Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 490 There is no love for no reason, and there is no hate for no reason

Chapter 490 There is no love for no reason, and there is no hate for no reason
"Okay, wait for my letter, the client's talk is almost done, I will make an appointment with Sister Wang later, the three of us will meet with Lawyer Cao, and then go to the office address to see who you are!" Although Fatty Wan was smiling, But it was hard to hide the exhaustion in his heart.

"Okay, I'll wait for your letter." After speaking, Wang Chuan looked at Fatty Wan and said, "Have you been working too hard lately? It doesn't matter if you open the law firm sooner or later."

"It's okay, I'm really tired recently, and my heart is tired!" Fatty Wan smiled slightly, his eyes were a little lonely and said: "It has nothing to do with opening a law firm, it's a matter of the case."

"What case consumes so much energy? It must be very complicated!" Wang Chuan became curious.

"It's a criminal case from another province, introduced by a client." Fatty Wan rubbed his temples, and said, "This case is not complicated to say the least. But it takes a lot of energy."

"What kind of case? Can you tell me?" Wang Chuan asked.

"It's okay. It can be said that the case has been judged."

After Fatty Wan finished speaking, he habitually took out a cigarette from his pocket, put away the lighter just as he was about to light it, and smiled faintly with the cigarette in his mouth: "I forgot that smoking is not allowed in the meeting room!
This is a homicide.My client was a woman in her 40s. She killed her own brother with her own hands and stabbed her five times, killing her on the spot.Does it feel inhumane? "

Wang Chuan was stunned, and nodded stiffly.

"If I say that a murderer is pitiful and shouldn't be sentenced to death! You will probably think I am cold-blooded, but after listening to this client's story, maybe you won't think so again."

Fatty Wan was silent for a moment after finishing speaking, put the cigarette under his nose and kept sniffing back and forth, as if adjusting his emotions, then looked up at Wang Chuan opposite him: "She was born in a poor family, and her mother died when her younger brother was born. Yes, when she was in junior high school, her father also left because of an accident.

In order to make money for her younger brother to study, she dropped out of junior high school and went to work on a construction site, and spent all the money she earned from the part-time job on her younger brother.

Many years have passed, and her younger brother is not material for studying. After graduating from junior high school, he was not admitted to a key high school. After three years in ordinary high school, he began to follow a group of people to mix in society.Gradually develop the habit of eating and being lazy.

Most of the money she earns every year is given to her younger brother. Her younger brother's appetite is getting bigger and bigger, and he often steals the money she hides and spends it while she is not at home.

No matter where she exists, her younger brother can find her. After getting the money, her younger brother will go away for two or three days.

Later, she deposited the money in the bank and set up a password. Her younger brother started playing tricks when he couldn't get the money. At first, he just scolded a few words, and then it got worse and beat people. The worst time of beating was that she lay in bed for a week.

Later, she got married and her husband was often away in a van.Her younger brother came to ask for money while her brother-in-law was not at home, and the couple quarreled a lot over this matter, and finally divorced, and she lived alone with her daughter.

But even so, her younger brother didn't let her go, and still asked her for money every now and then, and she was often beaten all over her body by his younger brother.

Once she was beaten so badly that her legs were broken. The neighbors couldn't stand it anymore and called the police.The police took her brother to educate him and locked him up for a few days. Because of her pleading, he was released again.

On the day of the incident, his younger brother smelled of alcohol and came to the gas station to ask her for money (she worked at the gas station). It is said that he played cards all night the night before and lost all his money.

She didn't have any money that day, so she told her brother that she would give him the money when she was paid.But her younger brother didn't listen, and beat her up again, until her nose was bruised and her face was swollen.

Seeing that she couldn't get the money, her younger brother drew out a watermelon knife from his waist cursingly, pointed at her nose and yelled that if she didn't give the money, she would be abolished today, and then she would kill her daughter, and it would be useless to call the police , When she came out, she would kill her whole family. "Speaking of this, Fatty Wan stood up, walked to the window, and exhaled deeply.

Then he looked out of the window and said calmly: "Since the divorce, she has been living with her daughter. She can endure hardships, be beaten and scolded by herself, but she will never allow her brother to hurt her daughter. Her daughter is her only hope.

Her brother's words touched her against the scales and made her go crazy. She kept shouting in her heart: kill the man in front of her and protect her daughter!
Her younger brother may be used to domineering, and he never put her in his eyes, and let down his vigilance with a knife.Taking advantage of her brother's inattention, she rushed up to grab the watermelon knife in his hand.

Originally, she couldn't snatch her brother, but at that time she was eager to protect her daughter, so she used all her strength to snatch the knife into her hand, and stabbed the knife into her brother's abdomen with a backhand.Then she frantically slashed and stabbed four times.

The colleagues at the gas station were terrified and called the police.When the police came, she sat beside her brother's body, tears streaming down her face. "

" was the sentence later?" Wang Chuan asked with a dry throat and swallowed.

"After I took over the case, all her neighbors came to me, and the leaders of the local Women's Federation also came to me, complaining about her and wanting me to save her life.

One of her neighbors is a retired teacher. She joined the residents in the community to write a joint letter. It wrote a total of more than 50 pages of letter paper. More than 300 people signed and stamped their fingerprints, writing what happened to her in the letter. Above, request the court for leniency.

Later, I communicated with the prosecutor of the procuratorate no less than ten times, but the law outweighed the sentiment, and the procuratorate still charged her with intentional homicide and suggested that she be executed!
During the trial, I submitted a joint letter and submitted the application of the local women's federation to the court.This case had a great impact in the local area, and there was also a lot of public outrage on the Internet. The presiding judge couldn't decide for a while, so he went to the scene to check it many times, and visited her neighbors and the local public security department.

The entire case lasted for more than half a year, and finally the court convened a trial committee to set the tone for the case.The court eventually sentenced her to life imprisonment.The verdict just came down last month.

I went to the detention center to see her, and asked her if she regretted it. She said that she did not regret it for her daughter. The only one who was sorry was her old father. At the beginning, she promised her father to take good care of her younger brother. hurt herself. "

After finishing speaking, Fatty Wan was silent for a long time: "This case touched me deeply. Human nature is so complicated! There is no love without reason, and there is no hate without reason. This sentence is so true!"

"Well, there is only one step difference between honey and poison. It looks like honey, but it may actually be poison. People! You have to be self-reliant!" Wang Chuan sighed.

"Okay! I'll go back first. Call me if you need anything." Fatty Wan said after a while.

He walked to the table and patted Wang Chuan on the arm, picked up his briefcase and walked out of the conference room.

(End of this chapter)

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