Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 345 Give Some Strength!Give me some strength to understand!

Chapter 345 Give Some Strength!Give me some strength to understand!

"Then I called the HR supervisor to the office. I asked her to open the buckle and look at the photos of the HR manager's room.

A total of more than ten photos were found, which were taken in Shanghai, Hangzhou and Hong Kong, from September [-]th to October [-]th, [-], which happened to be during the sick leave. "President Xiao Jin said, and her expression became richer, she was a showman!
"In order to prevent the other party from deleting the photos and destroying the evidence, I asked a notary at the notary office to notarize the button space of the HR manager. The evidence was preserved.

On Monday, October 27th, when she came to work in the company, I asked the HR supervisor to serve her a notice of termination of labor relationship. The labor relationship between the company and her was terminated on the grounds that she falsely issued a sick leave certificate, was dishonest, and was absent from work.

At that time, she signed the delivery receipt, but she refused to accept it and wanted to argue with me, but I didn't see her.

Two days ago, the company received the notice of the hearing from the Xicheng District Labor Arbitration Commission, and the HR manager who was dismissed by us arbitrated us.

So I invite you two to come here this time, mainly to let you take a look at this case and check it out.

Let's be honest, if the headquarters of the group hadn't been moved to the imperial capital, but was still in the previous city, we only need to send a small legal officer to say hello to this kind of case, and it will be ok, there won't be any problems at all.

But... do as the Romans do!Now that we have come to the imperial capital, professional matters should be handled by professionals. After all, we don't know the situation in the imperial capital. "President Xiao Jin went on to say that her attitude was very arrogant.

"President Jin, can we read the case files?" Lao Niu asked.

"No problem, it's all here." President Xiao Jin handed a transparent plastic file bag to Lao Niu, who politely took the file bag with both hands.

Lao Niu took out the materials in the file bag, looked at them briefly, and handed them to Wang Chuan.

"Boss Jin, can we take these materials back? We will verify the situation after reading it, and then give the company a response plan." Lao Niu asked very politely.

"No problem! Of course, these materials are for you." President Xiao Jin shrugged and smiled: "Wait a minute, I'll call the HR supervisor, and you can directly contact her if you have anything to do later. Now she temporarily Acting Human Resources Manager position.”

After a while, a woman in her thirties, who was well-proportioned and looked honest, but with shrewd eyes, walked into the conference room.

"Mr. Jin, you are looking for me!" After the personnel manager came in, he looked at Mr. Jin in a respectful manner and said.

"Director Liu, this is Lawyer Niu, the legal advisor of our group. Your former HR manager has handed over the labor arbitration case to them. You can follow up later." President Xiao Jin ordered with a businesslike attitude.

"Okay." Manager Liu agreed and looked at Lao Niu: "Hello, Lawyer Niu, let's leave a phone number, so we can communicate later."

After finishing the conversation, Lao Niu took Wang Chuan downstairs and returned to the car.

"How about it, this client is big enough!" Lao Niu showed off.

"It's really big. What kind of business does their family do?" Wang Chuan asked.

"Four major sectors, real estate investment and financing, education, cultural publishing, and mining. Some time ago, Lawyer Gu and the others just helped him acquire an education company in the imperial capital.

We are not good at minerals, and we are cooperating with Boss Wu's team, and they will undertake the business in the name of our law firm.

Now the client is in the period of expanding the territory, and we are busy. "The old cow laughed and said, as if there was a golden mountain in front of him.

Wang Chuan didn't speak, just nodded.The client belongs to the firm, more precisely, Lao Niu's, and has nothing to do with him, so he basically doesn't feel anything, except that the law firm's revenue will be more, and the lawyer's wages will not be owed. In the future, maybe the salary will be raised, and some benefits will be given (of course this is just a guess).

"This case is entrusted to you, you must do it well! Other cases can be put aside for a while, and this is the time to do this, and the quality must be guaranteed!" Lao Niu regards this client as more important than his mother and father.

A big client that can bring in an annual income of 600 million is a big client for any lawyer. The key is that this big client is still on the rise, and the income it can bring to the law firm in the future will definitely be much more than it is now. .

The old cow will be like an old dog protecting food, tightly guarding this piece of fat, and will not allow others to intervene.

"Director, don't worry, I will try my best." Wang Chuan said.

"Do my best? What I want is not to do my best, but to be perfect. It's best to make the opponent's pants down, make it a solid case, and not give the opponent a chance to stand up. Do you understand?" Lao Niu said seriously.

"This... Director, I haven't read the case file yet, I'll tell you after I finish analyzing the case, okay?!" Wang Chuan said sincerely.

"You can't make me happy, give me some strength! Give me some strength, do you understand! Aoli!
...Besides, you promise me that you are not patting the chest of a client, what are you afraid of? "Old Niu was a little angry, and whenever he was excited, Wang Chuan would pour cold water on him, and he was almost like that.

"What if I told you that you are satisfied, but the result does not achieve the expected effect, you won't... so what!" Wang Chuan worried.

Lao Niu stared at Wang Chuan, who was lucky enough to have half a cigarette, and suddenly smiled: "Forget it! Just pretend I didn't say anything."

The next afternoon, Wang Chuan knocked on the door and walked into Lao Niu's office.

"Director, I have seen the labor dispute case of China Tajikistan International, and this morning I went to the community health center to check, and the diagnosis proved to be true.

But except for the first diagnosis certificate, which was issued by the personnel manager himself at the health center, the others should have been issued on behalf of her, because she was out of town and not in the imperial capital when the certificates were issued. "Wang Chuan said.

"Okay, you write a lawsuit plan and send it to me, and I will communicate with the client. When will this case be in court?" Lao Niu asked.

"The plan has been sent to your mailbox, November No. 14, that is, the court will start at [-] am next Friday." Wang Chuan said.

"Okay, I'll ask the other party to prepare the entrustment procedures. You will take charge of this case, and let the new trainee lawyer Zhou Yue cooperate with you. If there is any errands that need to be run, let him handle it. You can concentrate on the experience and complete the case. " said the old cow.

"Okay!" Wang Chuan promised and was about to go out when he was stopped by Lao Niu again.

"In Zhao Xiaohua's case, when will the client pay the lawyer's fee?" Lao Niu asked dissatisfied.

"I asked yesterday. The verdict has just come into force, and the other company has not appealed. Her family has no money now, and the money for back wages awarded in the verdict has not been paid yet. She is also waiting for the money. So..." Wang Chuan said .

"So you can't pay the lawyer's fee, right?" Lao Niu interjected.

Wang Chuan nodded without speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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