Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 754 Everyone Has Ambition

Chapter 754 Everyone Has Ambition
"Judging from the current situation, lawyers from the Second Department have to do all the affairs of consulting units, such as contract disputes, labor disputes, equity, debt collection, daily consultation, etc. A lawyer may have three or four types of cases in his hand. Answering various questions is more complex.

In addition, from the perspective of non-litigation business, contract review and labor consulting account for the majority. If labor affairs are separated, it can also relieve a lot of pressure on a team of lawyers.

Furthermore, taking out the labor business separately can make the labor business more concentrated, make the professional direction of the lawyers of the second department clearer, and conduct business research more deeply and thoroughly, and do more finely.

This time the grouping is limited to the second department. The lawyers who were in charge of the client's labor-specific legal affairs before were basically classified into the second group by me, so it is relatively easy to coordinate and will not involve changes in clients.

Non-labor-specific legal consulting units should gradually overdo it, starting with this year, and reassigning lawyers when the legal consulting contract is renewed from next year.

The remaining less than half a year can just be used as a transition. From now on, all the labor business will be classified into the second group to undertake, and other businesses will be classified into the first group. Du Lu will be responsible for the overall coordination work. constant.For clients, the lawyers who serve have not changed, but we have changed internally. "Wang Chuan said.

"There may be a problem in this way. There are many labor dispute cases, and the lawyers in the second team may be under greater pressure; the other business of the legal counsel unit is put on the first team. The lawyers have to sit on shifts, and the manpower on both sides may not be enough. " Chen Zhi thought for a while.

"Well, I've also thought about this issue. Lawyers Du Wenhui, Chen Zhi, Ma Mei, Zou Lin, and Chen Yuanping stayed in one group, and four new trainee lawyers were also divided into one group.

The lawyers in one group are all experienced lawyers, plus the four trainee lawyers left after graduation this year, it should not be a big problem to serve existing clients.A lawyer will come back later to give you more information.

By the way, there is a lawyer named Yuan Ye. Attorney Du, please communicate with Attorney Zheng Shuang to see when she will come to the firm for an interview. If she passes the interview, I will also give you a group. "Wang Chuan said.

"Okay, I'll ask Lawyer Zheng later." Du Wenhui said.

"Lawyer Cheng Wu, lawyer Bai Yun, lawyer Yue Shan, lawyer Jiao Heng, and three junior lawyers Du Xin, Liang Xiaoshuang, and Kou Sufang, together with trainee lawyer Zu Wen and expert consultant Zhou Huaizhi, are in charge of the existing labor business. And labor special legal consultant unit.

In addition, I would like to make a suggestion that the labor cases that have just been signed so far and have not yet been tried can be handled by the Second Department in the name of joint handling.

The three of you can discuss how to coordinate. "Wang Chuan said.

"I agree!" Chen Zhi thought for a while.

In fact, Wang Chuan said that he has experience in his heart. As a lawyer in the second department, he has also done a lot of labor business, but to be honest, he doesn't really want to do labor business in his heart. There is no special reason but he doesn't like it. , I feel that the labor business is more annoying, not as smooth and happy as the equity or contract dispute business.

Such a grouping by Wang Chuan just suits his wishes, people have selfishness, it is normal for Chen Zhi to think so, in fact, he is not the only lawyer who has this kind of thinking.

On the other hand, Cheng Wu, he has been doing labor business all the time, and he is annoyed by a few other business suddenly being given to him. He thinks it is more convenient to do labor business. The most important thing is that so far, the commission is not as good as other lawyers. few.

"I agree too!" Seeing that Chen Zhi had no objection, Cheng Wu expressed his own opinion.

"Since you all agree, I have no objection. Everyone is part two. I hope that during the transition period, everyone can cooperate with each other."

After finishing speaking, Du Wenhui looked at Wang Chuan: "Wang Lv, do you want to ask the lawyers for their opinions on the allocation of the first and second groups of lawyers?"

"Well, that's fine. It's for everyone to have a professional direction. You should talk to a lawyer." Wang Chuan nodded.

After the meeting adjourned, the second department held an internal meeting. Wang Chuan's allocation should be relatively accurate. Only lawyer Bai Yun raised objections to the issue of personnel allocation, and he applied to be transferred to a group.

There is no other reason, because the litigation business of a group is relatively broad. Recently, Wang Chuan asked him to connect with Xiang Dalong's company, and the business Xiang Dalong gave was all debt dispute business. He didn't want to miss such a good opportunity to earn a commission.After weighing it over and over again, he decided to transfer to a group.

Everyone has their own ambitions, anyway, they are all in the second department, and they have not left the law firm, so Cheng Wu did not persuade them to stay.Basically, the grouping is settled like this.

In mid-August, Ah Zi strolled into Wang Chuan's office. During this time, the company's employees worked very hard. She wanted to organize all the staff to go to Pinggu Ecological Farm for picking on weekends, and asked Wang Chuan if they wanted to go together .

Wu Hongyan's due date is approaching. Some time ago, the father-in-law and mother-in-law came to the imperial capital, and now they live at home.

Last weekend, Wang Chuan went to the vegetable market with his mother-in-law to buy food. The mother-in-law complained that the vegetables in the market were not fresh. They were all produced by pesticides and chemical fertilizers and were not tasty.

Today Wang Chuan listened to Ah Zi's words and happened to go pick some organic melons and fruits, which also let the busy lawyers in the firm relax.

Therefore, the two hit it off immediately, and Wang Chuan asked Xiao Guo to send a notice in the group to go to the suburbs to pick on Saturdays, and they rented a car to go there together, with food and drink included, so that everyone could get ready.

Saturday morning, the weather was beautiful, clear and cloudless. Although the summer heat was still there, it was a little cooler in the morning and in the evening than in July.

Except those who couldn't come to the institute due to temporary family affairs, the rest of the people and the people from Boda Investment got into two large rented sedan cars and went straight to the ecological park in Pinggu.

"Wang Lv, let's go to the ecological garden to pick this time. The food and drink are included in the place. What about the wallet for picking?" Fu Ziwen was laughing all the way, chatting with everyone, and turned to look at Wang Chuan who was sitting in front.

"Fu Lu, if you can eat three big peaches in one meal, I will cover your picking fee." Wang Chuan looked back at Fu Ziwen and smiled.

"What are three big peaches? I can eat five!" Fu Ziwen said with pride.

"Okay, everyone heard it. I will choose the peaches. There are only three!" Wang Chuan said with a smile.

"Xiao Fu, you've been fooled!" Wen Yu, who was sitting by the side, pulled Fu Ziwen and said in a low voice.

"Impossible, how big the peaches can be. I usually buy less peaches at the gate of the community. It's no problem to eat three in one meal." Fu Ziwen said disapprovingly.

From the law firm to Pinggu, everyone chatted, played games, and listened to songs along the way. They didn't feel bored, and they arrived soon.

As soon as the sedan car entered the parking lot in the village, there were several people standing in front of it. They were Chairman Zhou and Assistant Cao of the cooperative.

(End of this chapter)

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