Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 477 Golden Retriever

Chapter 477 Golden Retriever
"Oh! I remember you, you are the senior manager of XX Hotel."

Wang Chuan suddenly remembered a labor arbitration case he had done before. A hotel employee stole yogurt from the hotel and was fired. He represented the case. In the end, the court found that the employee had seriously violated discipline, and the hotel terminated the labor relationship with the employee. legitimate.

The reason why he was impressed by Manager Gao was: first, this hotel used to be a consultant unit of Zhengyang Law Firm; I ate a buffet in a five-star hotel once.At that time, Manager Gao also introduced a labor dispute case to the law firm, which was also represented by Wang Chuan.

It's just a pity that Zhengyang Law Firm only served as the legal consultant for that hotel for one year, and was snatched away by other law firms in the second year. Since then, Manager Gao has not contacted Wang Chuan again. It has been almost two years in a flash. .

"Yes, it's me. I have a labor case to see if you're interested!" Manager Gao said.

"Okay! What's the situation?" Wang Chuan was happy.

"We have a new western culinary consultant here, a Frenchman, who came from Guangdong Province.

He has a labor dispute case with the restaurant in Guangdong Province where he worked before, and he wants to find a lawyer here to represent him. I wonder if you have time. " Manager Gao said.

"Well, I want to understand the case first. If I think I can do it, I will definitely act as an agent. But now I can't give you a definite answer." Wang Chuan thought for a while.

Although there are cases coming to the door, it depends on the situation. If the case cannot be won, Wang Chuan is not willing to earn client agency fees, especially for cases introduced by acquaintances, which will ruin the contacts he has accumulated so hard.

"I can't tell you the specifics of the case. If you are free tomorrow, come to our hotel. I'll let that Frenchman communicate with you." Manager Gao said.

"Okay, what time do you think is suitable for me to go there tomorrow morning?" Wang Chuan asked.

"After ten o'clock in the morning, it should be convenient for him during that time. When you come, call my mobile phone and I will arrange it." Manager Gao said.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Chuan took out his notebook and recorded the case information on it. As long as the case was introduced by an acquaintance, he would write down the introducer so that he could give them certain benefits at the end of the year, reciprocate courtesy, and stabilize the relationship.

To put it bluntly, connections are mutual use. If there is no use value for each other and you are squeezed into the circle, no one will take you seriously. Whoever feels uncomfortable will know!
After breakfast the next morning, Wang Chuan put on his only high-end suit, and took a taxi to the hotel with a newly bought leather briefcase worth more than 600 yuan.

Although he doesn't have any money in his pocket now, he still has to do things for his face, especially when meeting such executive-level customers, he can't be too shabby, otherwise the customers will think that you are not dressed well because you can't make money, and you can't make money. The money is due to your lack of skills, and it is very likely that the order will be gone!

At the entrance of the hotel, Wang Chuan tidied up his clothes, called Manager Gao, and walked into the lobby of the hotel openly.

Manager Gao came over after a while.

"Long time no see, Lawyer Wang! Let's go to the meeting room." Manager Gao said enthusiastically.

After Wang Chuan followed Manager Gao to a meeting room upstairs, Manager Gao made a phone call.After waiting for about ten minutes, a blond-haired crooked nut with blue eyes and a tall figure in his fifties walked in, weighing more than 200 kilograms.

"Alan! This is the lawyer Wang I told you about, an expert in labor law." Manager Gao smiled at the golden retriever who walked in.

"Lawyer Wang, hello, my name is Alan!" Although the golden retriever spoke a little awkwardly, Wang Chuan could understand it completely.

"Hello. Manager Gao said that you are French. I didn't expect your Chinese to be so good." Wang Chuan stood up and shook hands, surprised.

"I forgot to tell you, Alan has been working in our country for nearly 20 years, and his wife is from Guangdong Province. The child's nationality is also in our country." Manager Gao smiled: "Don't worry, talk to Alan There won't be any obstacles. You two talk, I'll take care of things, and call me when I'm done."

When Manager Gao went out, he made a gesture for Wang Chuan to make a phone call with his hand, and went out.

"Hello, Mr. Alan. I won't be polite to you. Please tell me about the case, the more detailed the better." Seeing that he and Alan were the only ones left in the conference room, Wang Chuan said.

"Lawyer Wang, here are my materials, please take a look." After speaking, Allen handed Wang Chuan a file bag.

"Lawyer Wang, I used to work as a western kitchen consultant in a seaport restaurant in Guangdong Province. The average monthly salary for the twelve months before I left was 5000 yuan.

In the past few years, the management team of the restaurant has changed. Due to poor management, the restaurant that was originally good has fewer and fewer customers.

Last year, the restaurant was acquired by a catering company. The new shareholder wanted to squeeze me out without giving me too much financial compensation, so they used the labor contract as an issue.

You can see Article No. 18 of the labor contract, about the termination clause of the labor contract.It says: Either party can terminate this contract, but must notify the other party in writing one month in advance, or compensate the other party for one month's wages.

The new shareholders took this to me to talk about resignation, and they agreed to give me one month's salary, which is 5000 yuan, and let me sign the resignation agreement.

But I think this is unfair. Later, we did not reach an agreement, and the Harbor Restaurant gave me a written notice to terminate the labor relationship.

Later, with the support of my wife, I went to labor arbitration, but because I was going to work in the capital, I missed the arbitration hearing.The labor arbitration department handled the application as an automatic withdrawal, and then I asked my wife to apply for labor arbitration again on my behalf.However, the labor arbitration department issued a notice of inadmissibility. Alan pointed to a notice in Wang Chuan's hand and said, " see, this is the notice." "

"I don't know what to do next. My wife also came to work in the imperial capital. We really can't take care of it, so we want to hire a lawyer to represent me in this case.

I would like to ask, can my case be handled in the imperial capital? "Alan asked.

"No! The Harbor Restaurant is in Guangdong Province, and your actual workplace was also in Guangdong Province, so you can only sue there. You have already received the notice of non-acceptance, and you can go directly to the court to sue." Wang Chuan said.

"Do you think I can win this case?" Allen asked bluntly.

Wang Chuan smiled slightly and said: "The other party wrote in the "Notice of Termination of Labor Relationship" that the labor relationship was terminated according to the labor contract No. 18, but I personally think that this clause is untenable and constitutes illegal termination. "

This big golden retriever has lived in China for a long time, and he has learned the way of Chinese people very well!Come up and ask if you can win!

(End of this chapter)

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