Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 373 The Great God

Chapter 373 The Great God
He didn't expect that he would come across a case when he came out to do free consultation.

"Okay, I'll tell my son when he comes back." The frowning man finished speaking, got up and left the meeting room.

After he left, another old lady in her 60s with a cane came into the conference room.

"Comrade, I want to consult something." The old lady whispered after sitting down.

"Auntie, you can call me Lawyer Wang." Wang Chuan smiled.

"Lawyer Wang, I will report our neighbor." The old lady said mysteriously.

"Report? What are you reporting?" Wang Chuan was taken aback. Shouldn't the report go to the police station?
"I will report his son's superstitious activities." The old lady said seriously.

"If your neighbor engages in superstitious activities, you can report to the public security department!" Wang Chuan said.

"I went there, but the police station didn't care about it, saying that someone is a great god, maybe making money, they don't care!

Do you hear this rhetoric?God, they don't care!There used to be a great dancer in a neighboring village, and they were called by the police station to criticize and educate them. This time, there is a great dancer in our village, but they said they didn’t care. Do you think it’s right for them to do this? ..." The old lady said relentlessly.

"Auntie, don't worry! Did the police say that your neighbor's son is a great god?" Wang Chuan asked in confusion.

"It seems to be some kind of online article. It is said that there is a master on some website who can earn tens of thousands of dollars a month. I think they are protecting that kid. The master dancers dare not dance in the village, so they dance online instead. They didn't care about it." The old lady said angrily.

The village cadres on the side looked at the old lady with disdain, and couldn't help but said: "Grandma Zhao, the film police said that the eldest son next door to yours wrote novels on the website, and he was named a great god by the website after he became famous, didn't he?" The kind of great god who bounces around and engages in superstition."

"I didn't tell you, stop interrupting." The old lady glanced at the village cadre unwillingly: "You took advantage of his family and protected him. I'm old, don't be afraid! Don't do this with me .”

Hearing the conversation between the village cadres and the old lady, Wang Chuan already understood eight or nine points in his heart.

"Auntie, you said that the neighbor's son is superstitious. Do you have any evidence? In other words, did you see him doing the big dance?" Wang Chuan asked.

"That's right. But he squats in the house all day, like confinement. He doesn't step out of the door. I guess he is dancing in the house." The old lady said with a sullen face.

Wang Chuan could tell that the old lady was determined to eat weights, and she recognized the elder son of the neighbor's family as a great dancer.

"Auntie, do you know that there is a profession called a writer?" Wang Chuan asked.

"Writer? I know, isn't it just playing with the pen!
There were writers in our village before, and they lived in my house for a few days, and they said they came down to collect folk songs.I don't know exactly what kind of wind was picked, anyway, the weather was good and there was no wind. " said the old lady.

"Well, what you are talking about is traditional writers who write with pens, but now people generally have computers at home, and writers also use computers to type, and there are not many people who write with pens." Wang Chuan said.

"What does typing on a computer have to do with a master?" the old lady wondered.

"Listen to me! Now anyone can write articles and publish them on the Internet. Some novels, some reviews, and our lawyers also use computers to write legal documents.

After the computer is connected to the Internet, you can register as a writer on some novel websites, and then write novels and publish them on the websites. If more people read them, the novel will be named a god if it is popular. In fact, the name of the god is just a title. Just like the class monitor and study committee member in the school, they are just titles.

This master is different from the dance master you mentioned. This master is a master who writes books, which is not prohibited by law.I say so, you get it! "Wang Chuan explained with great effort.

"Oh!" The old lady seemed to understand: "That means you don't care about it!"

"..." Wang Chuan lost his temper completely, and the old lady didn't listen to what he said at all.

"Forget it! It's useless to ask you, and I'm still a lawyer. This matter can't be solved!" The old lady got up and walked out the door leaning on her crutches.

"Lawyer Wang, don't mind. This old lady has been nervous all day long, and she has a small mind. She just can't see who's life is better than hers, but in fact, everyone's life is better than hers. Jiaqiang.

To put it bluntly, it's just looking for trouble.She is registered in our village! "The village cadre shook his head helplessly.

Soon it was noon, and the village cadres arranged lunch for everyone at the small restaurant at the entrance of the village.I don't know if it was because Fatty Wan provided free legal advice to the village head, so the village invited him for lunch.

Returning to the office early the next morning, Fatty Wan made an inventory of three cases: a traffic accident (the case Wang Chuan consulted), a private loan, and a lease contract dispute between the village committee and a company .

Seeing that the results were good, Lao Niu hurriedly urged Fatty Wan to follow up, to sign the entrustment procedures and make payment as soon as possible.

Private lending cases and contract dispute cases were signed in the afternoon.At noon, the client of the traffic accident case called Wang Chuan. Wang Chuan introduced Lawyer Hao to him, and made an appointment that the client would come over to discuss the entrustment after get off work in the evening.

I don't know what big move Lawyer Hao made. After only talking for half an hour that night, the client signed the contract and paid the fee. Of course, the fee was not high, only 8000 yuan.

On this day, when he was about to get off work, Zheng Yi approached Fatty Wan: "Are you free on the weekend?"

"What's the matter?" Fatty Wan said.

"I feel that the case is not going well recently. Either the client has a problem or the judge is yelling at me in court. I am going to say goodbye!" Zheng Yi said.

"Where are you going to pay your respects? The new year has just started, and I will also pay my respects, but I have no idea where to go." Fatty Wan said.

"How about we go to Miaofeng Mountain?" Zheng Yi said.

"Miaofengshan is seeking a child, where are you planning to have a second child!" Sister Wang said suddenly.

Uh... Zheng Yi was stunned for a moment: "It's not that I want a second child, I just want to change my luck!"

"Do you want to go to Lama Temple? I'll go with you." Hao Renyuan said.

"Didn't you go to Lama Temple just before the exam? I visited it during the exam, it was very good!" Du Wenhui blinked.

"Why don't you go to Tanzhe Temple? I think you can go anywhere as long as you are sincere! As the old saying goes, there is Tanzhe Temple first, and then there is Beijing City. Tanzhe Temple has a long history, and you can even travel and worship Buddha wherever you go!" Fatty Wan scratched his head and said.

"Hey! I have a note. We can chat with Lao Niu. The institute organizes a spring outing. Wouldn't it be better for us to hitch a ride?" Hao Renyuan rolled his eyes.

"Let's forget it, we are relatively free in the office now, and the non-complaint team is busy going around, how could Lao Niu agree." Fatty Wan thought for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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