Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 332 Ominous Premonition

Chapter 332 Ominous Premonition

"Why don't I go to the street and look for it again. Last time they said they would help you find a cleaning job. I don't know what's going on!" Zhao Xiaohua looked at her husband in confusion.

"Forget it! These days it's easy to talk, but hard to do!" The man surnamed Liu sighed.

"I'll go to the law firm to sign the contract in the afternoon, so I'll get it done early!" After Zhao Xiaohua finished speaking, she walked towards the medicine pot on the gas stove in the kitchen.

Early on Thursday morning, Wang Chuan took the indictment signed by Zhao Xiaohua and the case file materials to the filing division of Shijingshan Court.

Just as Wang Chuan walked out of the filing court, his cell phone rang.

"Lawyer Wang, I'm the Shijingshan Court. The case of Hetong Company has been judged. Come here and take it down." A child's voice came from the phone.

"Can I go now?" Wang Chuan asked.

"Now!? I have a trial in half an hour, can you come over here?" the other party said.

"Okay, it doesn't take half an hour. I can enter the court hall in 10 minutes. I just finished filing a case and I'm at the gate of your court's filing section. I'll go there right away. Just wait a moment." Wang Chuan explained.

"Okay, call me when you arrive." The other party hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Although the filing hall and trial hall of the Shijingshan Court are both in the same courtyard, one goes through the north gate and the other through the south gate. The interior can be unimpeded, but lawyers and parties have to go around and walk for five or six minutes.

After Wang Chuan took the verdict, he glanced at it, um, as expected, the court rejected all the other party's claims.Back at the law firm, he handed the verdict to Mu Huaijin. When he walked out of the office, Mu Huaijin was excitedly calling Mr. Liu of Hetong Company.

"Wang Chuan, keep an eye on the case. If the other party appeals the case of Hetong Company, you can tell me. We can ask Mr. Liu for some legal fees." Mu Huaijin smiled and walked to Wang Chuan's work station. .

"I guess the other party will not appeal." Wang Chuan thought for a while.

"Why?" Mu Huaijin wondered.

"The other party filed a lawsuit in Shijingshan Court. I guess he was tricked by his attorney. Now that the case has been lost, it is unlikely that he will spend money to appeal. The litigation fee is quite a lot," Wang Chuan explained.

"That's it! Then I guess the lawyer's fee for the second trial of this case will not be earned!" After Mu Huaijin finished speaking, she walked to the office in disappointment.

Things in the world are like this, some people are happy while others are sad. At this time, in the office of a law firm, a square-faced male lawyer is holding a verdict and worrying: How can I explain this to the client!

"Lawyer Gao, a client is looking for you." The chubby female executive trotted over and whispered to the square-faced male lawyer.

This is not the first time that a client has come to look for a male lawyer with a big face. Judging from the expression on the client's face, the fat female executive can tell that the client is looking for trouble.

"Oh, tell him to wait in the small conference room, and I'll tell you right away." The square-faced male lawyer said frowningly, whether it's a blessing or a curse, and it's a disaster that can't be avoided.

In the small conference room, Sun Dahan looked at the square-faced male lawyer with a look of anger on his face.

"Old Sun, I think there is something wrong with this case. The other party must have found someone! Otherwise, the court would not have decided like this. Let's appeal to the No. [-] Intermediate People's Court. If you give me some money, I will take care of it. The case must be fine.

Isn't a lawsuit these days just a matter of fighting for relationships?It depends on who has the hardest relationship! ..." The square-faced male lawyer licked his big face and said foolishly.

Sun Dahan listened carefully, and suddenly he laughed brightly and loudly...

Seeing the client laughing so loudly, the square-faced male lawyer felt relieved. It seemed that the matter was all right. If he lost the second trial, he would return the money for the "connection" to the client, saying that the other party's relationship was stronger than his own!

Five minutes later, the fat female executive outside the small meeting room heard a scream, followed by the sound of tables and chairs being overturned in the small meeting room.

The fat female executive calmly picked up the phone and dialed out: "Hello! Is it Yaoyao? Someone in our office is causing trouble, and people are about to die!...Yes, please hurry up, the address is... "

From her skillful movements, it can be seen that it is definitely not the first time that she called Yaoyao Ling, and she has already formed a conditioned reflex.

On the morning of Friday, Wang Chuan received the ruling from the Chaoyang Labor Arbitration Commission. Wanhui Company, which is the company owned by China World Trade and Economics, won the lawsuit, and the arbitration commission supported most of the companies' requests.

Lao Niu and Wang Chuan went to Wanhui Company with the verdict in the afternoon.

In the large and bright meeting room of Wanhui Company, Manager Xu and President Kang felt a little dissatisfied after reading the verdict.

"Lawyer Niu, Lawyer Wang, the arbitration committee ruled that Gao Huai's academic qualifications were fake, and the labor contract signed between our company and Gao Huai was invalid. Regarding this point, we have no objection.

However, we asked the other party to return more than 60 yuan in wages and social security expenses, but the arbitration committee only supported less than 40 yuan. This is difficult for us to understand. Manager Xu frowned.

"As for the last point you said, we also feel that it is a bit unreasonable. But now the arbitration committee has made a ruling. If you are not satisfied with the ruling, you can file a lawsuit with the Chaoyang Court and ask Gao Huai to refund the fee you received before." Director Niu said.

"Will the court implement the same judgment as labor arbitration?" Manager Xu is from the legal circle. Although she seldom does litigation, she still knows some things in the circle.

"This is not impossible, but the main premise is that the labor contract will most likely be deemed invalid. As for how much to refund, the calculation methods of the court and the labor arbitration committee may be different.

We think there is still hope for more.The most important thing is that your company's litigation costs are not very high, nothing more than an extra lawyer's fee, and the litigation fee for a labor arbitration case is only ten yuan.

It depends on whether your company is willing to fight for it! "Director Niu said.

"Lawyer Wang, what do you think?" Mr. Kang looked at Wang Chuan, wanting to hear what this young lawyer who doesn't talk around circles said.

Manager Xu also looked at Wang Chuan. She felt that Lawyer Niu in front of her was as impeccable as the young Lawyer Wang.

"I think it is very possible for the court to change the judgment. I can't provide you with a case for reference, but I personally think that the amount of refund awarded by the arbitration commission is open to discussion. The amount awarded by the court should be higher than that of labor arbitration. But if you ask I can't give you the exact number." Wang Chuan said truthfully.

Manager Xu and Mr. Kang talked in a low voice, and then Manager Xu said with a serious face: "Lawyer Niu, Lawyer Wang, since you all think that the case may be changed, the court ruled that the amount returned by Gao Huai will be higher than that of labor arbitration. If we entrust your firm to continue to undertake this case, we would like to adjust the payment method of legal fees."

"How does your company want to adjust?" Lao Niu had an ominous premonition.

(End of this chapter)

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