Chapter 403
"Still busy?" Liu Anhua smiled.

"Well, I wrote a legal opinion on the termination of the labor relationship to the consulting unit. Why did you come here? It's all off work!" Wang Chuan was a little surprised.

"Why, I can't come overtime after get off work!" Liu Anhua laughed.

"No, what I mean is that the administration and finance are all gone, and it's inconvenient to get the letter after stamping, so I can only wait until tomorrow!" Wang Chuan said awkwardly.

"I don't take the letters, I'm here to file. I sort out the previous cases and bind them into volumes. I don't have time to talk about clients during the day, so I can only do it at night!" Liu Anhua said with a smile.

After speaking, Liu Anhua took out several document bags, put them on the table beside him, and began to organize the case files for binding.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, Liu Anhua, who was sweating profusely, finished binding the case file.At this time, Wang Chuan finished the work at hand, took two bottles of mineral water from the front desk, walked up to Liu Anhua, and handed him one of the bottles of mineral water.

"Lawyer Liu, why are you in such a hurry to bind the case files? There are still cases to come, so we can just bind them at the end of the year!" Wang Chuan asked after taking a sip of mineral water.

Before he knew whether Liu Anhua was really going to leave, he couldn't ask too bluntly.

"Well, I'm going to change jobs in the second half of the year." Liu Anhua smiled.

"Where are you going? Are you still a lawyer?" Wang Chuan asked in surprise.

"Do it! I still work as a lawyer, but I changed it to a part-time lawyer. A college invited me to be a teacher." Liu Anhua took a sip of mineral water and said.

"Are you in a hurry to go home?" Wang Chuan asked.

"No rush, I'll hand the child over to the landlord downstairs after dinner, it doesn't matter if I go back early or late, what's the matter?" Liu Anhua asked.

"It's okay, I just want to chat. After blowing the air conditioner all day, let's go! Let's sit on the terrace and get some fresh air!" Wang Chuan said and looked at Liu Anhua.

"Okay, the case file is finished, I have nothing to do anyway."

The two came to the terrace one after the other, holding on to the railing aimlessly looking at the lights of Wanjia in the distance!
"Lawyer Liu, didn't you come out of college? Why did you go back?" Wang Chuan asked the question in his heart.

"You all know my family's situation. I used to be a teacher in a college, and I did a good job at first, but the family accident made me give up the teaching profession I love.

I originally thought that with my book and graduate degree, and having taught in the law department of Imperial University for many years, it shouldn't be a problem to come out to make a living.Of course, I once dreamed of turning over in two years and buying a house in five years.

But practice proved that I was wrong, and I could only work for others. In many cases, I had to rely on Director Niu to communicate with the parties.

I found that I had a lot of legal knowledge, but I didn’t have the skills to communicate with others. Every time Director Niu assigned me a case, I was very resistant and afraid to communicate with the client. But how can a lawyer not contact the client.

At the beginning, I felt that the reason for poor communication was that the case was not my own, and there was an asymmetry of information.Last year, after I changed to a commission lawyer, I realized that this was not the case. I didn’t know how to communicate with the client at all.It was even more miserable to start a case, and there were many misunderstandings. "

Confusion appeared in Liu Anhua's eyes. After taking a sip of mineral water, he looked into the distance and said.

"So you want to go back to school!" Wang Chuan said after a while.

"Well, although a lawyer can make a lot of money and help many people out of trouble, it may not be suitable for me. My communication skills are too poor!

Let's go back to school, you don't know, some time ago I went to the school for an interview, and the moment I walked into the campus, I was full of confidence again, and a sense of steadfastness emerged spontaneously.

Some people say that there is a definite number in the dark. I didn't believe it all the time, but now I finally feel it. After working for so many years, I went back to school after going around.

…Lawyers like me who don’t know how to drink, are reluctant to spend money on relationships (mainly because they don’t have money), and have low EQ are destined not to get rich in a short time.

I don't think I'm suitable to be a full-time lawyer. I teach at school and occasionally come out to do a few cases to practice my skills, and that's it.

I have never been able to turn myself into a barrister, maybe the three-foot platform is my best destination. "Liu Anhua smiled and said.

"You go to teach at school, your son..." Wang Chuan asked.

"The school is quite far from where I live, on the north side of the imperial capital, but fortunately, the school allocated me a single dormitory considering my situation.

My son can go to the elementary school near the school, which is more convenient. "

"Well,... I feel a little pity, maybe work for a few more years...everything will be fine!" Wang Chuan said.

Pausing for a moment, Liu Anhua's eye circles were a little red, and he said, "To tell you the truth, I started working as a commission lawyer last year, and it has been nearly a year now. I have only accepted three cases in total, and I have received more than 1 lawyer points. fee.

To be honest, this amount of money is really not enough. Although I, a person from other provinces, have obtained a household registration in the imperial capital, I am still like duckweed in the imperial capital, without a stable income, and I am still very poor.

In fact, teaching in school is not useless, at least the job is stable and the income is stable.It's very suitable for a lawyer like me who doesn't know how to deal with relationships! "

Wang Chuan heard helplessness and unwillingness from his tone, but so what, there is no word easy in the adult world.

Even if Liu Anhua is willing to stick to it in the legal circle, reality does not allow him to do so, because he has a son who is in primary school, and he is unwilling and will not let the child follow him so poor that he cannot hold his head up!

Although being a lawyer is a profession that can make a lot of money, not every lawyer can make a lot of money, and the vast majority of lawyers are still struggling on the poverty line.

Although the profession of teacher cannot make Liu Anhua rich and powerful, at least it is a job that sounds very good!Respected, stable income!For Liu Anhua who is not good at dealing with people, it couldn't be more suitable!
After listening to Liu Anhua's words, Wang Chuan turned his head and looked at the brightly lit high-rise buildings in the distance, and fell silent!In this bustling city, how many people really feel the warmth?

The life under the lights of thousands of families is the real life. The glamor on the surface is not necessarily true. More people live under the lights!Rich or poor!
In the evening, Wang Chuan wanted to invite Liu Anhua to dinner, but Liu Anhua declined. It was getting late, and he wanted to go home and put the child to sleep!

When he got home at night, Wang Chuan suddenly received a call from a client. There was a contract that needed to be reviewed urgently. He had to turn on his computer in N hands and work overtime silently!

Early the next morning, as soon as Wang Chuan arrived at the law firm, he received a call from Lao Niu.Lao Niu assigned him a labor arbitration case.The client arrives at the office around three o'clock in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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