Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 721 CM's Invitation

Chapter 721 CM's Invitation

Early the next morning, except for Feng Zheng and Sima Hui who went to other provinces to do projects, everyone else was in the institute.Everyone is dressed formally.

At about 10:30, Situ Ting and Sun Xing walked into Yuanfang Law Firm.Along with them was a 1.8-meter-tall German man who looked to be in his 40s, with blond hair and a big nose.

Through Situ Ting's introduction, Wang Chuan knew that this German man with a big nose was the legal director sent by the headquarters. His name was Peter, and he had studied law at Cambridge University.

Later, Peter studied Chinese at Peking University for three years, and worked in China for another two years. He was considered a China hand, and he even gave himself a Chinese name, Xiao Feng.

Wang Chuan guessed that this buddy had read too many books about Jin Daxia, so he chose such a name!
Wang Chuan took the three of them to visit the law firm, and then they walked into the big conference room. Fatty Wan, Zheng Yi and other partners also followed into the conference room. Several plates of fruit were placed on the conference table.

"Director Peter, President Situ, you may have a certain understanding of our law firm because of your company's work-related injury administrative litigation case, but it should not be comprehensive.

Today I specially prepared a PPT to introduce to you the advantages of our law firm and lawyers in detail. "Speaking, Wang Chuan turned on the projector.

"Please look at the PPT on the screen, our law firm has a different operating model from most law firms in Imperial Capital.

The operation of our law firm adopts the fist model, that is, each department has its own area of ​​expertise, and when combined, they can complement each other and cooperate with each other to form a whole.

We will select the most professional lawyers to provide the most professional services according to the legal needs of our clients. Our law firm is divided into three departments.

One is the investment and financing department, which mainly provides investment and financing legal services for customers; the second is the legal counsel department; the third is the criminal department..." Wang Chuan stood at the front and introduced eloquently.

Situ Ting and the others listened attentively and asked some questions from time to time.

"Lawyer Wang, thank you for your introduction. You let us deepen our understanding of your firm. Before, lawyer Jiao and you represented us in administrative litigation cases, which has demonstrated the professional ability of your lawyers.

Our visit this time is mainly to inspect the scale and office environment of your firm. We will report the situation of your firm to the company after we go back. At the same time, we also invite your firm to participate in the special legal affairs bidding activity held by CM in July. " Situ Ting smiled.

"Thank you, Mr. Situ and Director Peter. I believe we will cooperate again!" Wang Chuan said with a smile.

Seeing that it was almost twelve o'clock, Wang Chuan hosted a banquet for Situ Ting and three people, Fatty Wan and others, and it was already two o'clock in the afternoon for the people who sent CM away after dinner.

Wang Chuan and Fatty Wan were resting and chatting when Xiao Guo ran into the office.

"Wang Lv, Lawyer Pan is here, and she brought a client. I arranged for them to go to meeting room No. [-]." Xiao Guo said.

"Okay, I'll go right away." After Wang said, Xiao Guo turned and left the office.

"Lawyer Pan invites clients to come to the firm. It's rare!" Fatty Wan laughed.

"It's an investment project, and she wants me to help check it out." Wang Chuan smiled.

"Let you check? You are not good at investment business..." Fatty Wan rolled his eyes and said, "I don't think I want to pull you to invest together!"

"Well, there's this possibility. I'll go and have a look." After Wang Chuan finished speaking, he got up and walked to the conference room.

"Lawyer Wang, this is Mr. Wang." After Pan Yuanyuan finished speaking, she turned to look at Mr. Wang and introduced: "Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang is the director of Yuanfang Law Firm and also my colleague. Please tell me about your project. .Let's all listen."

"Director Wang, nice to meet you! Nice to meet you! Our surname is Wang. We were one family 500 years ago! We need to keep in touch with you more in the future." Mr. Wang is in his 40s, with a round face and thinning hair. He is about 1.8 meters tall and tall. Always smile when talking.

"Hello, Mr. Wang! Which industry does the project you introduced today belong to?" Wang Chuan asked with interest.

Although he felt that Mr. Wang was glib, he didn't like it, but he still had to listen to the project. If it was a good project, he could pull Ah Zi and Fatty to vote together.

"My project is a home improvement material sales business that combines physical and online. I am looking for a partner, and someone is willing to invest in my project, and has provided [-] square meters of operating space." Mr. Wang said.

"Talk about the specifics of the project first." Wang Chuan didn't want to hear him rambling.

"You two also know that the real estate market has been booming in the past few years. Both decoration materials and building materials are in high demand. The home improvement market has also become popular.

My business model is very simple. I get the goods directly from the manufacturer, go to the middle link, keep the price to the lowest, sell online and offline simultaneously, and quickly occupy the market.

Then develop offline and set up a regional general agent, and then set up more urban agents under the general agent, so as to create an online and offline integrated service system...

In terms of operating funds, we will use the agent's deposit and deposit to purchase the products of the manufacturer, and make a profit after selling..." Mr. Wang said with joy.

"Mr. Wang, I have a question." Wang Chuan said.

"You said, what's the question?" Mr. Wang looked at Wang Chuan and asked.

"Your model sounds very simple. My understanding is that the money for later operations depends on the funds of offline agents and sales returns. I don't know if I understand it right! You start online and offline at the same time, so you need it Less money!" Wang Chuan asked doubtfully.

" understand pretty much the same. It does require a large amount of funds. Without a large amount of funds, it is impossible to start such a huge project, and it will cost more money in the early stage." Mr. Wang said.

"How much capital is needed for the company's initial stage? Have you calculated it?" Wang Chuan asked.

"Currently, it is estimated to cost [-] million yuan! We may have to add more later, but once the agent channel is developed, it will be easy to handle." Mr. Wang said.

"Oh! If we invest, how do we divide it? How do we calculate the equity ratio?" Wang Chuan asked.

"If Mr. Pan invests here, I can transfer the equity according to the company's registered capital. Now the company's registered capital is [-] million. It depends on how much Mr. Pan invests later.

If you invest, it’s a different matter. The company needs legal services at the start-up stage. If you join us, you don’t need to pay money, but you can offset it with services.

For example, your law firm is responsible for all the company's legal affairs, and we don't pay you, but give you the equivalent equity.It means that you don't have to pay anything, and you get a share. Of course, we can discuss the specific share ratio. "Mr. Wang said.

"Let me ask you again, if the company is up and running later, how will it attract customers online, and how will agents attract customers offline?

At present, the online shopping malls and Suning have obvious advantages, and there are many new companies emerging. What is the competitive advantage of your project? "Wang Chuan asked.

(End of this chapter)

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