Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 507 It's really hard for me to choose!

Chapter 507 It's really hard for me to choose!
"Second trial? I don't know! Allen didn't tell me that there was a second trial!" Wang Chuan was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, he immediately understood that maybe the big golden retriever felt that he had won the first trial, and it didn't matter whether he hired a lawyer or not in the second trial, so he went to fight the lawsuit by himself.

"Oh? He didn't tell you?" Manager Gao also looked confused.

"It doesn't matter. His case is relatively simple. He did a good job in the first trial, but there are no major problems in the second trial." Wang Chuan said with a smile.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the office, and then a slender woman in dark professional attire walked in.She is about 30 years old, with delicate and light makeup.

"Lawyer Wang, let me introduce you. This is Manager Ma from our hotel room department." Manager Gao got up and introduced.

Manager Gao is the general manager of the hotel, responsible for the overall operation and management of the hotel.Manager Ma is just the manager of the guest room department, one level behind in rank, but Manager Gao does not have the strong aura of a senior official to overwhelm people with his subordinates, and instead makes people feel like a spring breeze.

"Manager Ma, this is Lawyer Wang. If you have any questions, you can consult him. Lawyer Wang is very reliable!" Manager Gao smiled at Manager Ma and said, "I asked someone to arrange a small conference room. You and Lawyer Wang Let's talk somewhere."

What Manager Ma wanted to consult was a private matter, and Manager Gao was not comfortable listening in, so he opened the back door for her in the name of business, and arranged a small meeting room for her.Sometimes it is necessary to give some small favors to the subordinates to win people's hearts. Manager Gao has done a good job in this aspect, which is just right.

"Thank you, Mr. Gao!" Manager Ma smiled and said, "Lawyer Wang, please excuse me! Let's go to the meeting room!"

Wang Chuan followed Manager Ma to a small conference room. The conference room was said to be small, but it was actually not small. It could accommodate six people for a meeting, and it didn't look crowded at all.

After the service staff brought two cups of tea to Lawyer Wang and Manager Ma, they left the meeting room.

"Manager Ma, I heard from Manager Gao that you want to consult some personal matters. I don't know what you want to consult?" Wang Chuan smiled.

"Well, it's my family business. My husband and I have been married for more than three years. I have been busy with work and have no children. In October last year, my aunt did not come for a long time. I went to the hospital for an examination and was pregnant.

My husband was ecstatic when he found out I was pregnant!His parents ran to my house every now and then, advising me not to go to work, but to save my baby first.

At the end of last year, the higher-ups told me that in the second half of this year, our hotel has two quotas for studying abroad at the headquarters. I have worked very hard in the past few years, and the higher-ups gave me one of the quotas.

You also know that it is very difficult for women in modern society to stand out on their own, really difficult!I don't want to miss this opportunity..." After finishing speaking, Manager Ma lowered his head: "One side is the crystallization of love, and the other side is a future career!I really have a hard time choosing! "

Wang Chuan could see the entanglement and guilt in her heart: "So... you finally chose your career?!"

Manager Ma didn't speak, but nodded heavily!

"My husband was furious when he knew that I had taken the child away, and then he slammed the door and left the house. During my recovery at home, his parents didn't even show their faces, and my husband also spoke sarcastically, calling me selfish!

I know he wants this child, his parents have been looking forward to having a grandson, but I don't want to be a housewife, I also have my career.

Since taking away the child, I have become a sinner in his family!The relationship between the two of us gradually became weaker and weaker, and now we are strangers! " Manager Ma said and shed tears.

Seeing her like this, Wang Chuan hurriedly took out a few facial tissues from the paper box on the table and handed them over.

"You came to me to mediate for you?!"

Wang Chuan felt depressed for a while. I can't help you with the relationship between your husband and wife. I don't even have a daughter-in-law. How can I be qualified to mediate for you? I have no experience!

"No, Lawyer Wang, please don't misunderstand! We have come to the end!

In March, my husband sued me, asked for a divorce and asked me to compensate him 30 yuan for mental damage, saying that I had violated his reproductive rights!
Lawyer Wang, I don't care about the divorce, it will happen anyway, sooner or later.I want to ask you, do I have to give him the 30 mental damage compensation? Manager Ma looked at Wang Chuan with doubts in his eyes.

"If both of you want to divorce, it should be no problem for the court to decide the divorce. However, if your husband asks you to pay 30 yuan in compensation for mental damage on the grounds that you violated his reproductive rights, the court may not support it!

I personally believe that the reproductive right is a right shared by both men and women. It is a basic right of citizens. Any party who wants to exercise the reproductive right must obtain the consent of the other party. right.Neither party shall force the other party to exercise this right. "Wang Chuan said.

Wang Chuan is still very grateful to Lao Niu in his heart. During his practice as a lawyer, Wang Chuan followed Lao Niu in many divorce cases. The theoretical and practical foundation laid at that time is still available today.

"Oh! Lawyer Wang, I'm usually busy with work, and I don't want to see her again. Can I entrust you to represent me in my divorce case?" Manager Ma said.

"I can represent your case, but in cases involving personal relationships, the parties must appear in court, otherwise the court will not be able to open normally.

When the court is in session, you go with me, and I will speak for you. Then you just listen. If there are special circumstances, I can discuss it with you.

In addition, if the judge asks you during the trial, you can answer it, and if you don’t ask you, just let me handle it! "Wang Chuan said.

"Well, that's fine!" Manager Ma nodded in agreement.

"Do you and your husband have any common property? Such as real estate, cars and deposits." Wang Chuan asked.

"The house was bought by his family in full before marriage, and it has nothing to do with me. The car was bought after marriage. A Volkswagen was registered in his name, and a Mini Cooper was registered in my name. They have been driven for more than two years. You also know that the license plate is now in a lottery, so I want to keep the car and the license plate in my name.

Others, we don’t have much deposits, they are all with me, a little over 20 in total.Furniture and home appliances are worthless, so I don't want them.

There should be some stocks that are operated by him, but I don't know the specific amount.However, the time he bought stocks happened to be when the stock market was over 6000 points in [-]. At that time, he was crazy, dreaming of getting rich every day, but now he is locked up, and he should be in a state of loss.I don't understand stocks, and I don't want them.

That's all I know, there should be no other property. " Manager Ma said.

Good guy!The "big winner" in life, he stepped on the point so accurately, the stock was bought at the highest point!
Wang Chuan was thinking about how to charge while writing on paper with a pen: no house, only two cars and a deposit of more than 20 yuan, this case must not be charged like Miss Wang.

(End of this chapter)

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