Chapter 459

"I explained to the other party for three hours like a little daughter-in-law, and I didn't spend so many brain cells in the college entrance examination back then!

In the end, the other party actually confidently said that there was a lawyer who guaranteed this to their company, and asked me to do the same, saying that it was their boss who said so.

At that time, I really wanted to pull him over and give him a big mouth. I have been in business for so many years, and my brain was kicked by a donkey!But I can't, they are customers and our parents!

Early the next morning, I went to their company after five o'clock and waited for their boss. Finally, I explained to their boss all morning and let it go!

Being a lawyer is hard!
There are only two mother-in-laws from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau and the Tax Bureau for self-employed people, and they can enjoy preferential policies from time to time.What do we have, all the mother-in-law, we are three points short of everyone we meet.Everyone thinks that lawyers make a lot of money, but is that money easy to earn? ..." The more the old cow spoke, the more excited he became, his eyes widened.

Wang Chuan listened silently from the side: It seems that Lawyer Mu is right, Director Niu is not easy!
The old cow took a sip from the teacup. The water was a little hot, but he didn't feel it.

"When I was in college, my teacher once told me that 'only when I can endure the loneliness that no one cares about, can I have poems and distant places'. I believed it at the time. When I was playing basketball, I was studying hard; when I was traveling, I was studying hard. ;I was still studying hard when people kissed me about my relationship.

Before graduating from my senior year, I passed the judicial examination with a score of more than 400. In the year of graduation, I was a law student and won the certificates of tax accountant and certified public accountant.Finally, I entered the work of the head office of the red circle envied by everyone.

Looking back now, I can see that all of my 'non-job' classmates were doing very well. Many of those who entered the court system were promoted to judges or went to the Supreme Court, and those who entered the company became bosses, standing alone.Everything in business is flourishing.

Look at me again, besides earning the so-called all-in-one ability, what else do I have?I don't have as much money as others, and I don't live as chicly as others, what am I trying to do in my life!Where are my poems and the distance? "

The old cow was silent for a moment, then raised his hand to wipe his eyes: "Hey! People get sad easily when they get old, and they always want to recall the past.

Living in the imperial capital, everything needs money, the operation of the law firm needs money, and the family needs money to buy a house. I have been worn out by real life, and my poor original intention has been exhausted by life.

Now I have a senior and a junior, and there is a law firm in the middle. Living is uncomfortable, and I can't afford to die!I seem to be caught in a huge vortex by life, unable to break free, so I have to move with the waves and make do with the cracks.

Why!I'm 58, old and tired!Start all over again? !forget it! "

What the old cow said made Wang Chuan feel sad!
"Director, what are your future plans?" Wang Chuan asked tentatively when he heard Lao Niu's intention to retire.

Lao Niu took a look at Wang Chuan: "You are my apprentice, and you are also the one who came here with me and Mu Huaijin. You have witnessed the growth and decline of the law firm!"

"Director, don't say that. The difficulties encountered by the law firm are temporary, sooner or later..." Lao Niu raised his hand and interrupted Wang Chuan.

"This incident has a great impact on myself and Zhengyang Law Firm. In order to eliminate the impact, I will not be a lawyer in the future. I may do something else. I haven't thought about it yet.

But now it is April, and the Bureau of Justice will close the system at the end of April to start the annual inspection of law firms and lawyers, and I will not go through the cancellation procedures for the time being.

After the annual inspection, I will withdraw from the partnership and start the cancellation procedure. " said the old cow.

"Does Mu Lu know your decision?" Wang Chuan asked.

"Yes, I talked to him the night before yesterday. Lawyer Gu doesn't know yet. Lawyer Qiuyun doesn't know either. We will hold a partner meeting in the near future, and I will announce it at the meeting. Lawyer Mu will be the director in the future.

How many people are there in your consultant team now? " the old cow asked.

"There are me, Du Wenhui, Fu Ziwen, Ouyang De, and Guo Tong. Now Ouyang De has obtained his lawyer's certificate, and Guo Tong is about to expire. He should become a regular after the annual inspection." Wang Chuan said.

"Well, there are five people in total. The workload of your legal consultant team will be reduced in the later period, and Lawyer Mu will definitely reduce the number of people. I think three lawyers will be enough to keep. What do you think?"

After finishing speaking, Lao Niu looked at Wang Chuan: "If you want to stay, I can talk to Mu Huaijin."

Wang Chuan was hesitant. To be honest, he had no idea if he was asked to be a commission lawyer now, and he didn't know if he would be able to eat without salary.

But if he continues to be a salaried lawyer and manages a legal consultancy unit, he doesn't have much prospects for development. Moreover, he already has a consultancy unit, and he still has some legal fees. He is not reconciled to continuing to be a salaried lawyer.

Seeing Wang Chuan's hesitation, Lao Niu smiled: "This is too sudden, it's okay, you can think about it again, and just write to me before the end of the month."

At this time, the lady at the front desk knocked on the door of the office: "Director, the meal is here! I have ordered two pork rib meals for you."

"Okay, thank you!" Lao Niu took the lunch box and handed Wang Chuan a copy: "Eat, don't go out to eat at noon. Let's chat while eating."

"Thank you, Director." Wang Chuan took the lunch box, and after opening it, a smell of stewed pork ribs wafted into his nostrils. His stomach was already growling with hunger, but he didn't have much appetite. In order to avoid embarrassment, he had to bury his head in cooking .

Ten minutes later, Wang Chuan put away the lunch box on the table: "Director, you should also take a break, we have a meeting in the afternoon. I threw the trash away."

Carrying the garbage bag, Wang Chuan left the office.

After throwing out the trash, Wang Chuan came to the terrace in a fit of annoyance, leaning on the fence with both hands, looking aimlessly into the distance with something on his mind, at this moment he remembered what Fatty Wan had told him before, who would be willing to be a salaried lawyer for the rest of his life!

After a while, Wang Chuan heard the sliding door behind him, and when he turned around, he saw Fatty Wan and Zheng Yi walking over with cigarettes in their hands.

"A cigarette after a meal is better than a living god!" Zheng Yi said, lit the cigarette dangling from his mouth, sat on the chair and began to puff.

Fatty Wan lay on the fence like Wang Chuan, and said in a low voice, "How is it? Have you talked to Lao Niu?"

"Well, let's talk! He asked me if I want to continue working as a salaryman, but I haven't decided yet." After Wang Chuan finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Zheng Yi: "Zheng Lu, what do you think? Do you want to be a commission lawyer? "

Zheng Yi was squinting his eyes while smoking and enjoying the afternoon sun. When he heard Wang Chuan's words, he was stunned for a moment: "Me? I want to work for a while, and wait until I find a good place. The company does business. You earn too little money in a law firm!"

(End of this chapter)

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