Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 563 The world's profits are inexhaustible!

Chapter 563 The world's profits are inexhaustible!

Two days ago, Zhou Yiqiang called and told him that the postgraduate work had been settled, and he would send him an admission letter after a while, and the school would officially start in September.

With Zhou Yiqiang sitting in charge, Wang Chuan can continue to handle the case at ordinary times, and just wait until the exam time.The reason he went to graduate school was to be gilded, and Zhou Yiqiang and he were very clear about this.

On weekends, Wang Chuan had nothing to do, so he came to Lao Niu's teahouse, planning to chat with him and drink tea, but saw an acquaintance at the door—Wei Ping.

Wei Ping is still so beautiful, but more mature, exuding the beauty of a mature woman.Some people say that maturity means getting older, but it is not true, maturity is not age, age is the increase of numbers, but maturity is a kind of temperament, a unique temperament.

The moment the two saw each other, they were stunned, a little overwhelmed.

"Long time no see!" Finally, Wei Ping broke the silence.There was a smile on her face, with a little bitterness and embarrassment in her smile.

"Long time no see! When did you come back?" Wang Chuan smiled.
"At the beginning of the year, I came back before the Spring Festival." Wei Ping's eyes were a little evasive: "Are... are you okay?"

"Well, it's pretty good! Director Niu opened a teahouse, and now I've set up a firm with Lawyer Wan and Sister Wang, where we can eat together. What about you?" Wang Chuan said.

"After I returned to China, I went to an investment company as a business director, specializing in investment business and M&A business. Some time ago, I went to the firm to go through the procedure of transferring firms, only to find out that Director Niu is no longer in the law firm, and now Lawyer Mu is in charge of the business in the firm.

I'm fine today, I'll come over to see Director Niu. Wei Ping said: "Brother, thank you!" "

Wang Chuan was taken aback: "Thank me for what?"

"If you hadn't asked me to practice tongue twisters and regain my confidence, I'm afraid I wouldn't be where I am today." Wei Ping smiled.

"It's just a pity that I haven't taught you how to play the guitar!" Wang Chuan said with a smile.

After hearing this, Wei Ping also laughed.

"Back then you said you had three requests, but you only mentioned two. What is the other one?" Wang Chuan put away his smile and asked seriously.

"Do you still remember!?" Wei Ping was a little surprised, at this moment her mobile phone rang, and she answered the phone: "Okay, mom loves you too...OK, mom will be right back..."

"How old is the child?" Wang Chuan said with a smile, but his heart felt sore.

"My daughter is more than two years old, but she is too clingy." Wei Ping put away her mobile phone, and her face was full of happiness when she mentioned the child.

Wang Chuan nodded: "Go back quickly, or the child will be anxious!"

"Well, see you later!" Wei Ping nodded.

"See you later!" After Wang Chuan finished speaking, he raised his foot to enter the teahouse.

"Big Brother!!" Wei Ping suddenly stopped Wang Chuan.

"What?" Wang Chuan turned around and asked.

"The last request, the past is in the past, we must look forward! I wish you happiness!" After Wei Ping finished speaking, she turned around and walked towards the Mercedes-Benz parked beside her with tears in her eyes.

Wang Chuan stared blankly at the Mercedes-Benz driving away, and felt relieved: Well, I promise you!The past has passed, and the future will eventually come. Only by living in the present can we be worthy of ourselves and our loved ones!

To untie the bell, the person who tied it had to be tied. At this moment, Wang Chuan has finally let go!

When Wang Chuan walked into the office, Lao Niu was making tea, looked up at him and said, "Wei Ping just came!"

"Well, I saw her at the door!" Wang Chuan nodded.

Lao Niu saw that his face was calm and not in a high mood, so he knew that he didn't want to talk about Wei Ping, so he changed the subject and said, "Why are you free today?"

"I've been a little bit hesitant recently, so I want to find a place to chat and get some thoughts." Wang Chuan took a sip of tea from his cup and said, "This tea is not bad! Give me some later. Give it to me really. I have a discount!"

"You're really good, I'm buried up to my neck in loess, and you still come here to get stuck! Pay me!" Lao Niu finished speaking angrily, and stretched out his hand.

"Come on! The loess is buried up to the neck? I think it's the ankle.

You see, since you left the circle of lawyers, your head no longer hurts, your waist is no longer sore, and you don't have to pant to go up to the eighth floor. Your forehead is bright and your nose is bright. You don't look like a person in his sixties!In better health than the young lads.

I think you can live at least two thirty! After Wang Chuan finished speaking, he filled the teacup, picked up the pastry on the table and ate it.

"Hey! You kid is getting more and more slippery! If you live another 100 years, I will be more than [-] years old. I won't be an old monster anymore. I don't want to live so long!" The old cow scolded with a smile.

"If you think you've lived too long and are not welcome, you can understand it as two years and thirty years old." Wang Chuan laughed after speaking.

"You! A dog can't spit out ivory." The old cow pointed at Wang Chuan's nose and finished cursing, then said: "Tell me, what difficulties did you encounter again!"

"Do you understand the non-performing asset business?" Wang Chuan asked.

"I haven't done it, but I've heard of some, tell me about it." The old cow said.

"A year ago, a friend worked in a bank. He was transferred to the asset department. He wanted me to find some funds to take over the bank's non-performing assets and make money together.

But I learned that the non-performing asset business has not yet been fully marketized. If you want to make money, you need upstream and downstream contacts and a lot of funds.Otherwise, we can only make one order occasionally, and cannot form a normalized business.

You also know that my contacts are limited, and I don't have many major financial clients. This kind of business makes money, but I have too many flaws, I'm afraid I can't handle it! "Wang Chuan was puzzled.

"So you think this business is a bit like a moon in the water. It looks good, but it's really difficult and risky to do it, right!? Lao Niu is on the point. Wang Chuan is really a little bit unsure.

"In the final analysis, it is because this business cannot be traded stably for a long time for you, and you cannot control it! It cannot be a normalized business in your team!" Lao Niu continued.

"Well, that's true. Last month I introduced that friend to Pan Yuanyuan (Senior Brother Pan). Her investment company is now looking for business everywhere, and her family has a lot of connections and relatively abundant funds. They have already I made an order, and I sent someone to make a thorough investigation." Wang Chuan said.

"Giving roses to others has a lingering fragrance in your hands, so you don't have to be so entangled. You can introduce business that you can't do to your peers, make a good relationship, and you can make some money by the way, isn't it great.

When I was young, when I first came to the Imperial Capital, it was difficult to do anything without money in my pocket. I always felt that money was the most important thing, and everything was based on money. As a result, I was too aggressive and offended many colleagues and customers. narrow.

Later, when I was older, I also wanted to understand!The benefits of the world are inexhaustible!
Although we can't do "do good deeds and don't ask about the future", we can't let the cost of developing business go to waste. We introduce businesses that we can't do to our peers. With it, isn't it great!
Taking advantage of the opportunity, it happens that you can build your own network of relationships, and you don't have to do business to earn money! " said the old cow.

"Well, I understand!" Wang Chuan nodded silently.

(End of this chapter)

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