Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 306 Brothers Depend on You!

Chapter 306 Brothers Depend on You!

"Mr. Kang, you are looking for me!" Manager Xu from the legal department opened the door and said softly.

"Manager Xu, what's the matter with Gao Huai, Director of the Administration Department?" Mr. Kang turned around, looked at Manager Xu and said, his tone a bit cold.

"Mr. Kang, his case is a bit troublesome. We have already sent someone to investigate. There is a problem with his education background, and the marital status column in the entry registration form states that he is unmarried, which is inconsistent with the facts." Manager Xu said.

"Oh? What are you going to do?" Mr. Kang took a puff on his cigar and asked.

"I just wanted to report this matter to you. My suggestion is to entrust a law firm to handle this matter. Litigation is inevitable." Manager Xu said.

"Well, it seems that this is the only way to go, otherwise I can't explain to the board of directors. You have to choose a reliable law firm, don't spend a lot of effort like last time, but it turns out to be a bunch of sanctimonious fools!" Kang The general said with a straight face.

In the last labor arbitration case, Mr. Kang originally wanted to hire a law firm by inviting bids to make the case beautiful, but it turned out to be self-defeating, and the directors of the company were very dissatisfied.

In fact, Mr. Kang’s intention at the beginning was very clear. If the lawyers who came to bid all said that the case was worthless, he would not bother, and just pay some money to let the lawyer go through the procedure!It's also good to explain to the board of directors.

As a result, the lawyer who came to bid gave him great hopes and asked for a large amount of legal fees (except for Wang Chuan, of course). As a result, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, screwed up!

So this time, Mr. Kang learned a lot, and did not participate in the selection of the law firm, and let Manager Xu take full charge of the case.

"Mr. Kang, don't worry. I feel that the Zhengyang law firm you asked me to find last time is not bad. At least from the last case, their analysis of the case is still very objective and professional. It is better to let them do it. Try it."

Manager Xu is not stupid, don't you want to throw the blame away?Okay, I'll use the law firm you recommended to me last time, and see what you say, the previous law firm was unreliable, you can't put all the responsibility on me!You can't even try to shirk your responsibility this time.We are grasshoppers on the same rope, we cannot do without you, and we cannot run away from me!
Mr. Kang looked at Manager Xu while smoking his cigar: Hehe, play this game with me!They are all millennium foxes, what are you playing with me in Liaozhai!

"Zhengyang Law Firm? Have you heard of this law firm?" Mr. Kang asked after a pause.

"Well, I've seen their official website and introduction materials before, and I think it's pretty good. Last time you asked me to consult with them, they answered very professionally." Manager Xu said.

"Well, let's see it! Time must be fast!" Mr. Kang said.

"Okay, I'll invite them over to talk." After speaking, Manager Xu turned and left the office.

At this time, in Zhengyang Law Firm, Wang Chuan was drafting the second-instance defense of the young man surnamed Bai, and the company had already appealed to the No. [-] Intermediate People's Court.

The judge of the intermediate court called yesterday morning and asked him to prepare a statement of defense for the second trial and send it to the first intermediate court.After putting down his cell phone, Wang Chuan immediately dialed the cell phone of the young man surnamed Bai, and asked him to come to the law firm to handle entrustment procedures.

After reading the just completed statement of defense twice, Wang Chuan stretched in satisfaction.

At this moment, Lao Niu came out of the office: "Wang Chuan, pack up and follow me to meet the client."

"Director, are you in a hurry? I have a statement of defense to submit to the court." Wang Chuan hesitated for a moment.

"The God of Wealth is calling, you say you are not in a hurry! Let Xiaofu pay for you, and you follow me! I'll give you 5 minutes!" Lao Niu hurried back to the office.

"Lawyer Wang, what materials do you want to submit to the court?" Fu Ziwen walked over.

"There was a second-instance labor dispute case. The judge asked me to submit my defense to the court. I have already written the defense. You can print it out and hand it to Judge Liu of the First Intermediate People's Court for me. This is the phone number.

There are three entrustment procedures here. If you take one, the agent will write me and you. The case is expected to be concluded soon.Just hand it in this afternoon, don't forget! "Wang Chuan instructed.

"Okay! Leave it to me." Fu Ziwen readily agreed.

At ten past three in the afternoon, Lao Niu and Wang Chuan walked into the conference room on the eighth floor of the [-]A grade office building.

"Manager Xu, why did you ask us to come over this time?" Lao Niu looked at Manager Xu opposite.

"Lawyer Niu, Lawyer Wang. We have another labor dispute case and would like to hear your opinions. You can help us analyze this case to see if we have a chance of winning!" Manager Xu said in a business-like manner.

"Okay, tell me! If you have materials, you'd better give us a copy." Lao Niu smiled.

"Here are all the case materials. You look at it, and I will introduce the situation to you." As he spoke, Manager Xu pushed a plastic file bag to Director Niu.

Director Niu opened it and only briefly browsed it, then passed it on to Wang Chuan, who took out the documents and checked them one by one.

"Last year, we recruited a director of the administrative department named Gao Huai, 32 years old. When we first recruited for this position, we required a master's degree or above, and at least five years of experience as an administrative director in a large enterprise with more than 100 employees.

When he came for the interview, he talked very well, and provided his academic certificate, degree certificate, relevant resume and the resignation certificate of the previous company. Our relevant departments also read it and thought it was very good before hiring him.

But I didn't expect this guy to be too foolish, and everything he showed us was fake.

His real education is a technical secondary school education, and he has never worked as an administrative director in a large company, and when he entered the job, he filled in his marital status as unmarried, but he turned out to have a wife and children!

Isn't this a fraud? " Manager Xu said angrily.

"Is there any evidence for what you said?" Wang Chuan raised his head and asked.

"Yes, we have sent people to visit the graduate school and previous unit he provided, and they all said that there is no such person, the academic qualifications and degree certificates verified by the school are fake, and the seal on the resignation certificate is also fake." Manager Xu said.

"Is this person still working in the company?" Wang Chuan then asked.

"No, he resigned last month. But his salary is 6 yuan a month, and he has worked in our company for ten months. The social security and provident fund are added, and the company has lost more than 60 yuan! Mr. Kang can't swallow this. tone, also unable to explain to the board of directors.

Therefore, I would like to ask you two to take a look at this case and see if there is any way to help the company recover some losses! " Manager Xu said.

"I think you can try it." Lao Niu thought for a while and looked at Wang Chuan.

Wang Chuan understood Lao Niu's eyes at the first time, the meaning was very clear, you must support, this is the big sponsor, it's our turn, brother depends on you!

 Thank you book friends for your votes and rewards last month, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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