Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 337 How Embarrassing That Is!

Chapter 337 How Embarrassing That Is!

"Lawyer Duan, if you need us to do anything, just ask us directly. We will also learn from you." Wang Chuan spoke more politely.

"Well, we have only been here for two days, and we just held a meeting before, and we are sorting out the personnel structure.

This afternoon, the company invited people from the Federation of Trade Unions and the labor department to discuss the relocation policy.Let's take part together. "Duan Houshan said indifferently.

Considering that the time for this project is relatively tight, the relocation needs to be completed before the Spring Festival. The number of employees is more than 300, and a lot of basic work needs to be done in the early stage. name.

But Wu Dayong's team consists of only twenty lawyers, each with their own work. Boss Wu couldn't have so many lawyers for him, so in desperation, Boss Wu remembered his old colleague Niu Gongming, and borrowed two lawyers from him. Individuals, together with Duan Houshan and his two apprentices, a total of five lawyers, formed the project team.

It’s easier to find a paralegal, but at worst, you can pay more money, and just recruit some senior law students from the university to work as coolies. They can’t even be called paralegals.

Of course, if these students want to join Wu Dayong's team as formal paralegals, it will be very difficult. Wu Dayong's team has very high requirements for recruiting paralegals.

Duan Houshan looked at the team of lawyers in the room. There were three or two kittens. Although the legal assistants (coolies) had brought in a lot, he was still a little unsure. Can such a few pieces of material be enough to complete the task?He was going to go back to talk to Wu Dayong at night.

For this relocation, the client specially assigned three personnel, one legal officer, and three trade union cadres to cooperate with Duan Houshan's team and coordinate the work of various departments.But Duan Houshan didn't dare to count on these people at all. The old men of the state-owned enterprises are all in the state of retirement, so it's okay to connect with a person and cooperate with them to find information, and really work... It's more reliable to talk about what to eat for lunch.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, in the large conference room, four lawyers from Duan Houshan's team sat on the left side of the conference table, and a dozen people including the manager of the client personnel department and the chairman of the labor union sat on the right side. The CEO of the client company.

Vice Chairman Zhang of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions sat beside Duan Houshan with two comrades from the legal department of the trade union. The labor department also sent two leaders. Their attendance was of no practical use, mainly to show their attitude.

"Let me introduce first. The leaders who came to the meeting this time include Director Zhang and Section Chief Zhao from the District Labor Bureau, and Vice Chairman Zhang from the City Federation of Trade Unions..." the personnel manager presided over the meeting and introduced.

After a fruitless exchange of pleasantries, the boss of the company spoke.

"We specially hired a team of lawyers to escort us for this relocation. The schedule for this relocation is tight and the task is heavy. There is only one task given to us by the higher authorities. Mass incidents are not allowed. Everything is based on stability. Of course, we must also maintain our legality. rights and interests, so I hope that the lawyer team can formulate a reasonable and efficient relocation plan for our company.

After the plan is formulated, we will ask the leaders of the labor department and the city federation of trade unions to make a final check on the relocation plan..." The client's boss said a lot that sounded reasonable, but had no practical effect Mandarin.

An hour and a half later, the relocation meeting was over, and the client arranged for everyone to go to the private room in the cafeteria, where they exchanged cups to connect with each other and lay the foundation for future work.

During the meal, a vice minister surnamed Gao from the legal department of the Federation of Trade Unions happened to be sitting next to Duan Houshan. The two chatted happily, and it was obvious that they must have known each other before.

"Old Duan, this lawyer looks familiar!" Vice Minister Gao said to Duan Houshan after glancing at Wang Chuan.

"Oh, this is Lawyer Wang. He hasn't practiced for a long time. Do you know him?"

Duan Houshan's heart skipped a beat. This project did not say that lawyers from other law firms were involved. It would be a bad idea to let the client know that there are lawyers from other law firms in the team!

"I remember that in June this year, the Beijing Bureau of the World Labor Organization, the Federation of Trade Unions and the Bureau of Justice jointly organized a learning and exchange activity for young lawyers, all of whom are leaders in the field of labor law.

At that time, I remembered that there was this lawyer. I don’t remember the specific name. I saw them off at that time, and I just met them once. Because there were relatively few lawyers there, I had a deep impression of those lawyers. "Vice Minister Gao said.

"Come on, Lao Gao, let me toast you!" Duan Houshan held up his cup with a smile, neither negating nor affirming Vice Minister Gao's words.He came to stop him quietly, because he didn't know if what Vice Minister Gao said was true.

In fact, the easiest way to determine whether what Minister Gao said was true or not was to call Wang Chuan over to ask, but Duan Houshan didn't dare and didn't want to do that.

In case Wang Chuan missed anything, or Vice Minister Gao asked too many questions and revealed the truth, everyone would know that Wang Chuan was a lawyer from a foreign firm.How embarrassing that is!
While chatting with Vice Minister Gao, Duan Houshan had a plan in mind. After returning, he must ask Boss Wu about the origin of this lawyer Wang Chuanwang.

Busy time always flies by quickly. In a blink of an eye, Wang Chuan and Fu Ziwen have entered the venue for more than a week, and the time has come to the beginning of August.

"Lawyer Wang, when will the basic information of the company's personnel be released?" Duan Houshan asked during the internal meeting of the lawyer team.

Since he asked Wu Dayong about Wang Chuan's situation last time, he gave him part of the work of collecting and sorting out the company's basic information.Of course, the general manager is still Duan Houshan, who is responsible for the overall work.

"The company's personnel structure is relatively responsible, and they can't tell the difference between those who have labor dispatch and those who have labor relations.

We have checked and counted most of the statistics, and nearly two-thirds of the work has been completed, and it should be almost the same in about a week. We will wait for the company to provide the rest of the information. "Wang Chuan said.

"Okay, I'll come to Cui for the company's information. After the basic statistical work is completed, we have to sort it out according to the classification. Then the workload will be even greater, and the company's personnel department will cooperate with us." Duan Houshan said.

"Lawyer Duan, can the elder sisters in the company's human resources department cooperate with the investigation? Everyone is used to being leisurely, and I'm afraid that when the time comes..." Beside Duan Houshan, a fourth-year (four-year practice) lawyer worried.

"It's okay, the company also knows their own situation. This time, more than 30 personnel specialists and administrative specialists who have just joined the company have been specially transferred from the following branches and subsidiaries to help. We only need to prepare the questionnaire and let They come to talk." Duan Houshan said with a smile.

"However, there are more than 300 people. It may not be easy to talk about. The time will not be short!" Fu Ziwen exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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