Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 400 If You Are Wonderful, God Will Arrange It!

Chapter 400 If You Are Wonderful, God Will Arrange It!
Recently, there have been a lot of trivial matters in the consulting unit. Wang Chuan is so busy that he can't help but feel a little bored and wants to complain, but it's hard to say it in front of team members and colleagues.

At this time, there was only Zheng Tongzi in front of him. Hearing Zheng Tongzi's words unknowingly aroused his dissatisfaction with his work.

"Eldest brother, you can't talk nonsense about this, just tell me. Don't mention it in front of other colleagues." Zheng Tongzi, who is more alert, said hastily.

"Yes, you are right! I shouldn't have said that." Wang Chuan also realized it, and hurriedly said.

"The work of legal consultants is indeed quite exhausting. If it is a consulting unit developed by oneself, no matter how annoying it is, you have to do it patiently, because you have to do things for the client after you receive money from the client.

But the business in the firm is different. The consulting fees are all collected by the firm, and the team members don’t have much commission except for dead wages, so everyone feels boring and unwilling to do it.

Anyone who comes out to become a lawyer is to make money. If you can't make money, there are a lot of things to do. After a long time, no one will do it!Some complaints are also normal, am I right, big brother! "After Zheng Tongzi finished speaking, he looked at Wang Chuan.

"Well, thank you for your understanding." Wang Chuan nodded.

"But then again, if you were capable, you would have stopped earning this little money a long time ago. It is better to make money by yourself than as a salaried lawyer. Everyone knows that. But not all lawyers will do it themselves!

You mentioned just now that Director Niu retained you because of your value and entrusted him with important tasks.That's right, if you were the boss, would you use a lawyer who is useless and useless?
I think the word "use" is a commendatory word in the relationship between lawyers and law firms. The law firm provides you with a platform, and you use your knowledge to serve the clients of the law firm. What a rare opportunity! "Zheng Tongzi said with an exaggerated expression.

"A rare opportunity?" Wang Chuan asked in confusion, "Then why do you still work as a commission lawyer? Don't you stay in the team?"

"Hey! If I had to choose again, I would wait a few more years before going out to be a commission lawyer. I didn't realize it until I came out.

You think, that client will let you practice with his case and give you a chance to try and make mistakes?That client will not tell you: Lawyer Wang, I don’t care whether I win or lose this case, it’s just to increase your practice experience!Have it?Even your own father wouldn't do that! "Zheng Tongzi said.

After Zheng Tongzi took a sip of his drink, he continued: "I have also interviewed several law firms secretly before, and several law firms asked me to be a commission lawyer, but very few law firms asked me to be a salaried lawyer. Even Someone asked me to work as a salaried lawyer, and the salary was pitifully low, and I couldn’t finish the work every day.

Do you know why? "

"Because you have a short practice period and lack of experience. I dare not give you major cases, but there are plenty of small cases that people can handle!" Wang Chuan thought for a while.

"Well, you're right! But if you want to have rich practice experience, what should you do?" Zheng Tongzi asked.

"Continuously handle cases and accept cases! Increase opportunities for legal practice!" Wang Chuan blurted out.

"It's over! Now Lao Niu asks you to take his clients to practice, you still hate this and that, if you can be independent now, do you need to be full of complaints?
In the final analysis, it is not that the skills are inferior to others, and the experience is not enough!

There is a saying: If you are in full bloom, butterflies will come naturally; if you are wonderful, God will arrange for you!Senior brother, we are too young! "Zheng Tong said earnestly.

"Well, I didn't want to understand, thank you for reminding me! Actually, the director is still kind to me." Wang Chuan smiled and said: "Tell me about you, it seems that you are quite impressed by being a commission law firm."

"Didn't I dress up as mature before you? In fact, I did it on purpose.

The older you are in the profession of lawyers, the more popular you become. Clients will feel worried about you when they see you are too young, and they will doubt your professional ability even if you do a good job.

So when I buy clothes, I dress up in line with mature women.If you come out to be a commission lawyer, I suggest you do hair. "Zheng Tongzi said mysteriously.

"Why?" Why do hair? "Wang Chuan didn't understand.

"You are too young, dye your hair gray, this can give people a sense of rich experience, and it is easier to gain the trust of customers!" After finishing speaking, Zheng Tongzi laughed.

"Okay! Are there still customers harassing you now?" Wang Chuan asked.

"Don't mention it, there were a few clients before, and after talking with the company, they insisted on inviting me to dinner tonight!" Zheng Tongzi looked helpless.

"Okay, that means they want to sign a contract with you!" Wang Chuan said with a smile.

"What's the matter! I don't know how much they spend their time thinking, and their faces are full of malicious intentions. Even if I don't do their business, I won't give them any chance! Cut!" Zheng Tongzi's tone was full of anger.

"Well, she has ambition, unlike some female lawyers who have no moral bottom line at all! To achieve their goals, they will do whatever it takes." Wang Chuan said.

"You can't hate women so much. It's not easy for women in the first place. It's all about making a living. It can only be said that pigs dig forward and chickens dig back. Each has its own way. Just live your own life! You and I are not the savior of the world. !” said Zheng Tongzi.

"Yeah. You're right." Wang Chuan nodded vigorously, then suddenly raised his head to look at Zheng Tongzi: "Hi! I said, why do you always hate me! Can you still chat!"

Seeing this, Zheng Tongzi burst out laughing.

"Brother, you have also heard about my client's situation today. You have to give me a written defense opinion in the next two days, and give me all the legal provisions mentioned before. You also know that I have few work-related injury cases. , you have to support me! Whether you can win this case, little sister, depends entirely on you!" Zheng Tongzi looked at Wang Chuan and sent a bundle of autumn spinach.

"Junior brother Zheng, take away your supernatural powers, I don't want autumn spinach, I'm afraid that in a few days your boyfriend will come after me desperately with a kitchen knife!

I will give you the statement of defense in these two days, and you can give me a copy of the statement of indictment. "Wang Chuan said pretending to be afraid. It made Zheng Tongzi laugh out loud.

In the third week of August, Zhou Zheng's case started.

Wang Chuan sat in the courtroom, prepared the case files and pens and papers, and waited for the trial, but Zhou Zheng did not come.Sitting in the dock was the company's agent, an old lawyer in his 50s wearing reading glasses.

The hot old lawyer was wearing a suit and tie. Although there were not a few hairs left on his head, he combed them meticulously.Fortunately, the air conditioner in the courtroom was turned on fiercely, otherwise he would have suffered from heat stroke.

There is a female judge sitting on it, it is Judge Wu, she is a clerk replaced by a beautiful girl!
Wang Chuan understood Judge Wu's trial style. When the gavel was sounded and Judge Wu asked whether the plaintiff's claims and factual reasons had changed, he directly told the judge that there had been no changes.

(End of this chapter)

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