Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 300 Could it be that the iron tree is blooming!

Chapter 300 Could it be that the iron tree is blooming!

"Well, that's it. It's the same situation with the affiliated lawyers I just mentioned. The law firm is the manager in name, but the law firm can't actually control the affiliated lawyers. They don't have a labor relationship with the law firm. To put it bluntly, they are They do their own thing, a bit like small merchants in a big shopping mall." Wang Chuan explained.

"Oh! Then I understand. Look at our case..." the master said.

"We can take over. In which court?" Wang Chuan asked.

"Mentougou Court, the court session will be held at 01:30 p.m. the day after tomorrow. These are all the documents. We have signed the entrustment procedures that Lawyer Mu gave me before." The master said, and handed a document bag to Wang Chuan.

"Lawyer fees..." Wang Chuan was only halfway through when he was stopped by Mu Huaijin: "Master is my friend, you don't have to worry about the lawyer's fees, I'll take care of them."

"Okay. I'll take a look at the other party's complaint first. If there's nothing else, I'll prepare the materials for responding to the lawsuit first, and then contact the master if I have any questions." Wang Chuan looked at Mu Huaijin and the master.

After exiting the conference room, Wang Chuan began to look up the information. He needed to understand the relevant regulations. This was the first time he encountered such a client.In fact, even if it is him, I am afraid that the old lawyer who has been in the labor business all his life may not have encountered such a situation.

At 01:30 pm on the third day, Court No. [-] of Mentougou Court.

Wang Chuan sat in the dock, seriously preparing his defense.Sitting in the plaintiff's seat was a female lawyer with a tough look on her face.

The judge sitting on it was a young female judge in her 20s who was said to have just been transferred to the Mentougou Court. She was 1.7 meters [-] in height, with good features and an upright expression.

"...Plaintiff, state your claims and factual reasons." The female judge said calmly while flipping through the case file.

"The plaintiff placed an order with the defendant to provide labor for the defendant, and there is a labor relationship between the two parties. The plaintiff requested the defendant to repay the wages from September 6000 to February [-], totaling [-] yuan. The compensation in the contract is [-] yuan. The legal fees shall be borne by the defendant." said the tough female lawyer, her aura was comparable to that of Hu Hansan's duress.

"Defendant defends!" The female judge glanced at Wang Chuan.

"Defendant disagrees with plaintiff's claim.

First of all, the plaintiff came to the defendant to place the order for spiritual practice, which is an ideological and spiritual pursuit. Its claim that the salary and remuneration completely deviates from the original intention of the practice order is inconsistent with the facts!
Secondly, the defendant received the plaintiff's order and provided him with a place and convenience for practicing. As the saying goes, the master leads the practice to the individual, and the plaintiff and the defendant do not have any relationship between management and being managed.

In the end, the defendant sued the plaintiff, which is completely confusing the public, and it is easy for the world to misunderstand the defendant.Request the court to dismiss the plaintiff's claim in accordance with the law. "Wang Chuan said.

To tell the truth, the female judge sitting on it also had a headache. For this case, she specially visited relevant management departments and associations to learn about the situation.

"Let's start presenting evidence now, the plaintiff will present evidence first," said the female judge.

"The first piece of evidence, the ultimatum, proves the plaintiff's identity. The second piece of evidence is the bank transfer record of the defendant paying the plaintiff's salary, [-] yuan per month, which proves that there is a labor relationship between the two parties." said the tough female lawyer. .

"The defendant cross-examined." The female judge looked at the evidence in her hand.

"The first evidence is accepted by the defendant. The authenticity of the second evidence is approved, but the purpose of the proof is not. The [-] yuan per month is living expenses, not wages. There are clear notes on the payment records." Wang Chuan said.

"The defendant is giving evidence," said the female judge.

"The defendant has no evidence," Wang Chuan said.

"Plaintiff, please clarify, what do you mainly do when you place an order with the defendant?" the female judge asked.

"The plaintiff's main job is to meditate, clean up in the morning and evening, and sometimes help in the kitchen." said the tough female lawyer.

"During the pending order period, was it managed by the defendant? How?" asked the female judge.

"The plaintiff is under the management of the defendant. The plaintiff lives in the room arranged by the defendant. He has three meals a day under the management of the defendant. He goes to the main hall to participate in activities at the specified time. The rest of the time he meditates in the room and behind the defendant's mountain." The lawyer thought about it.

"Defendant, is that so?" asked the female judge.

"No, the plaintiff's three meals a day are provided by the defendant, and the defendant's meal time is fixed, which is for the convenience of the back kitchen to provide food, and does not involve the management of the plaintiff at all. The defendant only manages the meal time of the cafeteria.

The defendant did not interfere with the plaintiff's practice, and the plaintiff could arrange the practice time by himself. Not only that, the defendant also provided the plaintiff with accommodation and living expenses, which were all for the convenience of the plaintiff's practice and did not involve management at all. "Wang Chuan said.


"The plaintiff makes his final statement," said the female judge.

"The plaintiff has been working at the defendant's office since [-], and has not been paid yet..." the tough-looking female lawyer said in a serious voice, as if her client was Dou E.

"Defendant, make a final statement." The female judge has closed the case file and is about to end the trial.


It was already 04:30 when Wang Chuan walked out of the court.He called Mu Huaijin.

"Mu Lu, the court session is over. During the trial, the other party did not present any new evidence. I guess we have a high chance of winning the case." Wang Chuan said.

"Okay, let me tell the master, don't go back to the law firm, you'll be off work when you come back, just go home." Mu Huaijin hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Just as Wang Chuan walked to the bus station, his cell phone rang, and it was Fatty Wan calling.

"Wanlu, what's your order?" Wang Chuan asked after connecting to the phone.

"Are you in Mentougou Court?" Fatty Wan asked.

"Yes, how did you know?" Wang Chuan was at a loss.

"You said that yesterday!" Fatty Wan laughed.

"Did I say it yesterday? Why don't I remember!" Wang Chuan recalled.

"Okay! It's not important. The important thing is that you are now in Mentougou. I just left the client's company in Haidian and am on my way home. I will treat you tonight, and you come to my house for dinner." Fatty Wan hurriedly said.

"What kind of guests are you inviting this year?" Wang Chuan was confused, not knowing what kind of medicine was sold in Fatty Wan's gourd.

"Stop talking nonsense, can I celebrate my birthday, why are there so many questions!" Fatty Wan said.

"Isn't your birthday already passed?" Wang Chuan had the spirit of breaking the casserole and asking the end.

"It won't work again! Just do what I say. Treating you to dinner is really hard work!" Fatty Wan was about to collapse.

"Okay, where can I wait for you?" Wang Chuan asked.

"You go directly to my house. My father and my father-in-law are at home. I'll be home in a while." Fatty Wan hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Wang Chuan took a deep breath: What's going on today!Fatty Wan actually wants to treat guests to dinner!Could it be that the iron tree is blooming!

(End of this chapter)

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