Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 366 Life is a life of 1 popularity!

Chapter 366 Life is a life of popularity!
"Dad, grinding tofu is quite tiring, so don't do it in the future, it's not like our family can't afford food." Wang Chuan said.

People often say that there are three sufferings in the world: punting, blacksmithing, and selling tofu.This means that the people who do these three jobs are very hard.

Wang Chuan didn't want his father to work hard to make money when he was old.

"It's okay! Farmers are used to it! Not so delicate!" Wang Chuan's father put down the pipe and pot, and smiled.

"Mom, I see that in addition to the tofu maker, there are quite a few people visiting our house. There were not so many people in the past!" Wang Chuan asked after eating and drinking, putting down his bowl and chopsticks.

"Hey! Isn't this our family building a new house? People in the village say that you have made a fortune in the imperial capital, otherwise the house would not be so grand.

Since the house was built, people came here to play every now and then, looking here and where, very envious.There were even several calls from people who came to propose marriage, but I blocked them all. "Wang Chuan's mother laughed.

I don't know whether Wang Chuan's mother did it on purpose or not. After talking about someone proposing marriage, her tone became a little more serious.Seeing that Wang Chuan didn't respond, his father coughed lightly twice, and glared at his mother: New Year's Eve, why bring this up!
"I'll clean it up, you've been driving all day, take a good rest.

Our house is warm and has heating. I specially asked someone to set up a fire kang in the east room. It was just fired in the afternoon. It was hot and suitable for sleeping.

If you are not used to sleeping, you can sleep in a big room. Your father must have followed the trend and made some tatami mats.Almost like sleeping on the ground.If you are afraid of the cold, there are electric mattresses. "Wang Chuan's mother hastily changed the subject.

The house Wang Chuan asked someone to renovate has large glass windows, spacious and bright, and the east and west wing rooms and the main room are all connected by one-step corridors, even if it rains, they are not afraid.The whole yard looks antique, but the interior decoration is very modern.

For such a courtyard, Wang Chuan's parents built a large earthen kang in the east wing, and the burner for the kang was reserved on the side of the house.

"It's okay. I haven't slept on the kang for a long time. I'll go to the east room to sleep on the kang at night." Wang Chuan said with a smile, "By the way, Mom, are all the new year's goods ready for our family?"

"It's almost ready, last week I fried some meatballs, pork chops, and steamed sticky bean buns, and your dad went to Jishang to sell tofu and bought some hairtail, mackerel, and pig's head along the way.

In the east of the village, your uncle’s family slaughtered sheep, and I went to buy ten catties of mutton. We will make dumplings stuffed with mutton during the Chinese New Year. "Wang Chuan's mother said.

Early the next morning, Wang Chuan got up and opened the door, only to see white smoke rising from the chimney of the west wing opposite, and his father was grinding tofu.

After a simple breakfast, Wang Chuan helped his mother to clean up the house and yard. The neighbor who came to make tofu at home yesterday came to pick up the tofu early in the morning, and the house was quiet again.

After tidying up in the morning and having nothing to do, Wang Chuan chatted with his parents.

"Mom, what happened to my aunt's house? My aunt never contacted me, and I couldn't ask about her family." Wang Chuan looked at his mother.

"What else can I do? It's a sentence!" Wang Chuan's father took two puffs of his pipe.

"It was sentenced in March last year. Your aunt and her husband entrusted many people, and later hired a barrister from the imperial capital. The second child of your aunt's family was finally sentenced to three and a half years.

Your aunt became ill and was hospitalized for more than three months.Not long after you got home, something happened to your uncle again, saying that someone reported him for bribery and embezzlement of public funds, and he is still locked up inside! "Wang Chuan's mother said.

"Let's go see my aunt tomorrow!"

Wang Chuan felt very uncomfortable. The eldest aunt's family had a good time at the time, but now his son and husband are facing prison.Really 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi!

"A few days ago, your dad and I went to see your aunt, she lives with the eldest son now, your aunt is also a person who has experienced ups and downs, and now she looks away.

She told me and your dad: No matter how much money you have, what's the use of having no family? "Wang Chuan's mother said.

"Mom, where did the apple trees in the yard come from? Where's the chicken coop?" Wang Chuan felt that the atmosphere in the room was a bit dull, and after a moment of silence, he changed the topic and asked.

"Your father dug the apple tree from the apple orchard, and your father said that the fruit hanging from this fruit tree is of a good variety and delicious!

Our family is building a new house, and it doesn’t look good to have a chicken coop in the yard, so I asked the construction team to build a chicken coop on the vegetable field outside the yard, and cover it with a net to prevent the chickens and ducks from running around. "Wang Chuan's mother said: "Let's go and I will take you to have a look. It's time to pick up eggs. "

"Mom, let me come!" Wang Chuan followed his mother and walked out of the gate.

While Wang Chuan was "running eggs" in the chicken coop, Wang Chuan's father trotted out of the house.

"Chuan'er, your phone is ringing, answer it quickly." Wang Chuan's father said and handed the phone to Wang Chuan.

"Hey! Fatty! Happy Chinese New Year!... Happy New Year to your family too! Ah?... You want to come, don't come, it's quite far away. You're on the expressway... That's okay, take it! Take it! I'll give it to you Get ready." Wang Chuan hung up the phone after speaking.

"Is there a friend coming over?" Wang Chuan's mother heard some clues and asked.

"Well, a friend of mine is coming to our house to pay New Year's greetings. It is estimated to arrive at three or four o'clock in the afternoon. I will go to the market to buy something later."

Hearing Wang Chuan call the other party fat, Wang Chuan's mother could guess that the other party was a man with her big toe, and that woman would be called fat!It's so indecent!

In the afternoon, when Wang Chuan returned home from shopping in his father's electric tricycle, his cell phone rang, and it was from Dapang.Fatty has navigated to the entrance of the village, and Wang Chuan hurriedly rode an electric tricycle to the entrance of the village.

After a while, behind the electric tricycle, a pickup truck stopped in front of Wang Chuan's house, and Fatty got off the pickup truck.

"Chuan'er! I brought you half a piece of pork, here to help!" Big Fatty said as he walked to the back of the car.

Hearing the sound of parking outside the door, Wang Chuan's parents also came out.

Fatty saw the elders coming out of the door and looked at Wang Chuan with doubts in his eyes.

"This is my parents." After Wang Chuan introduced, he turned to look at his parents: "Mom and Dad, this is Fatty, my friend."

"Uncle! Auntie! Happy Chinese New Year, just call me Fatty." Fatty said with a smile.

"Happy Chinese New Year! Come inside!" Wang Chuan's mother hurriedly said.

Wang Chuan's father nodded with a smile, and walked towards Big Fatty.

"Uncle, let me come, it's a bit heavy." Seeing that Wang Chuan's father wanted to help, Fatty hurriedly said, "Let me come. Chuan'er, there are some vegetables in the car, all grown in our own greenhouse, all natural!"

Half a leaf of pork weighed [-] to [-] catties. Da Pang and Wang Chuan carried the pork into the yard together with the vegetables on the cart.

"Good guy! Fatty, did you bring all the food from home!" Wang Chuan laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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