Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 470: The Evil Manifests the Righteous!

Chapter 470: The Evil Manifests the Righteous!

Wang Chuan was taken aback for a moment, and immediately realized the judge's intention.

From Miyun to Daxing, one is at the northernmost part of the imperial capital, and the other is at the southernmost part of the imperial capital. If there are too many, I dare not say that it takes at least half a day to take the bus. If it goes well; Just throw it all on the road.

The key point is that the Xinglong Wood Industry that the judge said is not in the urban area of ​​Miyun, but in a small village to the north of Miyun. Considering the current traffic conditions in the imperial capital... let’s put it this way, if Wang Chuan was chosen, he would rather find a part-time job in International Village than go Searching in Miyun Village is too time-consuming!
Therefore, what the plaintiff said about running on both sides is obviously unreasonable. The long-distance running time is too late, and he can't bear it physically.

"...I haven't calculated the exact driving distance. In order to make more money, I'll run on both sides!" Yang Xinghua hesitated for a while, planning to play tricks to the end.

"You do both, where do you live?" the fat baby judge asked blankly.

"I live in Daxing." Yang Xinghua said.

"Live in Daxing and go to work in Miyun?" the fat baby judge chased after him.


Yang Xinghua was speechless, he really didn't know how to explain.He has been to both of these places, but he really doesn't know how long it will take to go there, he only knows that it is far away!Anyway, if you let him run on both sides, he will definitely not do it.

"Defendant, you said that the plaintiff worked from October [-]th to October [-]th, and actually worked for three days. The rest of the time, the plaintiff was away on leave. Is there any evidence to prove it?" The fat baby judge looked at the dock.

"There is no evidence, both sides said it verbally." Wang Chuan finally asked Mr. Gu's opinion with his eyes, and replied.

"Defendant, what is the list in the Evidence [-] recording that you asked the plaintiff to return?" The fat baby judge picked up the Evidence [-] recording written by Wang Chuan and asked.

"The form is the "Piece-rate Wage Confirmation Form". At that time, we had a quarrel, and I asked him to send the confirmation form back, but he said that he lost it and couldn't find it." Mr. Gu said.

"Plaintiff, the defendant said that the document mentioned in evidence [-] is the "Piece Wage Confirmation Form", do you agree? Is it the "Piece Wage Confirmation Form"?" asked the fat baby judge.

"Yes, it's the "Piece Wage Confirmation Form". I had a falling out with him and didn't give it to him." Yang Xinghua said.

"Plaintiff, did you write the content on the "Piece-rate Wage Confirmation Form"?" The fat baby judge then asked.

"I wrote it. I didn't sign the labor contract at the time. I was afraid that the defendant would not admit it, so I wrote this and asked him to sign it." Yang Xinghua said.

"Defendant, is that so?" The fat baby judge turned to look at Wang Chuan and Mr. Gu.

"It was written by him, but I wrote the last sentence 'unified settlement after completion' and the signature." Mr. Gu said.

"When the defendant signed it, there were only the first two lines, and there was no subsequent description about the time of entry and departure and the completion of workload.

In addition, it can also be seen from the writing format that the font of the last two lines is obviously smaller, and the line spacing is not correct, and there is no space at the beginning, which is inconsistent with the writing habits of the first two lines.

At the end of the writing, because there was not enough space, the sentence "unified settlement after completion" was bypassed in the sentence, which was obviously added later.

The above points are also clear in the appraisal opinion!It can be seen that the last two sentences are added later, and the plaintiff has added the content of the "Piece Wage Confirmation Form", and his words are not credible. " Wang Chuan added.

He kept emphasizing that the plaintiff's words were not credible, and he deliberately let the judge form the impression that the plaintiff was lying in his mind!
"Plaintiff, why is there a difference in the format and font size written on the "Piece-rate Wage Confirmation Form"? Look, the last line is slanted upwards, and there are still corners!" The fat baby judge picked up the "Piece-rate Wage Confirmation Form" Asked while watching.

"Well... that's how it was written at the time!" Yang Xinghua began to play tricks again.

The baby fat judge glanced at the plaintiff, Yang Xinghua, and then turned to look at the defendant: "Defendant, does the self-employed business you registered still exist?"

"It has been canceled. It was canceled last year... on October 28, [-]." Mr. Gu recalled, "You can find it on the Internet."


"Next, the plaintiff and the defendant will present their arguments. The plaintiff comes first!" the baby fat man judge continued.

"After the plaintiff joined the defendant's office, he completed the production of the desk according to the agreement between the two parties, but the defendant did not pay the plaintiff's salary in arrears and dismissed the plaintiff.

The defendant and the plaintiff have not signed a labor contract, and the defendant's behavior has seriously violated..." Yang Xinghua, the plaintiff, expressed his argument in an impassioned manner.

After the plaintiff finished his comments, the baby fat man judge asked the defendant to give his arguments.

Wang Chuan picked up the arguments prepared in advance and revised according to the trial situation.

"The plaintiff started to work at the defendant's office on October [-], [-]. He deliberately did not sign the labor contract. During this period, he asked for leave several times. The actual working time was only three days, and he did not make a desk.

The "Piece Wage Confirmation Form" submitted by him showed signs of tampering, and some of the content was added later.The plaintiff holds a "Legal Professional Qualification Certificate" and is familiar with labor-related laws and regulations. He took advantage of his familiarity with laws and regulations to work in different companies for many times, deliberately did not sign labor contracts, and intentionally created conflicts. After being dismissed by the company, he passed to the court. Gain huge profits by providing false evidence.

The behavior of the plaintiff is no longer simply providing labor in exchange for consideration to make a living, which violates the principle of good faith of laborers.The defendant believes that the plaintiff's behavior is a 'professional touch porcelain'..."


This time the case was more complicated, and the trial didn't end until after two o'clock in the afternoon, and several people in the court were hungry.

After signing the trial transcript, Yang Xinghua glared at Wang Chuan and Mr. Gu, and left the court angrily.

Wang Chuan pondered in his heart: What's the matter!Still want to retaliate!Come on, if you dare to move my finger, my living expenses for the second half of the year will be settled!Anyway, I'm a commission lawyer now, and I'm short of money to spend.

When Wang Chuan walked out of the court exhausted physically and mentally, he thought that Yang Xinghua would retaliate against him outside the court, at least scolding him with his neck, but he didn't even see Yang Xinghua's shadow when he left the court gate.It seems that evil does not prevail!

"Mr. Gu, this case is basically like this. As the saying goes, [-]% depends on hard work and [-]% depends on luck. We have done everything we should do, and the rest will be handed over to the court!" Wang Chuan said with a sigh of relief.

"Well, Lawyer Wang, do you think we have a good chance of winning this case?" Mr. Gu said.In fact, from the judge's questioning and the other party's reaction during the trial, he already had a vague answer in his heart, but he just wanted to ask Wang Chuan to confirm.

"I don't think it's a big problem. I'll tell you the result when the court makes a judgment." Wang Chuan smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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