Bright Sword: We Li Yunlong are fighting elites

Chapter 111 Bloody Battle at Motian Ridge!

Chapter 111 Bloody Battle at Motian Ridge!

The fierce battle in Motianling is still going on.

After more than an hour of fierce fighting, the two broken squadrons behind, as well as the devil's artillery and supply troops, have been basically wiped out.

At this time, Kong Jie's independent regiment and Ding Wei's new second regiment joined forces and began to resist the little devil's counterattack.

The little devil suffered heavy losses and completely angered Hideo Ono, so the old devil quickly concentrated all the main forces and began to attack the independent group and the new second group.

The two sides fought more intensely.

On a hillside in the distance, Li Yunlong held up his binoculars to observe the situation on the battlefield.

Zhang Dabiao who was next to him couldn't help asking: "Leader, why don't we make a move yet?"

Li Yunlong said casually: "The time has not come, we must have enough patience."

Seeing the friendly troops and the little devil fighting to the death, fighting in full swing, Zhang Dabiao felt itchy.

But Li Yunlong is much calmer, he knows that the time has not yet come to make a move.

Li Yunlong's appetite was much bigger, and his goal was to wipe out the main force of the Ono United, at least half of them.

But now the Ono United team is in full swing, and it seems that they haven't used their full strength yet, so Li Yunlong didn't want to rush to make a move before the time came, and missed the good opportunity in vain.

At this time, a soldier ran over and said softly to Li Yunlong: "Regimental Commander, just received the news that the two companies in charge of security have arrived at Shizigou and Qingyazhai respectively."

"They have already made preparations to block the attack. The devil's reinforcements are coming quickly, and it is estimated that they will arrive at Shizigou and Qingya Village soon."

Li Yunlong ordered with a serious face: "Notify these two company commanders, be sure to hold the position for me to block the devil's reinforcements."

"If you lose your position, you don't have to come back."


The soldier responded quickly, turned around and went to convey the order.

Zhang Dabiao frowned and said: "Regimental Commander, the devil's reinforcements are too strong, and two companies may not be able to withstand much time. We have to hurry up."

What Zhang Dabiao didn't say was that if the time dragged on for too long, the two blocking companies might be wiped out.

Li Yunlong just frowned slightly and didn't say much.

It's not that Li Yunlong is cruel!
War casualties are inevitable.

Sometimes, in order to win, sacrifices are necessary.

Now the soldiers of the Independent Regiment and the New Second Regiment, aren't they fighting the little devils desperately?
Li Yunlong gritted his teeth and decided to wait. His intuition told him that the time for a general attack was about to ripen.

Li Yunlong didn't want to fall short at the last moment.

On the battlefield, Hideo Ono saw the attacking troops and retreated again.

Angrily cursed.

"Bagaya Deer!"

"A bunch of trash!"

In fact, this can't be completely blamed on the little devils, because their artillery was killed, which seriously affected their combat effectiveness.

The little devil who has lost his fire support will not be able to conquer the Eighth Route's position in a short time.

The battlefield is already covered with a layer of devil corpses.

At this time, a ghost officer persuaded: "Your Excellency, the captain, the enemy's firepower is too fierce, and the imperial army lacks firepower support, so..."

Hideo Ono shouted like a mad dog, "Don't explain these excuses to me, organize a new round of attack immediately."


"Nothing but!"

Hideo Ono roared loudly: "Once we stop attacking, they may take the opportunity to escape."

"If they escape, Commander Shinozuka will kill me, and then I will kill you first."

"Launch an attack on me immediately, and don't give them any breathing room."


The devil officers present no longer dared to say more, and they all responded respectfully.

Hideo Ono also carried his command saber and walked towards the forefront.

To say that the little devil's work efficiency is still very high, soon a large number of devils gathered at the forward position again, ready to launch a new round of attack.

Hideo Ono raised the saber in his hand and shouted loudly: "The warriors of the empire, the time has come to serve His Majesty the Emperor."

"Polish your bayonets and use our courage to defend the dignity of the imperial army."

"Destroy these nasty bastards!"

"Kill it~!"

Following Hideo Ono's order, a large number of little devils screamed and rushed up like a group of mad dogs.

Hideo Ono also held his saber and rushed out, shouting loudly while charging: "Follow me to charge, kill me~!"

Seeing the little devil charge up, all the soldiers on the ground became nervous.

One by one, they clenched the guns in their hands and aimed at the little devil who rushed up.

Under the personal leadership of Ono Hideo, the little devil's morale was boosted, and his attack speed was quite fast.

On the blocking position, Kong Jie's eyes were red, and he shouted loudly: "Brothers! Beat me to death and kill these little devils."

Following Kong Jie's order, the soldiers aimed at the little devil and pulled the trigger.

"Da da da~!"

There were bursts of gunshots, and the bullets flew towards the little devil like raindrops.

"Puff puff~!"

The bullet hit the devil's body, and there was a muffled sound, and gorgeous blood flowers bloomed in the air.

I saw the little devil rushing forward, and immediately fell down a large piece.

While continuing to charge, the little devil began to shoot back.

The battle became more intense.

Ding Wei looked at the little devils in front of him like crazy, and shouted loudly: "Concentrate all the firepower on me and hit me hard!"

"No need to save ammo! Hit me to death."

Such a group charge by the little devils is undoubtedly the best time to consume the devils' forces.

At this time, Balu will naturally not begrudge the ammunition.

Machine guns, artillery, concentrated all their firepower, and began to greet the little devil.

Under the fierce firepower, the attacking devil suffered heavy casualties.

But even so, that Hideo Ono continued to lead the troops forward as if he was crazy.

Seeing this scene in the distance, Li Yunlong immediately threw away the binoculars in his hand.

He stood up with a bang, and shouted loudly: "Order the artillery, concentrate all the firepower on me, and blast the motherfucker hard."

"Be sure to fire the most shells in the shortest possible time."


The messenger quickly responded, and then passed on the order.

Soon there was a rumbling sound from the artillery position.

With piercing whistling sound, shells quickly flew towards the little devil's position.

"Boom~! Boom~!"

Violent explosions sounded one after another, and pieces of flames rose into the sky.

Li Yunlong turned to look at Zhang Dabiao, and asked, "Are you ready?"

Zhang Dabiao replied excitedly: "The soldiers have been ready for a long time, and they have been waiting impatiently for a long time."

Li Yunlong ordered loudly: "Trumpetmaster, blow the charge, and the whole regiment will charge."

"Rush up for me and kill this little devil."


"Blow the charge!"

"The whole regiment attacks!"

"Tick tick tick tick tick..."

"Brothers~! Go with me!"

The loud charge horn sounded, and under the leadership of Zhang Dabiao, the soldiers rushed out of the position one after another, and rushed towards the little devil frantically.

At this moment, Li Yunlong's Xinyi Regiment was in ambush to the west of the little devil, while Kong Jie's independent regiment and Ding Wei's New Second Regiment were all deployed to the west of the little devil.

The little devil counterattacked the Independent Regiment and the New Second Regiment with all his strength, and invested most of his troops.

In this way, their rear was completely exposed to the attack of the new group.

Li Yunlong was waiting for this opportunity. The Xinyi regiment launched an attack at this time, forming a two-sided attack on the little devil.

At this moment, the artillery of the new regiment was still bombarding the little devil's position.

The devils were too late to prevent their mistakes, and those who were bombed were turned on their backs, causing heavy casualties.

But Zhang Dabiao led the troops directly to charge over, and the devil's peripheral security troops could not stop the charge of the Eighth Route Army at all.

They were quickly defeated, and those who were beaten retreated steadily.

Holding a Czech light machine gun in his arms, Zhang Dabiao continued to rush forward while shooting at the little devils in the distance.

He was suddenly counterattacked, and the little devil was in chaos.

Hideo Ono was commanding the troops to launch a fierce attack, and at this time there was chaos in the rear.

The old devil quickly turned his head to look, only to see a large number of Eight Routes charging towards this side in the distance.

Hideo Ono was also stunned, and then suddenly realized that Eighth Road still had a hole card.

What are they trying to do?
Double attack?

Are they trying to annihilate them all?

This eight-way courage is too great!

There are only a few thousand people in the area, and you want to wipe them all out?

Hideo Ono really couldn't figure out who gave them the courage.

But the current situation is very unfavorable to the little devil.

A devil officer next to him quickly said: "Your Excellency, the captain, the situation is not good!"

Only then did Hideo Ono wake up from the shock, the most urgent task now is to stabilize his position and plan a counterattack.

Seeing that it was impossible to break through the eight-way position in the east, they could only stop the attack first and block the eight-way position in the west.

Hideo Ono also made up his mind in an instant, and ordered loudly: "Stop the attack immediately, block their attack first~!"

"Quick~! Absolutely don't let them rush up."


Under Hideo Ono's order, the little devils immediately stopped attacking and retreated one after another.

At this time, Ding Wei ran to Kong Jie, pointed to the front and said loudly: "Old Kong, Lao Li and the others have made a move."

Kong Jie couldn't help cursing: "Damn it, if they don't make a move, we won't be able to stand up. These little devils are too fierce."

Ding Wei said: "Don't talk about these useless things, the little devils are in a mess now, and they are retreating."

"If we take the opportunity to block them in the open land ahead, then they will die."

Kong Jie looked up and saw that the little devil was in a large open field.

There is a hill in the back, that is, there is a hill in the west.

Only this mountain can be used as a support.

As long as Li Yunlong and the others can successfully take down this mountain, then all these little devils will be blocked in the open ground.

In this way, these little devils can only be reduced to living targets.

There is no cover, no barrier, no danger to defend, and it is easy to kill them.

Kong Jie understood this, and quickly said, "What do you think should be done?"

Ding Wei immediately said: "Launch a counterattack, restrain the little devil, and buy time for Lao Li and the others."

"As long as Lao Li and the others can successfully capture that mountain, we will surely win."

Hearing this, Kong Jie also understood what to do next.

Kong Jie gritted his teeth and said, "The battle has come to this point, so let's fight them."

"The whole regiment attacks~!"

"Blow the charge horn, the whole regiment charge~!"

"Brothers~! Fight with the little devils of Gou Ri!"

"Kill me~!"

"Tick tick tick tick tick..."

The loud charge horn sounded from the eastern position.

Under the personal leadership of Kong Jie and Ding Wei, the New Second Regiment and the Independent Regiment launched a full-scale counterattack at the same time.

The brave warriors also jumped out of their positions one after another, charging towards the little devil like a group of tigers descending the mountain.

The little devil who was retreating became even more confused.

While charging, the soldiers desperately shot at the retreating little devils.

The bullets flew towards the little devil like raindrops.

Those little devils who ran slowly fell on the battlefield one by one.

When Hideo Ono saw this scene, he panicked immediately, and quickly ordered loudly: "Notify Major Sato, let him lead the troops to block the enemies in the east."


A devil officer next to him responded quickly, turned around and ran to convey the order.

And Hideo Ono personally led a group of people, and rushed towards the mountain quickly.

Hideo Ono was not stupid, if the Eighth Route Army successfully occupied this mountain, then they would be in serious trouble.

Li Yunlong roared loudly: "Artillery, concentrate all your firepower, aim at that mountain for me, and blast the **** hard."

Under Li Yunlong's order, the artillery immediately adjusted the muzzle, and the shells flew towards the distant mountain one after another.

"Boom~! Boom~!"

Violent explosions sounded one after another, and soon the whole mountain was engulfed in a haze of gunfire.

The artillery fire of the new regiment was quite violent.

And Zhang Dabiao personally led the troops, and rushed all the way towards the mountain.

While rushing forward, Zhang Dabiao shouted loudly: "Brothers, rush up with me and kill these little devils."

"Go ahead!"

Under the cover of artillery fire, Zhang Dabiao led his troops to the top of the hill first.

The little devils defending on the top of the hill have already suffered heavy losses, and they were all wiped out soon.

And at this time, Hideo Ono led a large group of little devils, and started to rush towards the top of the mountain from another direction.

Hideo Ono saw the top of the mountain that Balu rushed up, and a red flag had already been planted on the top of the mountain, he couldn't help but his face changed drastically.

The old devil hurriedly raised his knife and shouted sharply: "Go ahead! Take back the ground for me."

The little devils screamed and continued to rush towards the top of the mountain.

Zhang Dabiao put the machine gun on a big rock, replaced it with a new magazine, and pointed the dark muzzle directly at the little devil down the mountain.

"Brothers~! Give me a hard hit."

"Da da da~!"

Intensive gunshots rang out, and a string of hot flames quickly swept towards the little devil.

The few little devils who had just rushed up were instantly beaten into sieves and rolled down the mountain.

At this moment, the soldiers rushing to the top of the mountain also seized the favorable terrain one after another, and started shooting desperately at the little devil.

The bullets became denser and denser, and more and more little devils fell.

At the same time, grenades flew down from the top of the mountain, emitting black smoke, and fell into the crowd of devils.

"Boom~! Boom~!"

Violent explosions sounded one after another, and pieces of flames rose into the sky.

The little devil was immediately turned upside down by the people who were bombed, and suffered heavy casualties.

Li Yunlong saw Zhang Dabiao and the others successfully took down the mountain from a distance, and shouted excitedly: "Beautiful job!"

"Zhang Dabiao is really good."



Wang Chengzhu responded quickly and ran over quickly.

Li Yunlong quickly ordered: "Order your people, bring mortars for me, and go to support Zhang Dabiao and the others."

"Put the mortar on the top of the mountain for me, and hit the little devil hard."

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task." Wang Chengzhu quickly responded, turned and ran away.

Afterwards, Li Yunlong led Monk Wei and others, and rushed towards the mountain in a menacing manner.

Occupying this mountain top, all the little devils are blocked in an open depression, so they can only become living targets.

The Eighth Route Army can rely on favorable terrain to annihilate them in this open land.

Seeing that victory is in sight, can Li Yunlong not be excited?
Hideo Ono also carried his saber and rushed up the mountain with all his might.

At this time, Hideo Ono also realized the danger.

Once they can't take back the mountain, then they are all over.

So this old devil rushed forward as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

At this moment, a grenade flew over and landed not far in front of Hideo Ono.


A violent explosion sounded, and a piece of shrapnel flew over, hitting Hideo Ono's arm, and a piece of blood spattered out.


Hideo Ono screamed, fell on his head, and rolled down the hillside.

The old devil rolled down several meters, and was finally blocked by a few little devils behind him.

At this moment, Hideo Ono was in a terrible state of distress, and one arm was already dripping with blood, obviously seriously injured.

But it wouldn't kill him.

"Your Excellency, Captain, is injured!"

A few devils carried Hideo Ono down in a panic.

Hiding in a relatively safe place, a devil medical soldier hurriedly stopped Hideo Ono's bleeding. The situation was urgent, and now he could only deal with it briefly, saving his life first.

Otherwise, bleeding can also flow to death.

Hideo Ono's face was pale, and he gritted his teeth and asked, "Go~! Send a telegram to the headquarters and ask, when will our reinforcements arrive?"

"Tell your Excellency, Commander, if the reinforcements don't arrive, we will be finished."


A devil officer next to him responded quickly, turned around and ran to send a telegram.

This telegram was sent to the headquarters of the Devil's 1st Army as quickly as possible.

PS: Please ask for a reward, full reservation, recommendation ticket, monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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