Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 431 The gentleman is magnanimous!

Chapter 431 The gentleman is magnanimous!
After hanging up the phone, Wang Chuan dialed Shen Datou's cell phone.

"Hello, Lawyer Wang, what's the matter?" After a few beeps, Shen Datou's voice came from the phone.

"Is it convenient for you now?" Wang Chuan asked immediately when he heard the noisy voice from Shen Datou.

"It's convenient, wait a moment. I'll find a quieter place." After Shen Datou finished speaking, his voice came from the phone again a while later: "Speak, it's fine now."

"Mr. Shen, I just received a call from the Haidian Court. It was the labor dispute case of the vice president of the company. The other party sued the company to the court." Wang Chuan said.

"Oh? She really sued!
Okay, then follow what we said before, and entrust you to handle the case, and pay the lawyer's fee in the same way as before. " Shen Datou said.

"Okay, I'll go over and find you to sign the agency contract later?" Wang Chuan asked for Shen Datou's opinion.

"You don't need to come here, I'm out of town and attending a game industry conference.

I'll call and talk to the company's administrative specialist later, you can send someone over to sign the contract, and just tell the administrative specialist what procedures are needed.After the contract is signed, the first legal fee will be paid to you tomorrow at the latest. "Shen Datou said cleanly.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Chuan looked around and saw that Guo Tong was sitting at the work station with nothing to do, so he called her over.

"Guo Tong, do you have any arrangements for this afternoon?" Wang Chuan asked.

"Afternoon? No arrangement. What's the leader?" Guo Tong said with a smile.

Last week, Guo Tong's trainee lawyer certificate expired, and she has already submitted an application for becoming a full-time lawyer. It is estimated that the lawyer certificate will be issued in about ten days. It is just fine these few days.

"If you're fine, do me a favor, go to the client's company, sign a labor dispute case entrusted agency procedures, I will send you the entrusted agency contract and the procedures that require the company's seal.

The client's company is in Haidian, I will send you the specific address and contact number right away. "Wang Chuan said.

"Okay, don't worry, I'll finish it for you in the afternoon." Guo Tong said with a smile.

"This case is my own, and I have a client's employee handbook to revise, and the time is tight.

I'll trouble you this time, don't take the bus, take a taxi instead.I will reimburse you. "Wang Chuan took out a hundred yuan as he said: "You take this money, you will not be refunded if you have more, and you can ask me if you have less. "

Wang Chuan calculated before that the fare should not exceed 50 yuan for a taxi from the law firm, and [-] yuan should be enough for a round trip.If you have a taxi ticket, you can still have some money left over.

If it was a case in the firm, Wang Chuan would definitely not submit the transportation fee, because the firm has a bus card, and the transportation expenses for going out on business will be reimbursed.Of course, unless there is an emergency, the taxi fare is not reported.

The case of Feiteng Game Company is Wang Chuan's own case. There is no impenetrable wall in the world. He doesn't want people to say behind his back that he is taking advantage of the company because of such a trivial matter.

Since you need to spend money, you should spend it on the bright side. It is better to have someone help you reimburse the transportation expenses and make it clear in person, so that you don’t forget about it afterwards, and your colleagues can’t save face and gossip behind your back.

To put it bluntly, this is called a clear distinction between public and private!To put it bluntly, this is called a gentleman's magnanimity!

The day before the New Year's Day holiday, Sister Hong came back from abroad, and the sixth brother called Wang Chuan to ask him out for dinner, and Wang Chuan readily agreed.

This time, Sixth Brother invited Wang Chuan to have dinner at a private club. Although the location of the club is a bit out of the way, the internal environment is very good and the privacy is very strong. It is said that Sixth Brother's friend opened it.

The sixth brother came here once before, and felt that this place is very suitable for chatting and discussing things, and the key point is the big discount, so he decided to eat in the clubhouse.

Ever since Sister Hong, Sixth Brother and Zhao Jianbin transferred out the shares of Ruyan Bar in the past, Wang Chuan hadn't gotten together with them.Wang Chuan and Sixth Brother are often in contact, but they just make phone calls and chat, and hardly see each other.

Sitting in the private room of the clubhouse, Wang Chuan looked at the three of them. Sister Hong was getting more and more energetic, looking like a professional woman, but today was a gathering of old friends, so she was a little more feminine.

Zhao Jianbin looked tired. It is said that he was on duty last night and was busy for half the night.Brother Six is ​​still the same, with a serious face, and he only smiles in front of his friends.

"Sister Hong, how is your work abroad? You must be busy!" Wang Chuan asked curiously.

"It's okay, but next year the company will set up a subsidiary in China, and I may be sent back to work." Sister Hong smiled and said, "How are you? Are you busy recently?"

"I'm a bit busy, but it's almost Chinese New Year, and the cases in hand are basically done. Even if there are not too many courts before the Spring Festival, there will be one or two more cases at most." Wang Chuan said.

"Chuan'er is starting to lead the team now!" Brother Six smiled.

"Really? Have you become a partner?" Zhao Jianbin asked in surprise.

"No, I don't have enough years of practice. It was only three years in May [-], and I can only become a partner after three years.

However, the firm did talk to me before and promoted me to a partner after three years of practice.Now I am just leading a team of legal consultants to provide legal services to clients. "Wang Chuan said a little embarrassedly.

"Oh, we may have a chance to cooperate! What's your name?" Sister Hong said with bright eyes.

"Zhengyang Law Firm. Now there are more than 50 lawyers in the firm. There are also many assistants. There are more than [-] people in total. Of course, most of them are commission lawyers, and there are a total of [-] salaried lawyers." Wang Chuan As soon as he heard that there was a cooperation opportunity, he hurriedly introduced it.

"Oh, that's it! Before the company's legal department mentioned that if it set up a subsidiary in China, it needed to hire domestic lawyers as legal consultants, but the list they gave was only two law firms, one is Dacheng Law Firm and the other is KWM.

I don't know much about your legal circle. Are these two law firms famous? "Sister Hong asked suspiciously.

"Well... how should I put it. What is the local situation of the law firm hired by your foreign company? Is it very powerful?" Wang Chuan asked rhetorically.

"Well, it should be, I heard from my colleagues that our headquarters uses Allen and Overy LLP, and the Chinese name seems to be Anli International Law Firm.

It is said that this firm is ranked among the best in the world. I have dealt with their lawyers, and they are very dedicated and professional. Maybe it is because of the high lawyer fees paid by our company, ha ha. "Sister Hong thought for a while and smiled.

"Well, I've heard of this law firm. It is very famous and has a representative office in China. But they can only do some non-litigation business in China, and they are not allowed to do litigation business.

The status of King & Wood Mallesons and Dacheng Law Firm that you mentioned just now belong to the leading law firms in the red circle. These two law firms have a great reputation and strong professional ability. Your company’s legal department recommends them These two law firms are also normal. "Wang Chuan said.

(End of this chapter)

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