Chapter 706 Fraud

"Later, I graduated from university and entered a university to become a teacher. I guess I inherited my father's career. My sister got the qualification to study abroad at public expense. She went to the United States to study and then came back to join a central enterprise. Now she is an executive.

My uncle retired last year. My aunt was laid off early because of her poor popularity in the unit and the poor efficiency of the unit.Life at home is also passable.

Because my cousin was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, her high school grades were not good, and she was admitted to an art school and learned dance.After graduation, she went to a training institution and became a dance teacher.Later, because of her good dance teaching, an elementary school in Shijingshan took a fancy to her and hired her as a dance teacher.

She is not the kind of established teacher, but an external dance teacher.But she is more face-saving. Whenever she is asked, she will say that she is an official teacher of the school.

Over time, many of her friends knew that she was a teacher in an elementary school. Just in time, some of her friends had headaches because of their children's going to elementary school, so they asked her to help clear up the relationship.

Seeing that there was money to be made, she took over everything and took everything from 4 to [-] yuan per family.But in fact, how could she have that ability? It was just a trick to deceive others.

Not long after, several parents who entrusted her to run the school saw that their children had received admission notices, but their own children had nothing, so they went to her.

What she did was even worse, and she even forged several admission notices on the side of the road.

A week before the start of school, several parents found the school and checked the admission information. It turned out that it was all fake. The school's enrollment list had been released long ago, and there were no children from their family at all.

Later, several parents were so angry that they finally blocked her in the school and called the police.Now the procuratorate has brought her to court for fraud.

My aunt's family began to be afraid of being laughed at by others, so they covered this matter and tried to have sex with a few victims.But my cousin delayed other people's children from going to school, and anyone who can have an affair with her would wish for her to be shot to relieve his anger.

Later, I saw that my cousin's case was transferred to the court, and the court was about to start. The old couple were anxious like ants on a hot pot, but they didn't know what to do. Knowing that I was an executive in the company, I knew There were so many people, they came to beg my mother.

My mother agreed to them as soon as her heart softened, and asked me to help them find a way.

It's not that I'm petty, but they really hurt me too much back then. I watched my mother kneel down to my aunt, but my aunt couldn't say a word.

To be honest, I really didn't want to help them at the time, but thinking about the 100 yuan that my uncle gave my mother back then, I finally agreed to help them find a lawyer, so I came to you for help! " Han Zhou said.

"Brother Han, let's chat while eating." Seeing the waiter bring the food, Wang Chuan hurriedly said.

"Thank you for this time! I have contacted a lot of lawyers, but after much deliberation, I feel that lawyer Wan is reliable, so I came here!" Han Zhou picked up his chopsticks and said.

"According to what you said, your cousin did commit a crime of fraud. Do you know how much money she defrauded?" Fatty Wan asked.

"I heard from my uncle that there seems to be more than 70 yuan. The family helped her pay back part of it, and there are more than 50 yuan. My cousin asked for several sums of money back and forth. The school's sponsorship fee, but she wasted all the money." Han Zhou looked full of hatred.

"If this is the case, the amount of fraud has already constituted a huge amount. The sentence must be inevitable!" Fatty Wan said seriously.

"Lawyer Wan, how many years will my cousin be sentenced to?" Han Zhou was startled and asked.

"According to the provisions of the "Criminal Law", whoever defrauds the company's property, if the amount is relatively large, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or surveillance, and shall also be sentenced to a fine; if the amount is huge or there are other serious circumstances, the sentence shall be not less than three years but ten years. If the amount involved is particularly huge or there are other particularly serious circumstances, the sentence is to be not less than [-] years of fixed-term imprisonment or life imprisonment and a fine or confiscation of property.


In your cousin's case the amount is particularly large.Basically, it starts at ten years, and if there are any particularly serious circumstances, the maximum sentence can be life. Fatty Wan thought for a moment.

"It's so serious!" Han Zhou's chopsticks almost fell to the ground in astonishment. He thought that his cousin would be sentenced, but he didn't expect that the sentence stipulated by the law would be so severe. He followed up and said, "What if I pay back all the money?"

"If all the proceeds of crime are refunded, the judge will consider it when sentencing. The specific sentence depends on the judge." Fatty Wan said.

"That is to say, even if my cousin returns all the money to the victim, she will still go to jail, is that true?" Han Zhou asked.

"Well, you can understand it this way. It's just a question of the length of the sentence. Will your aunt's family refund all the money?" Fatty Wan asked.

"Difficult! Too difficult! There is only a small house of about [-] square meters left in his family. If he sells it, he can return all the money to the victim, but if this is the case, the old couple will have no place to live.

Even if my aunt is willing to sell it, my uncle won't.In his words, he couldn't destroy his home for a worthless daughter. He didn't want his daughter to have no place to live after she was released from prison.

I thought, if I help her get the money back, it’s fine if she can come out, but today you said that, I think since it’s already like this, it’s better to let her undergo labor reform inside, this is the consequence she should bear! " Han Zhou said.

"Lawyer Wan, can you represent my cousin in this case?" Han Zhou continued.

"No problem, but the entrustment procedure requires her parents to sign. You can't sign the entrustment procedure on their behalf." Fatty Wan said.

"Well, I understand. Look at the legal fees..." Han Zhou looked at Wang Chuan and Fatty Wan.

"Since it's your relative, I'll charge you five thousand for the lawyer's fee. This case isn't too controversial, it's relatively simple." Fatty Wan said.

"Okay, I'll go back and tell them that I'll let them come to the office to go through the formalities tomorrow, and I'll pay the lawyer's fees," Han Zhou said.

Han Zhou's uncle had consulted several lawyers before, and the minimum fee was [-] yuan. Even if he went to meet with a criminal suspect, it would cost [-] yuan. Fatty Wan's quotation is so low obviously because of his face. I know it well.

After eating, Han Zhou took a taxi and left, and Wang Chuan and Fatty Wan returned to the law firm.

(End of this chapter)

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