Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 322 The ideal is very plump, the reality is very skinny

Chapter 322 The ideal is very plump, the reality is very skinny

"Calm down, Comrade Lao Niu, please calm down! What I mean is that I will pay for this amount of money. Besides, I am giving a project subsidy of [-] yuan per person. As for how to distribute the project subsidy, it is up to you. The money will be transferred to your account Come on, how about it!" Wu Dayong said with a smile.

"It's not too bad." The old cow's face immediately changed from cloudy to clear.

At this time, Wang Chuan, who was sitting at the work station, kept sneezing: Who is talking about me!Made me sneeze!

In fact, in the field of non-litigation, it is very common for lawyer teams to borrow people from each other to do projects. Non-litigation is not like litigation, which requires the law firm to verify the identity of the lawyer before the court can start.

Non-litigation is more about using lawyers' experience, logical thinking and legal knowledge to analyze legal issues and issue due diligence reports, solutions, legal opinions or memorandums for clients, so the formalities become unimportant, what matters is the lawyer Ability.

Generally, non-litigation projects cannot be completed by a lawyer, so there is a meaning for the existence of a team.If the project is too large and the team lawyers are not enough, there will be cooperation between teams.

Of course, the lawyer who cooperates must be a reliable person, otherwise the work will be handed over, the work will not be done well, and the team that takes the job will not be able to explain to the client.

Therefore, in general, cooperation in non-litigation projects is carried out between old colleagues or old friends. Mutual understanding and trust are necessary, and it must be done by people in the circle.

Early on Saturday morning, the tool man Hao Renyuan, who had been so excited all night and didn't sleep much, rushed to the Temple of Heaven Park excitedly.

When he arrived at the Temple of Heaven Park, Hao Renyuan went straight to the blind date corner near the Seven Star Rock.

Looking at the Seven Star Stone, Hao Renyuan thought in his mind: Whether he can get out of the order depends on the present, and he hopes to win the battle and win the beauty back.

While thinking about it, Hao Renyuan took out his resume from his backpack, which reminded him of when he graduated from university and went to the talent market to find a job.

After approaching, Hao Renyuan found a small shopping cart not far from the Seven Star Stone, with a girl's introduction on the cart.Going further inside, there are many elderly people standing there in twos and threes, communicating.

Most of the blind date corners are elderly people who come out to find in-laws with introductions and photos of their children.Hao Renyuan is like Grandma Liu who entered the Grand View Garden, or like a villager who entered the farmer's market for the first time, he didn't know how to sell himself.

"Young man, take an introduction." A kind-looking, thin old man in his 60s came over at some point.

"Hi, this is my introduction. I'm a lawyer..." Hao Renyuan hurriedly said when the old man accepted the introduction.

"Oh! It's a lawyer! How much money do you make a month? Do you have an imperial residence? Do you have a house within the third ring road? Do you have a car? What's the brand of the car?..." The old man asked seven or eight questions in a row.Every question goes straight to the point, very realistic, should be an old hand!

The old man's question attracted another three old men, two women and one man. Their eyes were fixed on Hao Renyuan, as if they were looking at a commodity, and he felt terrified.

Not far away, more elderly people were watching with cold eyes, obviously they were not too cold for Hao Renyuan.

"My salary is not high, less than [-] a month, and my registered permanent residence is in Hebei Province. I haven't bought a house yet..." Hao Renyuan was a little nervous.

As soon as they heard "no house" and "no household registration", two old men turned their heads and left, and the remaining two old men also showed disdainful eyes.

"Young man, how much is less than [-]?" An old lady asked a little bit unwillingly.

"Auntie! Three thousand five." Hao Renyuan said awkwardly.

"Well, it's less than [-], but it's a little too short." After speaking, the old lady shook her head and walked away.

The old man who first struck up a conversation with Hao Renyuan smiled slightly: "Young man, your height is not an advantage, you don't look handsome, you have a big belly, drink beer often!
You don't understand the market here, to put it bluntly, your figure and appearance are not very competitive with us, but if you lower the requirements, it may not be necessarily the case.

For those who love Sun Monkey, there are those who love Zhu Bajie!You are right! "After speaking, the old man smiled and walked under the big tree beside him.

"That's right, some people might like Zhu Bajie." The author's white-haired old lady sitting cross-legged on the curb not far away said.She laughed out loud after speaking.

okay!This old lady's typical spectator is not too big a deal, adding fuel to the flames No. 1!
Hao Renyuan was so angry that he almost breathed out his mouth, and thought to himself: There is no one who knows the goods here, let's go inside, I won't believe it.

After walking in for a while, Hao Renyuan saw several people sitting under the tree. Hao Renyuan straightened his body and walked over with his self-introduction.

"Young man, what education do you have?" A gray-haired old lady asked hurriedly when she saw Hao Renyuan approaching.The other old men listened with pricked ears.

"Bachelor degree." Hao Renyuan said.

"Domestic or foreign? [-] or [-]?" the gray-haired old lady continued to ask.

What?It's just a blind date, why ask about education?It's like looking for a job!Hao Renyuan was puzzled.

"In China, university graduates in Hebei Province are not Eryao, nor Nine Eighty-Five. It's just one." Hao Renyuan argued vigorously.

"Oh, it's not suitable for you here. We are all postgraduates or above, or undergraduates from prestigious universities such as Cambridge, Yale, Harvard, Imperial College, Peking University, Tsinghua University, and Renmin University of China.

Your academic qualifications are not in the mainstream here, and you can't find a girlfriend.Go forward, there may be something suitable for you over there. "The gray-haired old lady pouted forward, turned around and walked under the tree after speaking, a trace of contempt appeared in her eyes.

What!Isn't this the blind date corner?Why is there a fruit section and a vegetable section like a vegetable market!Hao Renyuan almost doubted life.

According to the instructions of the gray-haired old lady, Hao Renyuan walked forward for a while, and saw the introductions of many men and women covered with tape on the big stones by the roadside.

From the introduction, it can be seen that the men and women in this area are not in good condition, some are divorced, some are older leftover women, some have foreign hukou, and have low education.

The old men and women in this place are not very talkative, and each guards a place, showing the introduction in his hand.

Hao Renyuan saw a sign that said female, beautiful, slim, national civil servant and other qualifications, then looked at the old lady on the fat side of the sign, and walked over quickly.

"Auntie! Is this your daughter?" Hao Renyuan asked in a low voice.

"Ah! Do you have an idea? What about your introduction?" The old lady raised her eyelids and asked.

How fresh!Not interested, I have no idea why should I ask you, Hao Renyuan murmured in his heart.

"This is my introduction, take a look!"

Hao Renyuan remembered that the last time he handed in his resume so respectfully was for an interview at Zhengyang Law Firm, he never expected that the blind date would bring back the feeling of the interview.

(End of this chapter)

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