger, he chooses to end his life in the way of a samurai."

"First of all, I want to say that the spirit of a warrior like Tada-kun is worth learning from our officers and soldiers, but we don't advocate this kind of practice."

"Tada-kun's misfortune is also a huge loss for the empire."

At this time, a reporter asked: "Your Excellency, Commander, you just said that you are sure to restore the situation in North China. May I ask how long it will take to restore stability in North China?"

Gangcun Ninger pondered for a moment, and then said confidently: "First of all, all major railway lines in North China are currently paralyzed. I promise that within a month, smooth traffic will be restored everywhere."

"At the same time, the imperial army will go all out to prepare to wipe out the bandits everywhere."

"But North China is too big, and our North China Dispatch Army is relatively weak, and the enemy is still scattered all over the place, especially the Tuba Road. Most of them are scattered in various mountainous areas. It will still be troublesome to clear them up."

"So we need to waste some more time, but we are confident that within half a year, the order in North China will be basically restored and all the main enemy forces will be wiped out."

"Within one year, their remnants will be wiped out completely, and peace and stability in North China will be completely restored."

At this time, the reporters at the scene couldn't help but start talking.

In fact, the little devils have been fighting for three years, but they have not completely wiped out the anti-Japanese armed forces in North China. On the contrary, they have been fighting more and more.

Moreover, Ningji Okamura's predecessor Toshi Tada, and his predecessor Sugimoto, also made vows when they first took office.

Of course, the most arrogant one is Shan Shanyuan, it was this old devil who said the words of China's destruction in three months.

At the time of the Marco Polo Bridge Incident, this old devil served as the Minister of Army and strongly advocated a full-scale invasion of China.

At that time, the old devil clamored for the destruction of China in three months.

But after fighting for half a year, it still didn't work out.

As a result, Shan Shanyuan became a scapegoat and was dismissed from the position of Minister of War and demoted to the North China region as the commander of the North China Dispatch Army.

After arriving in Peiping, this guy's arrogance did not change at all. As soon as he took office, he clamored again that within two months, all the resistance forces in North China would be wiped out.

But the facts eventually proved that this guy is completely bragging.

The Eight Roads in North China are still bigger and more numerous.

So Tada Jun was replaced as the commander. When this old devil came, he was also very arrogant, full of self-confidence, and once uttered wild words, but in the end he ended up being defeated and seppuku.

Now Gangcun Ninger is still the same. Although this guy is more conservative, it is absolutely impossible to eliminate the main force of the Eight Routes within half a year.

(End of this chapter)

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