Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 324 Turns out to be a broken reminder!

Chapter 324 Turns out to be a broken reminder!

"The respondent cross-examined the evidence!" The male arbitrator with glasses said indifferently.

"The first piece of evidence, I don't think that the academic qualifications that can't be found online does not necessarily mean that the graduation certificate is fake, so I don't approve it.

The second piece of evidence is that although the first of the two units cannot be found, it does not mean that the company does not exist. Even if the company is not registered, it does not mean that the company is not operating!I did work for this company at the time.

In the second company, I am in the administrative position, but I am in charge of the administrative affairs of the whole company, which is equivalent to the position of vice president of administration or director of administration.

The third piece of evidence is that I did receive wages. I haven’t confirmed the exact amount, but it shouldn’t be much different. But this is what I deserve for my labor and should not be returned. " Gao Huai testified.

"Respondent, you do not agree with the notarized content on the notarial certificate. Do you have any evidence to prove that the academic qualifications you submitted to the company are true?" asked the male arbitrator wearing glasses.

"I think whoever claims to provide evidence, they say my education is fake, they should prove my real education. This burden of proof should not be borne by me." Gao Huai quibbled.

Wang Chuan looked at Gao Huai on the opposite side with a look of surprise: What?The burden of proof is on the applicant!The applicant has already proved that the academic qualifications you provided do not exist. In other words, your academic qualifications are fake, and the burden of proof of the authenticity of your academic qualifications should be transferred to the applicant!
The male arbitrator with glasses was also speechless: "The applicant has already presented evidence to prove that the academic certificate you provided is false, and now the burden of proof is on the respondent.

Respondent, do you understand? "

"Understood! But I think the burden of proof should be on the applicant." I don't know whether Gao Huai is really confused or pretending to be confused. Anyway, he just doesn't know the truth, so you can say whatever you like.

"Respondent, what was the situation of the first company you worked for?" the male arbitrator with glasses asked.

"The first company, they hired me as the administrative director, but I really don't know if the company is registered or not. I'm just a worker." Gao Huai said with an aggrieved face.

"What about the second company? What do you do?" asked the male arbitrator with glasses.

"The second company has a total of more than ten employees. It is a start-up company. Everyone has multiple roles. I was the director of administrative personnel at the time. I did both of these jobs, and I was called on for everything big and small." Gao Huai said.

Wang Chuan understood after listening, it turned out to be a broken reminder!

"Let me ask you again, do you have any objection to the applicant's proposed working period from entry to resignation, as well as the salary agreement?" asked the male arbitrator wearing glasses.

"No objection, I agree." Gao Huai said.

"Okay, now that the claimant and the respondent are having a debate, the claimant will speak first." The male arbitrator with glasses let out a long sigh.


When Wang Chuan finished the trial and came out of the arbitration committee, he first called Director Niu, then Manager Xu, and told him about the trial.

After returning to the office in the afternoon, Director Niu gave Wang Chuan his passport. The visa has been processed (unified by the judicial department), and the matter of going abroad for exchange and study has been settled. Then go to the airport together.

On Friday night, the law firm had a dinner to see Wang Chuan off, and the second was to take the opportunity to organize team building and let everyone relax.Naturally, all kinds of envy, jealousy and congratulations were indispensable for everyone at the banquet.

On weekends, Wang Chuan went to the Past Ruyan Bar to sing, and told Brother Liu and Sister Hong about going abroad for exchange and study. After the bar closed that night, Brother Liu and Sister Hong set up a table in the bar to celebrate Wang Chuan , Of course, the meals are all reserved by the restaurant.

For this exchange and study, Wang Chuan specially bought a new suitcase, mainly because the previous suitcase was too broken, and he was afraid of embarrassment when he took it out.

It was the first time for Wang Chuan to go abroad, and it was the first time to take a plane, so he felt that everything was very novel.When he gathered at the Municipal Lawyers Association, he realized that there were 15 people who went to exchange and study this time, including ten lawyers, and the remaining five people were sent by the Federation of Trade Unions and the Labor and Personnel Arbitration Commission. The team leader, Director Gao, was The official person is mainly responsible for management and outreach.

According to Director Gao's introduction, everyone first visited the headquarters of the International Labor Organization in Geneva, Switzerland, and then went to the training center in Turin, Italy for exchange and study.

Of course, the so-called exchange study is not to go to class, but more often to listen to the labor organization researchers introduce the status quo of labor law in various countries in the world, discuss and exchange some controversial legal issues, and exchange and discuss some frontier issues of labor law .

There is no direct flight to Geneva in Imperial City, you need to go to Paris or London first and then transfer to Geneva.Ten years later, the imperial capital launched a direct flight to Zurich. It is much faster and cheaper to transfer from Zurich to Geneva.

Some people say that time can solve everything, which is very reasonable.

After more than thirteen hours of long flight, Wang Chuan’s joy when he got on the plane was completely exhausted. When he was bored, he would meet Shi Tong, a male lawyer who just met with a righteous face and hairline approaching the top of his head. chat.

What Wang Chuan didn't expect was that Lawyer Shi was very talkative, he kept talking as soon as he opened his mouth, and he was on par with Zheng Tongzi.Lawyer Shi was a few years older than him. After chatting for seven or eight hours, the two of them almost moved out the eighth generation of their ancestors.

It was during this conversation that Wang Chuan learned that Lawyer Shi married three years ago. His daughter-in-law is a medical representative and is said to be very capable.

After hearing this, Wang Chuan secretly sighed in his heart: Those who sell medicine really make money!If not for the high price of medicines, they would all be eaten up by middlemen.

On the day of arriving in Geneva, Wang Chuan followed everyone in a daze to rest in the residence for a day. The next day, Somavia, Director-General of the International Labor Organization, met and communicated with everyone. Afterwards, the staff of the ILO who was in charge of this exchange and training took them around for a tour.

Two days later, Wang Chuan followed the crowd to the training center in Turin, Italy for exchange and study, that is, in Turin he met the girl in his heart.

After many days of exchange and study, massive amounts of information kept pouring into everyone's minds, and Wang Chuan and others were a little overwhelmed for a while.

In the last two days, Director Gao gave everyone a holiday.After two days of rest, Wang Chuan, who was in a foreign country, didn't know where to go.However, Lawyer Shi, who has a socially awesome card, has already done his homework.

"Lawyer Wang, don't you want to go out for a walk? It's rare to come here!" Lawyer Shi and Wang Chuan lived in the same room. At this time, Lawyer Shi was already dressed in casual clothes, looking at Wang Chuan with sunglasses in his hand.

"It's so hot, where are you going!" Wang Chuan said.

(End of this chapter)

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