Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 425 Restaurant Match

Chapter 425 Restaurant Conversation
After a busy day, Wang Chuan felt that the room was hot and dry. He put on his padded clothes, opened the glass door, and walked onto the terrace.

After the sun went down, the weather was very cold, and the constant cold wind blew by, which greatly reduced the dryness and heat on his body.He subconsciously wrapped his cotton padded jacket tightly, and looked up at the dark night sky. It was rare to see stars at night in the imperial capital.

"Wang Chuan, are you blowing the air alone?" Mu Huaijin's voice came from behind Wang Chuan.

"Mu Lu, why are you here so late?" Wang Chuan asked in surprise when he turned around and saw Mu Huaijin.

"I had a meeting today, I'll come over for a while." Mu Huaijin said, and walked onto the terrace with a smile: "Why didn't you go back? Have you eaten yet?"

"I haven't eaten yet. I'm alone. It doesn't matter if I go back early or late." Wang Chuan said with a smile.

"That's just right, I haven't eaten yet, let's go, have some with me!" Mu Huaijin smiled.

The two left the office building and walked towards a small restaurant on the side of the road.

Mu Huaijin ordered a few dishes and ordered a large bottle of fruit oranges, then looked at Wang Chuan with a smile.

"Is there something on your mind?" Mu Huaijin asked.

"What's on my mind!" Wang Chuan looked at Mu Huaijin in embarrassment.

"It's nothing on your mind, why are you keeping your eyebrows tightly locked?" Mu Huaijin asked, staring into his eyes.

"I...Mulu, a client came today. The employees of her company submitted the company to labor arbitration. She asked me how to talk to the employees about resignation.

I gave her a negotiation plan, which is actually to use the advantages of the company and the disadvantages of the employees to force the employees to leave.To be honest, I felt very uncomfortable, but she is a customer, and the problem she raised needs me to solve it.

Of course, I can tell her directly that I don't know what to do, and push the problem out.But I think doing so violates the professional ethics of lawyers, and it may cause the law firm to lose clients. "Wang Chuan said.

"So you finally came up with a solution for her, right?" Mu Huaijin said.

Wang Chuan nodded without speaking.

"Is the customer satisfied? To your plan!" Mu Huaijin asked.

"Well, judging from the on-site consultation, she is very satisfied." After finishing speaking, Wang Chuan continued: "There have been such things a few times before, and I didn't feel much at first. Until today, I suddenly felt sorry for myself. Doubts arose.”

"Does it feel a bit like...helping the evildoers?" Mu Huaijin leaned on the chair and looked at him with a smile.

"Well, a little bit. I always feel uneasy in my heart." Wang Chuan said.

"I know you have a kind heart and a sense of justice.

But before the love overflows, you have to consider your strength. If you are Bill Gates, you can not do a certain business because of your conscience, and you will not make this money.

But you are not, you are just a little North Drifter.Now you are struggling every day to have a full meal and live in a warm house, so you'd better let go of your compassion and adjust your mentality.

I know you must be thinking, don't we legal workers exist to uphold justice?There is no problem in upholding justice, but to sacrifice one's own interests and even life to uphold the justice of others, I personally think that would be a bit nonsense!

We can make less money by doing business, but we must definitely learn to protect ourselves.

Let me ask you, what does a lawyer do? "Mu Huaijin stared at Wang Chuan and asked.

"Lawyer? It's a legal worker!" Wang Chuan was a little confused, he had never considered this question before.

"Let me ask you another way, who does the lawyer work for?" Mu Huaijin asked.

"For...customer!" Wang Chuan looked at Mu Huaijin opposite him with a puzzled expression.He didn't know why lawyer Mu asked such a question.

"That's right! Lawyers provide legal services to clients, as long as you fulfill your duties! You use the law to protect the interests of clients, that's what you should do, and you don't have to worry about it.

With your current strength and ability, as long as you provide legal services within the legal limit, do not issue harmful legal solutions to clients, and do not do illegal things, it is in line with the professional ethics of lawyers, and you don't need to be horny.

As for whether it will harm a third party, this issue is not something you consider, nor is it something you can avoid.

The law is a double-edged sword. While protecting the interests of your clients, you will definitely make others pay a certain price.And as long as the price is within the limits stipulated by law, then there is no problem.

You didn't take advantage of it, so what are you guilty of?This is the rule of the game! "Mu Huaijin said.

Seeing that Wang Chuan didn't make a statement, Mu Huaijin continued: "You may feel guilty in your heart and have doubts about our profession.

You have just been a lawyer for two or three years, and it is normal to have such a gap in your heart. I think this is the last step for you to mature.If you don't have such a gap in your heart, I will be worried instead, afraid that you have become numb or only have money in your eyes and lack the respect for the law.

My master once told me that we as lawyers have one foot in the prison door and one foot outside the prison door, and if there is a slight error, we will go in.Over the years, I have also seen many colleagues and peers ruin their good prospects because of temporary greed. "

At this point, the waiter had already brought all the food up.After the waiter left, Mu Huaijin picked up the chopsticks and looked at Wang Chuan: "Come, eat. Let's chat while eating."

Wang Chuan nodded and picked up the chopsticks.

"In fact, sometimes it is difficult to say whether the legal work you do is wrong or right! In the eyes of the public, you may be doing things that are helping evildoers, but from a legal point of view, you are upholding justice.

When I first practiced, I defended a death row prisoner with my master. According to ethics and morals, I would not be able to forgive him if I was killed alive.

That case was a legal aid case. My master didn't want to take it at first, but no one in the clinic was willing to take it. He hesitated for a long time under the persuasion of the director, but finally accepted it.

Since the case was heard in public, the court was full of people on the day of the court session, and before the court session officially started, there was a continuous stream of shouting and cursing in the courtroom.

Under the circumstances at that time, even if you didn't say anything, you would be accused by thousands of people if you just sat on the defense bench.Label you a villain.

In the end, my master and I completed the defense under tremendous pressure.I also asked my master at that time, the result is the same whether defending or not defending, why does the society ask us to defend.

Guess what my master said? "Mu Huaijin looked at Wang Chuan.

"Because this case is a legal aid case, we must go!" Wang Chuan said.

Mu Huaijin shook his head: "He didn't say much, he just told me that even the most heinous people have the right to defense, and we are just doing what a lawyer should do when we defend criminals. Does that sound right? Feeling contrived? Anyway, I thought so at the time."

"What happened later?" Wang Chuan asked.

(End of this chapter)

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