Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 546 Being forced to a dead end by myself!

Chapter 546 Being forced to a dead end by myself!
After hearing Wang Chuan's words, Zheng Qiaomei stood up and walked towards the door of the conference room. When she was almost at the door, she stopped suddenly, turned her back to Wang Chuan and said, "Three days, I will send you a letter in three days. I hope you can speak Keep your word!" After she finished speaking, she left the law firm.

When she was going through a divorce to divide her property, what she was most afraid of was that the creditor would come to her door, and she was afraid that something would happen. Fortunately, only one creditor came, so she could only gamble at this time.

This also gave her a new idea about her villa. She must not register it under her own name. She must find a way to realize it or move it out as soon as possible. Right now, she can only find that bastard Zhang Dafa to pay back the money first, and stabilize the creditor in front of her.

Fortunately, there was an agreement between their husband and wife that all the debts would be borne by Zhang Dafa, which was clearly written in the mediation letter, so she could go to Zhang Dafa to talk about it with confidence.

Wang Chuan heaved a sigh of relief, and he had done everything that needed to be done. He was not afraid of Zheng Qiaomei's tampering. With the verdict in hand, the misappropriation of Niu Niu Technology's public funds by their husband and wife would not be erased.

After lunch, Wang Chuan was about to lie on the table and squint for a while, when suddenly his phone rang, it was an unknown number.

"Lawyer Wang, hello. My name is Feng Zheng. Is your firm recruiting people now?" A man's voice came from the microphone, and he should be young.

"Hello, we are still recruiting, where did you know my phone number?"

Wang Chuan asked Xiao Guo to put the recruitment information on the recruitment website before. In order to test the effectiveness of the recruitment website, he would ask the other party for the source of the information when he called to inquire about the recruitment.

"It's the phone number my classmate gave me." The man said.

"Okay, come here. Our law firm is located on the tenth floor of Shijingshan Wanshang. Don't forget to bring your resume." Wang Chuan said.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Xiao Guo at the front desk quickly walked up to Wang Chuan and told him that there was a fat man in front of him looking for him, saying that his surname was Feng, and he was here for an interview.

When Wang Chuan walked into the conference room, he saw a fat man standing up from a chair.He is short in stature, about 1.6 meters tall by visual inspection, with a round face, short hair, a pair of smiling eyes, and looks very festive.

"Hi, I'm Wang Chuan. You are Feng Zheng!" Wang Chuan said with a smile.

"Hello, I'm Feng Zheng." The little fat man smiled and said, "This is my resume." Then, he handed the resume to Wang Chuan.

"Please introduce yourself!" Wang Chuan said while reading his resume.

"I used to work in the basic court of International Village for more than four years. I mainly tried commercial cases for the first three years, and then I worked in the executive bureau for more than a year.

After I resigned from the court, I went to Imperial City and worked as a lawyer here for more than a year, mainly doing corporate business with a partner of the law firm.

Some time ago, the partner I was with passed away. The director of our firm wanted me to change to a lawyer, but I didn’t have any business, so I wanted to change the law firm. Later, my classmate pushed your phone number to me. "Feng Zheng said.

"Death? Hey! Lawyers are hard to do. They require both physical strength and mental strength. If they are not done well, they will be anxious. Basically, there are more than one people who die from overwork every year." Wang Chuan sighed.

His first reaction was that the boss of the brother opposite was exhausted.

"My boss didn't die from overwork, he jumped off the building!" Feng Zheng said.

"Jump off the building?! What's going on?" Wang Chuan was a little surprised, no matter how bad the business is, there is no need to jump off the building!At worst, change careers, sell breakfast and make money!

"It's a long story.

The partner I was talking to was a returnee. He has a high spirit and saves face. He wears famous brands all day long, drives a Mercedes-Benz, carries LV, and wears a famous watch. He looks like a successful person.

He also has high requirements for me. He must wear a suit every day to work, and it is a very high-end suit. For this reason, I specially spent nearly [-] yuan to buy a suit.

It is said that his wife has been looking after the children at home and has no job.He just bought a house of more than 100 square meters in the imperial capital a few years ago.

At first I always thought that he was my goal, but then I found out that I was wrong.His business is actually very small, and he doesn't make much money.

At the beginning of this year, the administration of the law firm told me in private that the office he had rented had not been paid for several months. The director of the law firm advised him to withdraw the office and become a commissioned lawyer, but he felt it was too embarrassing. Did not agree.

Later, I found that something was wrong with him. He often lost his temper and scolded others, and his anxiety became more and more serious.

In the last week of last month, I went to work early on Tuesday morning, but the law firm told me that he jumped off the building on Monday night, and he died before he could be rescued.I was dumbfounded at the time.

I guess he is under too much pressure. The family's mortgage, car loan, daughter's training fee, office rental fee of the law firm, and staff salaries and business development expenses are all over the place every month. less money.

He was driven to a dead end by himself! After Feng Zheng finished speaking, there was a trace of regret in his eyes.

Why!Why bother!As a colleague, Wang Chuan felt worthless for him.

Life, life, people have objections when they are alive, and everything is worthless without people.No matter how awesome a character is, even if he is alive, he will not take a single bit of it with him when he leaves. The funerary objects are just gifts for tomb robbers and find some work for archaeologists.That's all!

"By the way, let me ask, who is your classmate? How did he know that I am recruiting?" Wang Chuan asked.

"Her surname is Wu, and her name is Wu Hongyan. She works in the Shijingshan Court. After graduating from university, I went to the court system of Hebei Province, and she entered the judicial system in the imperial capital.

She said that you are a technical lawyer, and you feel very reliable in handling affairs. She asked me to come over and ask if you need manpower, so I called you. "Feng Zheng said.

Whoa!Judge Wu introduced it!People are divided into groups, and things of a feather flock together. Judge Wu is a nice person, and her classmate should not be far behind, or she would not have introduced it to me.

"Have you ever done non-litigation business? For example, service consultants and due diligence." Wang Chuan smiled.

The little fat man in front of him has a lawyer's certificate and has been a judge for several years. He still has practical experience. If it is suitable, Wang Chuan plans to send him to Wen Yu to follow him in investment, and then he can give the lawsuit in his hand to him. he does.

"Due diligence was only done once, but the project was stopped before it was finished. I have worked as a company's legal counsel for more than a year before, and I have some experience." Feng Zhengdao.

"I have litigation business and non-litigation business here, but I have to work in the client's company. Of course, the working hours are not so strict. It doesn't matter if I don't have due diligence experience. There is a lawyer Wen over there, and she can take you to do it. "Wang Chuan said.

(End of this chapter)

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