Chapter 161 Unexpected joy!

Before that, Colonel Muto was still worried, worried that the gang would not be fooled, because after the previous contest, Colonel Muto did not dare to underestimate Li Yunlong anymore.

Colonel Muto knew that Li Yunlong was extremely cunning. If this guy wasn't fooled, then all their work would be in vain today.

And now that they have finally launched an attack, they are tantamount to taking the bait.

General Muto hurriedly ordered: "Immediately order the troops in the north of the city to counterattack immediately and contain this enemy army."

"Order the imperial army in the east city and west city to encircle the enemy immediately and flank the enemy army. All troops should cooperate and must bite them to prevent them from escaping."

"Immediately notify the Ishihara Brigade, let them come to support immediately, cut off their retreat, this time we must annihilate this cunning Tubalu."


A devil officer next to him responded quickly and turned around to convey the order.

After issuing a series of orders, Osamu Muto quickly came to the front of the map, staring at the map, recalling all his arrangements in his mind to see if there was anything missing.

At this moment, the old devil was a little nervous. The Eight Routes had finally taken the bait. Mr. Muto was afraid that due to his own negligence, they would run away, and that would be troublesome.

At this time, Zhang Dabiao led the soldiers and had already entered the devil's camp.

But the camp was empty, and there was basically no one in the tents.

"Commander, there are no little devils in the tent!"

At this time, a large number of little devils suddenly came from the south, which was the direction of Heyuan City.

It turned out that the little devils didn't sleep in the camp at all, they all hid in the front positions and slept in the trenches.

The little devil arranged it like this to prevent surprise attacks.

So Zhang Dabiao and the others basically didn't kill many little devils when they shot down with artillery fire. They also killed some little devils who were on guard and patrolling, and blew up some tents, supplies and so on.

And the real little devils were all awakened in the trenches, and one by one, they followed the order and started to fight back against Zhang Dabiao and the others.

Zhang Dabiao sneered and said, "It's true!"

"Retreat immediately!"

"Retreat directly to the north!"

Following Zhang Dabiao's order, the soldiers immediately withdrew from the devil's camp as quickly as possible.

At this time, hundreds of little devils chased after him aggressively.

The leader, a ghost captain, waved his saber and shouted loudly: "We must not let them run away, let me catch up and kill these hateful enemies."

"Kill it~!"

Under the command of Captain Guizi, the little devils rushed up like crazy.

At this moment, there was a piercing whistling sound in the air.

A round of shells flew over quickly and landed directly in the devil's camp.

"Boom~! Boom~!"

There was a violent explosion, and the little devil was caught off guard, and the people who were bombed were thrown off their feet.

Zhang Dabiao led the soldiers to retreat while fighting, looked back, and said with a sneer, "Hmph~! That's all you have done."

"The whole army retreats and evacuates Heyuan City as soon as possible."

Following Zhang Dabiao's order, the soldiers immediately retreated quickly. The devils who were chasing after were bombed, and they were killed and injured, and they were powerless to stop Zhang Dabiao and the others from retreating.

As for the little devils who came round from the east and west of the city, they hadn't made the rounds yet.

Naturally, they couldn't stop them. As for the Shiyuan Brigade, they were too far away because they were worried about being discovered by the Eighth Route.

If Zhang Dabiao and the others ran fast enough, Shi Yuan's brigade would have no chance of stopping them.

Zhang Dabiao didn't expect that things would go so smoothly. In a small-scale trial, the little devil exposed all his troops.

Osamu Muto also hurried to the forward position, seeing that the enemy had fled, Osamu Muto was furious.

"Baga Yalu, why didn't you stop them?"

A devil officer next to him hurriedly persuaded him: "Your Excellency, Captain, calm down, these gangsters are too cunning."

"However, the imperial army is still chasing after them, and they may not escape."


"Just what?"

The devil officer said: "But, will they have an ambush?" '

"Before, the Cangjing unit was ambushed by the eight roads on the way to pursue the Tuba road."


Mr. Muto hurriedly shouted: "Bring me the map."

At this time, a devil officer quickly took out a map.

Colonel Muto looked at the map and found that the north of Heyuan City, within ten miles, was basically flat terrain.

Osamu Muto was overjoyed, and said: "This area is an open area, there is no way they have ambushes."

"Order the troops to chase up to ten miles, and stop the pursuit if they can't catch up."

"Intercept them in this open area as much as possible and destroy them."


A devil officer next to him responded quickly and turned around to convey the order.

Grand Master Muto said with a sneer: "This Li Yunlong is really cunning, they must have deliberately gone around to the north and ambushed in the north."

"It's a pity that I won't be fooled easily. As long as the imperial army doesn't pursue for more than ten miles, then you won't be able to do anything to us."

Under the command of General Muto, the little devils began to pursue with all their strength.

And the Ishihara brigade also began to detour in the direction of the escape of the first battalion with all its strength, preparing to stop them.

At this moment, Li Yunlong was leaning against a big tree and taking a nap.

At this time, Peng ran over and said, "Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Zhang and the others are progressing smoothly."

"The little devil really has an ambush, but Battalion Commander Zhang and the others have already withdrawn from the battlefield in time and are retreating northward. Judging from the current situation, the main force of the little devil has already caught up."


Li Yunlong snorted coldly, and said: "I thought these little devils would improve a bit, but now it seems that they are still as self-righteous as before."

"Is the situation in the south reconnaissance clear?"

"The reconnaissance has been clear, and the troops they have deployed in the city are not too many."

"The order goes on, the second battalion and the cavalry battalion raid the enemy camp in the south of the city."

"The Fourth Battalion, the Reconnaissance Company, the Secret Service Company, and the Security Company followed me to raid the little devils in the west of the city."

"The troops immediately launched an attack and launched an attack as quickly as possible."

"If the situation is found to be wrong and the attack is blocked, you can withdraw from the battlefield as soon as possible."


The orderly responded quickly, turned around and went to convey the order.

Li Yunlong also got up and left.

Li Yunlong personally led the Fourth Battalion, the Secret Service Company and other troops, and headed straight to the west of the city.

Li Yunlong ordered: "Artillery troops, choose a suitable position to build a position."

The troops of the artillery battalion were also dismantled, and they followed the various troops to provide artillery support to the various troops.

Li Yunlong continued: "The rest of the troops will attack directly with me."

"Don't have any hesitation, give me a full attack."


Following Li Yunlong's order, the soldiers speeded up one after another and rushed straight to the little devil's camp.

"Enemy attack~!"

The little devil standing guard in the distance immediately yelled loudly after discovering the situation.

At this time, intensive gunfire rang out.

"Da da da~!"

A string of dense bullets flew towards the little devil quickly.

"Puff puff~!"

Immediately, blood splattered, and several little devils standing guard were shot dead before they could fight back.

Li Yunlong roared loudly: "Brothers, rush up with me and kill these nasty little devils." '

"Kill it~!"

The soldiers let out a roar at the same time, and one by one, like tigers descending from the mountain, they rushed towards the little devil's camp ferociously.

At this moment, the devil's camp was also in chaos. A large number of little devils rushed out from all over, ready to stop the attack of the Eight Routes.

But at this moment, the main force of the devils in the west city has also been transferred away, and now there are only two or three hundred little devils left in the west of the city.

Such a small force, and many of them are logistical arms.

The only fighting force is still used to guard against the direction of Heyuan City.

And Li Yunlong and the others came from outside the city, from behind the devils.

The little devils couldn't guard against their mistakes. Naturally, these devil troops could not effectively block the attack of the Eight Routes.

Under the leadership of Li Yunlong, the heroic soldiers of the Eighth Route Army fought like a broken bamboo all the way. They successfully conquered three of their security posts, wiped out two patrols, and rushed straight to their camp.

At this moment, the little devils in the camp were also in a panic preparing to block the attack of the Eighth Route.

At this time, there was a piercing whistling sound, and mortar shells flew over one after another.

"Boom~! Boom~!"

Violent explosions sounded one after another, and pieces of flames rose into the sky.

The little devil was too late to prevent his mistakes, causing many casualties.

At this time, the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army who were rushing forward also raised their submachine guns one after another, aimed at the little devil and started shooting violently.

"Da da da~!"

Intensive gunshots sounded, and the bullets flew towards the little devil like raindrops.

"Puff puff~!"

The bullet hit the devil's body, and there was a muffled sound. Amidst the screams, the little devil suddenly fell down.

The little devil also desperately wanted to fight back, but he couldn't stop the eighth attack at all.

Under the suppression of the fierce firepower of the Eighth Route Army, the little devil suffered heavy casualties and retreated steadily.

Under the personal leadership of Li Yunlong, the soldiers became more and more courageous as they fought, and gradually rushed into the devil's camp.

At the same time, in the south of the city, the second battalion led by Guan Dashan and the cavalry battalion led by Sun Desheng also launched a full-scale attack on the devil camp in the south of the city.

The troops originally stationed in the south of the city were the three squadrons of the Ishihara Brigade, but at this moment the main force of the Ishihara Brigade has been transferred away.

There were very few little devils left behind in the south of the city, and there were only less than a squadron of troops left, which served as a warning.

Under such a ferocious attack by the Eighth Route Army, the little devil naturally couldn't resist, and retreated steadily, suffering heavy losses.

At this time, there was a sudden commotion in the city.

The [-]rd Battalion and [-]th Battalion stationed in Heyuan City dispatched a force to attack from the inside of the city to attack the little devil camps in the west and south of the city.

The Eighth Route Army attacked from inside and outside, and the little devil couldn't resist it even more.

Miyano Jun was awakened from his sleep, and ran out without even having time to put on his clothes.

"Baga Yalu! What's going on here?"

A devil officer hurried over and said, "Your Excellency, something is wrong. The enemy's sneak attack is about to come in."

"A bunch of trash!"

"Where's Muto? Where are their troops now?"

Miyano Shun almost fainted from anger. He had already reminded Colonel Muto before, but he didn't expect this bastard to swear that it was good.

As a result, Eight Routes still called in.

The sound of gunfire just now also woke Miyano Jun up, and he also asked about the situation.

But Muto's answer was that the situation was completely under their control.

But now?How much time has passed.

In just half an hour, the situation reversed, and the Eighth Route Army suddenly approached them.

Could Miyano Jun not be angry?

A ghost officer next to him quickly explained: "Your Excellency, General Muto, most of the troops are going to pursue the Eighth Route Army."

"A bunch of trash!"

Miyano Shun cursed angrily: "Muto is also a complete idiot, and let these idiots play tricks again."

"Notify Muto immediately and let them return to help quickly. This is the main force of the Eighth Route."

"And they must not be allowed to enter the city. Once they are allowed to enter the city, our previous efforts will be in vain."


A devil officer next to him responded quickly and turned around to convey the order.

Miyano turned around and glanced at the direction of Heyuan County. At this moment, he was also worried that the group of eight roads took the opportunity to rush into Heyuan County.

In that case, it will be even more difficult to win Heyuan County, after all, the eight roads inside have been almost consumed.

Now with sudden reinforcements, they must be able to hold out for a longer period of time.

Moreover, he was also worried that seeing that he could no longer hold the source of the river, the Eighth Route Army would cooperate with the inside and the outside, and took the opportunity to break through and escape.

In that case, their busy work was wasted all of a sudden, even if they took down Heyuan County, it wouldn't make much sense.

After all, their loss was too great before, especially the entire Cangjing United was wiped out.

Just winning a Heyuan county seat can no longer satisfy Miyano Shun's needs.

He also wanted Li Yunlong's head, so they must not lose this battle, and all this can only be hoped for by Wu Teng.

Mu Teng was in the north of the city, praying for God to bless them, and bless them to catch up with Tuba Road.

At this time, the battle between the west and the south of the city suddenly broke out, which shocked Osamu Muto.

"Bagaya deer, where did these dirt roads come from?"

But Master Muto was not stupid, he quickly realized that this should be Li Yunlong's main force.

Before, he thought that Zhang Dabiao and the others were just a tactic to lure the enemy, trying to lure them into their trap.

And Li Yunlong's main force was lying in ambush in the mountainous area north of the city. Just like how they dealt with the Cangjing unit before, they used the same method to deal with their Muteng unit.

But now it seems that Colonel Muto was wrong, and he was very wrong.

Li Yunlong came directly to the little devils in Heyuan, and attacked the south and west of the city at the same time.

In these two camps, there are actually not many little devils left.

Losing hundreds of troops, Muto Osamu can afford it.

But Eight Routes took the opportunity to break their siege. Whether the reinforcements entered Heyuan County, or the Eight Routes inside ran out to break through the siege, for the little devil, it was a failure.

And what worries Muto Osamu even more is Miyano Jun.

Colonel Muto's face changed drastically, and he shouted, "Is General Miyano's headquarters still in the west of the city?"

At this time, a devil officer ran over and said, "Your Majesty, General Miyano ordered us to come back immediately."

General Muto quickly ordered: "Immediately send a signal and order all the troops to return to Heyuan City immediately and stop chasing those nasty Tuba Roads."


A devil officer next to him responded quickly and turned around to convey the order.

Soon several bright flares flew into the sky. In the dark night, the flares were so conspicuous that they could be seen even tens of miles away.

This signal is exactly the signal for the little devil to retreat and come back for help.

The main force of the devils who were chasing them immediately began to retreat after seeing the signal flare, and returned to Heyuan County for support.

General Miyano shouted loudly: "Everyone gather for me, follow me to rescue General Miyano, General Miyano must not have any accidents."

If Miyano Jun died, he would be dead, but Muto Osamu would definitely be charged with a crime of unfavorable protection.

So Muto Osamu immediately summoned all the remaining little devils around him.There were also three or four hundred people who hurried towards Xicheng to reinforce Xicheng and prepare to rescue Miyano Shun.

And the main force of the little devil has been chasing for several miles, and they are quickly returning to help.

Of course, with such a short distance, it wouldn't take too long for them to rush over.

Unfortunately, Miyano Jun could not wait for that time.

Originally, Miyano Jun also thought that the reinforcements would arrive soon, within ten minutes at most, and they would definitely arrive.

But what he didn't expect was that the Eighth Route's offensive was too fierce, like a sharp dagger, easily overcame their defense line and killed them directly.

Moreover, there was also a troop coming out of the city, which was equivalent to attacking the little devil from both sides.

Miyano Jun didn't have many troops around him, and his combat effectiveness was not strong.

When Miyano Shun saw how quickly his subordinates were defeated, he almost couldn't stand it anymore, and it was too late to run away.

Under the protection of a dozen guards, Miyano Jun was about to flee to the north of the city, but he hadn't run far.

Suddenly in the distance, an Eight Route Army rushed over obliquely, and started shooting from a distance.

A series of bullets swept across, and the dozen or so little devils wanted to fight back, but they were not opponents at all, and were quickly killed.

And Miyano Shun was also beaten into a sieve by random guns. The old devil fell to the ground with his head up, and blood kept gushing out from the bullet holes.

It's just that this old devil has only the air to come out, not the air to go in.

Miyano Shun looked at the sky full of stars with a face full of reluctance, and listening to the sound of guns and guns around him, he gradually lost consciousness and ended his sinful life ahead of schedule.

I'm afraid Li Yunlong didn't expect that in this raid, he killed a devil major general in a daze, and this person was Miyano Shun.

This can be regarded as a surprise!
The only pity is that this old devil was not killed by Li Yunlong himself, but died in the rebellion.

(End of this chapter)

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