Chapter 311 Negotiations
"It's convenient, tell me!" Wang Chuan leaned on the chair and said.

"Last year, a driver in our company had a traffic accident. It was a work-related injury. The injury was quite serious. He was hospitalized for more than half a year. He has just been discharged from the hospital. The labor department issued a labor ability appraisal conclusion as a fourth-grade disability.

The companies that should be compensated have all paid. The labor department said that the labor relationship should be retained, but the driver has to quit the job. Now the driver has returned to his hometown to recuperate, and the labor department will give him a monthly disability allowance.

The driver is not yet at the retirement age, and the company will continue to pay him social security. I would like to ask you, how should we pay the social security? Do we continue to pay him according to the previous project? "The other party asked.

"Fourth degree of work-related injury, I think there are special regulations for this, pension, medical care, unemployment, maternity, work-related injury insurance do not have to pay.

Wait a moment, I'll confirm it for you..." After speaking, Wang Chuan quickly found the "Regulations on Work Injury Insurance".

"...Hello, according to Article 30 of No. [-] of the "Regulations on Work Injury Insurance", employees with level [-] work-related injuries retain their labor relations and quit their jobs, and the employer and individual employees pay basic medical insurance based on the disability allowance. .Other types of insurance do not need to be paid.” Wang Chuan replied.

"Okay, thank you!" The other party hung up the phone after finishing.

"A lawyer's stomach is like a grocery store, so you have to know everything you ask!" Zheng Yi said with emotion as he walked past Wang Chuan.

On Tuesday, May [-]th, Wang Chuan received the second-instance judgment from the No. [-] Intermediate People's Court of the Imperial Capital, and the case of Bai Huo (a young man surnamed Bai) was upheld!

Wang Chuan called the young man surnamed Bai as soon as he saw the verdict. He was really positive, and rushed to the office in the afternoon of the same day, and took the verdict with gratitude.

In the afternoon of the next day, Fatty Wan walked into the law firm with a smile: "Wang Chuan, Mr. Yuan's case has come to an end. The court ruled that the employee constituted unjust enrichment and returned all social security subsidies."

"Great, when will the judgment come out?" Wang Chuan said excitedly.

"I went to the Mentougou Court to obtain the judgment in the morning. The other party got the judgment yesterday, but the judgment will not take effect until the appeal period has passed. Wait a few days! I have already called Mr. Yuan." Fatty Wan said.

"It's okay. If the other party doesn't come to us, we will go to him and apply for enforcement in the court." Wang Chuan said.

While the two were talking, Fatty Wan's cell phone rang.

"Hello, oh..., how did you find my phone number? The law firm website..." Fatty Wan shook the phone in his hand, covered the microphone with his hand and said in a low voice, "It's that employee calling..."

After speaking, Fatty Wan entered the meeting room with his mobile phone.Ten minutes later, Fatty Wan came out.

"It's done, he will come to negotiate with us in the afternoon." Fatty Wan walked out of the conference room and smiled mysteriously at Wang Chuan.

"Okay, I'll call Mr. Yuan immediately and ask his opinion." Wang Chuan called Mr. Yuan while talking.

"...Lawyer Wang, you can speak on my behalf, I trust you!" Mr. Yuan didn't know what to say, and simply delegated all the power to Wang Chuan.

"If the negotiation goes well, we need to sign the contract immediately and finalize the matter, so as not to have long nights and dreams. So you'd better come here." Wang Chuan thought for a while.

"Okay, I'll be here later, you can talk first." Mr. Yuan said.

At 04:30 in the afternoon, the lady at the front desk walked towards Fatty Wan quickly: "Lawyer Wan, there is a Mr. Zhou surnamed at the door. He said he made an appointment with you and came to see you."

"Okay, take him to the conference room, I'll be there right away." Fatty Wan knew that it must be an employee from Yuan's head office.

Wang Chuan heard the conversation between Fatty Wan and the lady at the front desk, stood up and walked over: "Wan Lv, is he here?"

"Well, let's go, let's meet him." While talking, Fatty Wan got up and walked towards the meeting room.

In the conference room, a man in his 25s and wearing glasses who looked like a high-level intellectual was looking at the profile of the law firm.

In order to expand the reputation of the law firm and let clients understand the law firm, Lao Niu specially customized a batch of brochures of the law firm and put them in the conference room and the front desk for clients to read.

"Hi Mr. Zhou, this is Lawyer Wang. He is representing Yuan's head office and your case in Shijingshan Court. You should have received the court summons!" Fatty Wan smiled, not showing any sharpness, but What was said inside and outside the words made people feel a sense of danger.

Wang Chuan kept looking at Zhou Dazhuang opposite him with a smile on his face.This person really lives up to his name, with a height of more than 1.8 meters and a strong body, but his face is full of bookishness, and his small eyes are flickering, avoiding the direct gaze of Wang Chuan and Wan Fatty, as if there is something ulterior in his heart secret.His body shape and face give people an extremely strong sense of disobedience.

"Lawyer Wan, Lawyer Wang, I have received the summons from the Shijingshan Court, and I think we need to talk.

In fact, it's not that I want to fight against Mr. Yuan, it's the lawyer's idea. At that time, the lawyer told me that I could get an extra money, but I was fooled by him, so..." Zhou Dazhuang looked innocent.

Originally, he planned to wait at home to receive financial compensation, but he did not expect that the company not only refused to accept the labor arbitration award, but also went to Mentougou Court to sue him for unjust enrichment.

The most important thing is that the Mentougou court ruled that he should return nearly 5000 yuan in social security subsidies, while the total economic compensation he requested was only more than 3000 yuan, which was a difference of more than 1000 yuan.No matter how you think about it, it's not worth it!After thinking about it, he decided to come and talk!

I wipe!You dumped the blame on the lawyer so quickly, you are a dumper!Naturally, Wang Chuan and Fatty Wan didn't believe his nonsense, but they didn't show it on the surface.

"The fact that you are sitting here today means that you are willing to negotiate. Now that you are here, let's talk about it!" Fatty Wan said with a smile on his face.

"See if we can offset the two. I don't want my financial compensation, and the Mentougou court judges me to write off the money I returned to the company, okay?" Zhou Dazhuang tentatively asked.

"This... I'm afraid it will be difficult!" Fatty Wan wondered.

"Whether the court can support your financial compensation is hard to say now, but the Mentougou Court's judgment has come down, and you have to return the social security subsidy!" Wang Chuan said coldly.

"Economic compensation has been awarded in labor arbitration, why can't it be supported? I mean two discounts, can the company give me another discount, I really don't have that much money now." Zhou Dazhuang grinned bitterly face said.

"I'm afraid it won't work. If you don't come, we are ready to apply for enforcement. The entrustment procedures have been prepared.

Anyway, the judgment of Shijingshan court is slow. Even if the judgment is made, we have a way to delay it for a few more months. In these few months, we can apply to the court to enforce the payment of your unjust enrichment.

Anyway, the company is not afraid, it is nothing more than a waste of time! Fatty Wan said with a smile on his face. But his smile made Zhou Dazhuang feel a chill.

(End of this chapter)

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