Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 375 The Beidiao people don't want to have a house of their own!

Chapter 375 The North Drifter doesn't want to own a house of his own!

"I heard that there is a small shop nearby that sells very good donkey meat. Let's buy some donkey meat and have a donkey meat pot. How about it?" After finishing speaking, Sister Hong looked at Wang Chuan: "By the way, is your hometown Just produce donkey meat?"

"Sister Hong, it's not true. There are two places in Hebei province that are particularly famous for donkey meat. One is Hejian donkey meat and the other is Baoding donkey meat. Each has its own characteristics.

Let alone donkey meat in our hometown, there is no donkey hair!There are lantern persimmons!I can get you some if you want. "Wang Chuan immediately explained with a smile.

"Okay, how about donkey meat tonight? I'll treat you!" Sister Hong finished speaking and looked at Sixth Brother and Wang Chuan.

"Dragon meat in the sky, donkey meat in the ground, I agree to eat donkey meat." Brother Liu said.

"I agree too!" Wang Chuan echoed.

On a Wednesday afternoon in early April, Fatty Wan mysteriously called Wang Chuan to the terrace and closed the large glass door of the terrace.

"Chuan'er, there is a small courtyard for sale in Mentougou East Xinfang recently, do you want to buy it?" Fatty Wan asked in a low voice after taking a puff of his cigarette.

"Small courtyard? It can't be a residence in the village! Do you have a certificate?" Wang Chuan asked doubtfully.

"It's not in the village. It is said that it is a small courtyard allocated to the workers in the mine. Later, it was converted from public to private and sold to individuals. It has a property right certificate and can be transferred. I have seen the real estate certificate." Fatty Wan said.

"How much?" Wang Chuan wondered.The North Drifters don't want to own a property of their own!

At this time, the purchase restriction policy of the Imperial Capital has not yet been introduced (the real estate purchase restriction policy of the Imperial Capital was implemented after [-]), and the housing prices in Shijingshan have risen too fast in the past few years. If it were placed in the hands of Wang Chuan eight or nine years ago Savings in Shijingshan can buy an old two-bedroom house of about [-] square meters, not to mention the location.But now... I can only hehe!

It’s not that Wang Chuan hasn’t paid attention to small square meters of houses, but now the listing price of a set of more than 20 square meters with a decent location has risen to more than 30. He thinks it’s not worth it, but there are still people buying it, so he can only look at the house Excited!

"A total of 40 yuan, about [-] square meters including the house and the yard. The price can be negotiated. The other party owes a whole lot of gambling debts and is eager to cash out to pay off the debts." Fatty Wan said.

"Is it reliable?" Wang Chuan looked at Fatty Wan.

"That guy was a previous client of mine for whom I did criminal defense. If I hadn't spent all my money on the old yard, I'd have bought it myself.

I have been to that yard once, the location is a bit remote, there is only [-] bus, so it is difficult for him to make a move, so he stayed until now.

But it's better than a detached house, right next to the road, so it should be okay to live in.Even if you rent it out, you can earn three or four hundred yuan a month! " Fatty Wan said.

"Well, please contact me, I want to see the room.

However, the geographical location of Mentougou is a bit remote, and 40 yuan is indeed a bit expensive. Everyone goes east (Chaoyang, Tongzhou), and few people buy houses in the west (Mentougou).If the price can be lowered, I will buy it. "Wang Chuan thought for a while and said.

Wang Chuan also wants to buy a building in the imperial capital, but now his own financial strength is not enough. If he can buy a small courtyard first, it will be better than renting a house.

It has to be said that Wang Chuan was influenced by his parents, and the thought of buying a house and land with money was deeply rooted.

"Okay, I'll make an appointment for you, I have news to tell you." Fatty Wan said.

When he got home at night, Wang Chuan calculated the funds at hand. What he had saved before, plus the money from singing in the bar and the 20 paid back by the fat man, the sum of the sevens and eights totaled more than 27.

If the money he earned before was not spent on renovating the house in his hometown, he would not be unable to afford the money to buy a house now.Fortunately, the other party's asking price is not too high, and it should be enough to borrow some money.

As for who to borrow money from, Wang Chuan went through the rich colleagues in his mind. If he opened his mouth to borrow money, Second Brother Pan would definitely not refuse, but he didn't want to use the Pan family's money.

Zheng Tongzi has already started to fly solo, and his business is so-so, so he probably won't be able to spend that much money.Zheng Yi's money is in the hands of his wife. Fatty Wan would have bought a house by himself if he had spare money. Sister Wang's family is supporting a high school student. As for Hao Renyuan... forget it, his pockets are cleaner than his face, and he earns a lot of money All the money was given to the younger siblings as living expenses.

Wang Chuan took out his mobile phone and dialed Fatty.

"Where is Fatty busy?" Wang Chuan asked after the call was connected.

"Ah! I just bought a batch of sheep, and I'm tidying up the sheepfold. Is there something wrong?" the fat man said panting.

"Don't you raise pigs? Why are you raising sheep again?" Wang Chuan asked in surprise.

"Isn't the price of mutton relatively stable? The price of pork fluctuates, so I bought more than 100 sheep. Tell me what's going on!" Da Fatty said.

"I want to use some money. Do you have enough money?" Wang Chuan said after holding back for a long time.

"How much? If it's thousands of dollars, I can transfer it to you right now." Fatty said.

"The amount I borrowed is a bit large..." Wang Chuan felt a little embarrassed.

"How much? If it's more than [-], you'll have to let me go for a few days. I don't have that much, and the money owed to me hasn't come back yet. It's estimated that I can get back [-] to [-] by the end of this month." Fatty made some calculations. road.

"It's okay, I just asked first. It may not be useful, and I will tell you in advance when I use it." Wang Chuan made up a nonsense.

Wang Chuan believed that if he said he wanted to buy a house, he would need 10 yuan in these two days, and Big Fatty would definitely raise money, even if he sold the pigs at a low price, he would help him.

But he doesn't want to!It is not easy for Dapang to be where he is today. If Dapang's pig farm suffers losses in order to buy a house for himself, he will feel very sorry.

After thinking about it, Wang Chuan turned his attention to Director Niu.

On Saturday, Wang Chuan followed Fatty Wan to see the property for sale. The location of the property was indeed a bit out of the way, and it took more than 40 minutes to get there after taking the No. [-] bus.When I got out of the car, I saw low houses on both sides of the road and mountains in the distance.

"This area is all real estate in the mine, and many of them are row houses. It is said that they were built in the mine to solve the housing problem for employees. The distance between the rooms is very narrow. When two people walk across from each other, it is the width of the wrong body." Wan Wan Fatty introduced.

"Brother Wan, you're here, over here." Fatty Wan was talking when he saw a young man in a leather jacket walking over. His eye circles were dark, and he could tell he had stayed up all night.

"Xiao Gao, this is the buyer I mentioned earlier on the phone. He is interested in your property. He wants to see it." Fatty Wan introduced.

"Okay, actually, my house is the best in this place. It's a detached house. This was when my dad was a leader in the mine." The young man with dark circles said as he walked.

"Hi, is there anyone living in the house now?" Wang Chuan asked.

"I live alone. My parents have a house on the river beach, so they don't come here." The young man with dark circles said.

"Is there a household registration on the house?" Wang Chuan asked with concern.

(End of this chapter)

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