757 show off
One weekend at the end of August, Jiao Heng walked into a restaurant. In the lobby of the restaurant, Shi Ze frowned while drinking free barley tea.

"Shi Lu, sorry for the traffic jam." Jiao Heng sat opposite Shi Ze.

"Jiao Lv, how are you doing recently? I heard that Yuanfang Law Firm has signed a lot of big clients again?" Shi Ze put down his teacup and looked at Jiao Heng who was opposite him with a smile.

"Well, two wholly-owned subsidiaries of the world's top [-], and a property insurance company. There is also a lawsuit against a big hotel recently. The director is doing it. It is estimated that there is hope to become a legal counsel in the future." Jiao Heng said.

"Come on, let's order first, look at the menu!" Shi Ze said and handed over the menu.

After the two finished ordering and continued to drink tea, Shi Ze asked, "How are you doing?"

"It's okay, there are quite a lot of cases in the office. In the first half of the year, I was assigned more than 30 lawsuits, ranging from large to small, and followed up with several projects. I was very busy. Now the second department has divided into two groups , I was assigned to the second group, specializing in labor business.

You also know that I am a stupid person who is not very good at promotion or building relationships. The platform of Yuanfang Law Firm is quite suitable for me. "Jiao Heng said.

"It's just that the salary is too low!" Shi Ze sighed.

He thought in his heart that if the salary can reach 1 yuan per month, plus the commission for handling cases, the income should still be quite good, but the basic salary of just entering Yuanfang Law Firm is only [-] yuan, which is unacceptable to him.

"It doesn't matter if the basic salary is low, and the commission is still okay. I will tell you, in the past few months, my monthly commission has been nearly [-]. The business volume in the second half of the year will only increase, and the commission will definitely not be less." Jiao Jiao Constant low voice.

"There are so many?" Shi Ze asked with wide eyes.

"Of course, my commission is nothing. There is lawyer Bai in the first group. He raised more than 4 yuan in a previous case, and he doesn't need him to attract clients. He just handles the case. This commission is okay! Lawyer Cheng, the leader of our second group , responsible for many non-litigation projects, and the monthly commission is [-] to [-].

And I heard that Attorney Cheng will mention a third-level partner at the end of the year! "Jiao Heng said.

"What's so good about mentioning a partner, you have to eat your own!" Shi Ze said disapprovingly.But the commission that Jiao Heng mentioned earlier made him feel itchy.

In general, partners in law firms work alone. To put it bluntly, each partner forms a team and recruits some lawyers to form a team, just like Wang Chuan's team before.In addition to deductions from the law firm, the legal fee is all for the team, which is equivalent to a larger self-employed.That's why Shi Ze said that after listening to Jiao Heng's words.

"You don't know that! The third-level partners of our law firm are different from other law firms. As long as they become third-level partners, they can participate in the bonus distribution of the law firm at the end of each year.

Our revenue target for this year is 500 million. After deducting miscellaneous expenses, even if the law firm only retains 50.00% of the legal fees, calculate how much the partner can get in dividends! "Jiao Heng said seriously.

Shi Ze was very upset. He originally asked Jiao Heng out because he wanted to show off that he had found a legal job in a company sent to other provinces, with a monthly salary of 5000 yuan, but his desire to show off hadn't risen yet. It completely fell away.

The development of lawyers in law firms is larger than that of legal affairs. Unless they can reach the level of the general counsel of a large company and participate in the actual operation of the company, small legal affairs will always be the target of being dumped and wiped out.

However, legal affairs are not useless. Although they are angry, they have stable jobs and stable wages. It is a good choice for most legal professionals, especially lawyers without resources.

"How is it? Do you want to join Yuanfang Law Firm?" Jiao Heng saw that Shi Ze's eyes were a little dull, thinking that he was tempted by the commission he just said, and asked.

He was indeed tempted and regretted, but right now it is impossible for him to go to Yuanfang Law Firm. He rejected Wang Chuan once before. He didn't know Wang Chuan well, and he didn't know if the other party would accept him again. If... ...with an ugly face.In addition, he has already promised the company to work in other provinces, so after thinking about it, let's forget it!
Shi Ze felt uncomfortable, even a little bit heartbroken. He originally wanted to make a high profile, but was hit to the bottom by the other party's commission.This meal was even worse than the noodle meal the two had eaten before!

Wang Chuan has been running to the hospital for the past few days, and Wu Hongyan has already been hospitalized.Before, Wang Chuan found Zhao Jianbin, also known as Binzi, and built Wu Hongyan's file in Sanlingyao Hospital through the back door.

Then, as soon as she was hospitalized at the end of August, she was put into a single room, accompanied by Wu's mother.

"Mom, how is Yanzi?" Wang Chuan walked into the ward carrying chicken soup.

"The doctor said that we have to wait until the two fingers are opened. Everything is normal. The first child will be born a few days later, but it will be soon. It will only take a day or two. I am here, so you don't have to worry." Wu Mother smiled.

Wu's mother is still very satisfied with this son-in-law, not only can he make money, but also has a good character. The hospital and wards are also good, and the environment is very good.

The hospital stipulated that only one person could stay with the bed at night. Wang Chuan wanted to accompany Wu's mother for a few days, but Wu's mother coaxed Wang Chuan back home because he was inexperienced.

This morning, Wang Chuan was invited to attend a seminar of the Federation of Trade Unions, and Wu Cheng stayed after the meeting.

"Senior Brother Wu, long time no see!" Wang Chuan walked into Wu Cheng's office, sat down and smiled.

"It's been a while! How are you doing?" Wu Cheng smiled, then poured Wang Chuan a cup of tea and handed it over.

"I heard that your daughter-in-law is going to give birth?" Wu Cheng asked.

"Well, I've been in the hospital a few days ago, and I'm about to give birth. It's just a few days." Wang Chuan nodded.

"Be sure to trust me for the full moon." Wu Cheng said with a smile.

"Definitely! Definitely! Senior Brother Wu, did you ask me to come over?" Wang Chuan asked.

Wang Chuan was sure that Wu Cheng asked him to come over to decide not just about the child's full moon.

"Recently, a state-owned enterprise wants to relocate to other provinces as a whole. Other things are easy to handle, but it is difficult to handle with more than a thousand employees.

You also know that if there are too many people, there will be more ideas, and if there are too many ideas, it will be difficult to do work.People's brains are active now, unlike 30 or [-] years ago, when people were pure and simple, when the top raised their arms, the bottom followed suit.

The company has no choice. The chairman of their trade union has a good relationship with me. They found me and wanted me to help them out with ideas.

This kind of thing that involves the interests of employees is difficult to handle, and I have no good solution. I happened to see you at the meeting today. Are you interested in participating? " Wu Chengdao.

"We have done two orders before the overall relocation of the company. You can ask them, if they are willing, we can take this project on." Wang Chuan thought for a while.

"Okay, then I'll talk to them first, and if possible, I'll let them contact you." Wu Chengdao.

(End of this chapter)

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