Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 946 Great cleaning!

Chapter 946 Great cleaning!
"Well, you guys are busy, we are going back. Brother Han, if there is anything I need to coordinate later, call me!" Wang Chuan chatted for a while.

"Let's go after lunch! It's not too late!" Han Zhou said.

"No, I'm just here to see you. I booked a high-speed rail ticket for one o'clock in the afternoon, so I can't make it in time for lunch. Next time I come to the imperial capital, I will invite you!" Wang Chuan walked towards Daqie after he finished speaking.

After leaving Xintong Ecological Farm, Wang Chuan drove into the city. It was still early before the high-speed rail ticket check-in time. Wang Chuan took Wu Hongyan and his son into a donkey meat burning restaurant.

"Try the donkey meat fire here. It's very authentic. There are five fires, two with stewed meat, and three with pure meat. There is also donkey offal soup." Wang Chuan said with a smile after ordering.

"Dad, why don't you buy KFC?" Xiao Lele said with a displeased face.

"Lele, KFC is not as good as this. Didn't you listen to your grandfather's words, dragon meat in the sky, donkey meat in the ground, let's eat donkey meat today!" Wang Chuan said with a smile.

"Then have you ever eaten dragon meat?" Xiao Lele asked while tilting her head.

"I've eaten it! You forgot, Dad ate several pieces of the meat dragon that grandpa made for you last time! That's dragon meat." Wang Chuan said seriously.

"Oh! I remembered, the one made with noodles and minced meat! It's been steamed on the steamer for a long time! Enen, it's delicious!" Xiao Lele thought for a while.

Wu Hongyan sat on the side covering her mouth and snickered: "You can fool people!"

"Donkey meat fire is here! Eat it while it's hot! It's delicious!" The waiter brought donkey meat fire and soup. After speaking, Wang Chuan picked up one and handed it to Wu Hongyan, and another to Xiao Lele.

"Well, it's delicious!" Xiao Lele took a bite, chewed and swallowed, then stared at a pair of big eyes and said: "Father, you can cook donkey meat for me at home from now on!"

Uh... Wang Chuan was stunned. He didn't expect to get a job for himself after eating donkey meat on fire!
"Let you fool me again! This time it's okay!" Wu Hongyan gloated.

When Wang Chuan drove to the train station, Xia Xiaoqing had been waiting by the side of the train station for a while.She received a call from Wang Chuan in the morning, and Wang Chuan asked her to drive the Grand Cherokee back to commute to get off work or go out for errands. It was the law firm's bus.

In mid-May, Shen Qi went to the beautiful country to discuss business matching and exchange of lawyers with WL Law Firm.At the end of the month, Shen Qi came back to report the progress of related work to Wang Chuan.

"Can WL Lawyers do the business we talked about before?" Wang Chuan asked.

"WL Law Firm was also focused on labor employment in the early days, and later expanded to corporate mergers and acquisitions, investment and other fields. However, in recent years, their business has shrunk. Their current main business is the company's daily legal services and labor employment. They used to be good at corporate mergers and acquisitions. The business partner has changed jobs, so it is a bit difficult for them to do overseas M&A business by themselves, and they need the assistance of external lawyers.

However, I checked and found that in the field of labor and employment, Lawyer WL ranks very high in the beautiful country, at least the top [-] is no problem, and the reputation is good.Routine legal services are also available. "Shen Qi said.

"Well, I understand. How is Old John's business doing recently?" Wang Chuan asked.

"After our two law firms merged, we introduced a few businesses to them, but they were all small businesses. At present, Old John has stabilized the situation and can maintain it. Some decisions of the management committee last time also played a role.

By the way, Wanhui Company has established a wholly-owned subsidiary in Meiliguo, which was operated with the help of lawyer WL. Now WL Law Firm is the legal counsel of Wanhui Company's wholly-owned subsidiary in Meiliguo. "Shen Qi said.

"Yes, it seems that everything is starting to go in the right direction!" Wang Chuan said with a smile.

The basic market of WL Law Firm has stabilized and will not go down, basically meeting Wang Chuan's requirements.The next step is to expand the business. The domestic market is huge. In recent years, many domestic companies have gone abroad to establish companies and engage in acquisitions. This is also Wang Chuan’s focus. Otherwise, Wang Chuan would not have cooperated with WL merge.

"Oh! I almost forgot, my brother wants to invite you and Wanlu to dinner tonight. It seems to be a business matter." Shen Qi said.

"Okay, I don't have any plans tonight. I'll coordinate Wanlu's time. What time?" Wang Chuan said.

"Eight o'clock in the evening at the western restaurant of Manager Gao's five-star hotel." Shen Qi said.

After Shen Qi left, Wang Chuan went to Fatty Wan's office.

"Brother Wan, are you busy?" Wang Chuan asked.

"I just finished a criminal case and I want to take a break! What's the matter?" Fatty Wan asked, rubbing his temples.

"Shen Yue from the Shen Group invited us to dinner tonight. I've been busy with Xintong's affairs these days, how is the Shen Group doing recently?" Wang Chuan asked.

Before going to the appointment, he wanted to ask Fatty Wan about the progress of the last case involving the Shen Group's legal department embezzling the company's property.In order to avoid chatting at dinner at night, the information is asymmetric, and I am embarrassed.

"Hi! I recently handled two criminal cases on a business trip. I wanted to tell you, but I forgot about it when I got busy.

The Shen Group has an earthquake!It is said that two directors were replaced at the shareholder meeting, and the legal department has recruited new personnel. At present, a few people have been transferred from the company below to maintain the daily work.It seems that the previous legal counsel was also involved in this matter.

Lao Zhou asked his colleagues from the original economic investigation, and said that only the group company has arrested more than 30 people, and the subsidiaries and branches below have arrested more people. The Shen Group has been busy developing these years, so They don't care too much about internal governance, which has caused many management loopholes, which can be said to be long-standing malpractice.

Now that the crown prince (Shen Yue) is going to ascend the throne, he must use Shangfang's sword to kill the Quartet and replace them all with his own people. The key is that the few small shareholders of the Shen Group can't do anything about it, because the people who make mistakes are not only their people or those with them. They were related, and even several old subordinates of Shen Yue's father also fell down.

Shen Yue is really ruthless, he treats everyone equally and never sees anyone!

It's a big purge!One emperor and one courtier!Since Shen Yue invited us to dinner, the overall situation should be settled! " Fatty Wan said.

"Well, it's the same as our previous guess. We have to seize the opportunity. If we can catch this bus, maybe our law firm can go to the next level." Wang Chuan said with a smile.

"That's right! We are currently positioned as a large law firm by people in the circle, but there is still a certain distance from the red circle, but it is much stronger than most large firms supported by the number of people!" Fatty Wan said.

"Well, I think this evaluation is more objective! Since the beginning of this year, we have been competing with some large law firms for clients. Among them, we met Dacheng, Fangda and King & Wood Mallesons twice, and we all failed.

But it doesn't matter, at least it means we are going up!There are no small and medium-sized law firms that compete with us for clients. "Wang Chuan said.

(End of this chapter)

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