Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 262 It Won't Affect Me This Time!

Chapter 262 It Won't Affect Me This Time!
"The judge, we add two pieces of evidence. One is the certificate provided by the village committee, which proves that the parents of the appellant and the appellee have been taken care of by the appellant.

The second is the witness testimony issued by the neighbors of the appellant's parents. The appellant lives with his parents and takes care of the elderly the most. After Wang Chuan finished speaking, he submitted the two pieces of evidence to the judge.

"Representative of the appellant, the testimony of witnesses requires witnesses to appear in court. Can witnesses appear in court?" the judge with thick eyebrows and big eyes said.

"Witnesses can appear in court outside." Wang Chuan said.

Holy crap, what's the situation, how come the witnesses came out so well!The two appellants looked at each other, feeling a little flustered.

"Appellant, why didn't these two pieces of evidence be submitted in the first instance?" The judge with thick eyebrows and big eyes looked at the big bald head.

"Judge, the proof of the village committee was not submitted in the first instance because the village committee refused to issue it. Later, the village committee was re-elected, and the appellant had to find a new director of the village committee many times before issuing it.

The neighbor's witness testimony was not submitted because during the first trial, the old neighbors went to the son's house in other provinces to help take care of the grandson, and they didn't come back for a long time. "Wang Chuan hurriedly said, fearing that the bald-headed Guo Li would say the wrong thing.

The judge with thick eyebrows and big eyes glanced at Wang Chuan, obviously he didn't believe Wang Chuan's words: "Let the witnesses in!"

The male clerk got up and walked out of the court, and a thin old man with gray hair walked in after a while.

"The name of the witness..." The judge with thick eyebrows and big eyes asked again in accordance with the procedure, and asked after expressing the legal responsibility: "Witness, what are you here to prove today?"

"I prove that the old couple of the Guo family next door have always been taken care of by the third child of his family, that is, Guo Li." The old man said.

"Where were you before? Did you always live in the village?" the judge with thick eyebrows and big eyes asked.

"I went to see my grandson at my elder son's house last year, and I just came back not long ago. If you don't believe me, I have a train ticket." The old man said loudly without fear of the judge, and at the same time he took out two train tickets and handed them to the clerk.

"Master, you have to use your conscience! Didn't we take care of my parents?" Guo Li's sister said relentlessly.

"Don't be ashamed, what are you taking care of? Just go and see during the holidays. I take care of the family. Have you ever stretched out your hand?" Guo Li suddenly stood up and said loudly.

"It's all in your charge? You have another purpose, you want to monopolize the family's inheritance." Guo Li's elder brother yelled.

"Whoever wants to take it all alone, who is that!

If the elderly don’t take care of them while they’re alive, and when they’re gone, they come to snatch real estate. Don’t you have any shame, no shame! " Guo Li cursed.

"It's just you who want to face, how kind you are, you only want to occupy property..." Guo Li's sister cursed.

"Stop shouting, sit back! Pay attention to court order.

Call me the Marshal again!Be quiet, keep restraint!A lawyer advises your client. "The judge with thick eyebrows and big eyes shouted.

Frightened by the majesty of the judge, both parties sat back angrily, and the trial continued.

"Witness, do you know the appellant and the respondent?" the judge asked.

"Yes, they are the three children of the old Guo family. I watched them grow up." The old man looked at the appellant and the appellee and said.

"Who usually lives in the old Guo's house?" the judge with thick eyebrows and big eyes continued to ask.

"Guo Li usually lives with his parents. Guo Li didn't live at home in the early years. Later, the old couple were in poor health. In order to take care of Lao Guo and his wife, Guo Li moved back a few years ago." The old man said loudly.

"Does the appellee usually come back to visit the elderly?" the judge with thick eyebrows and big eyes asked.

"I've seen it a few times, mostly during holidays. Other times... I see it less often." The old man thought for a while.

"Appellant, do you have any questions?" The judge with thick eyebrows and big eyes looked at Wang Chuan and said.

"Yes! Witness, who is usually taking care of the two old people of the Guo family?" Wang Chuan asked.

"Old Guo is not in good health. Usually only Guo Li takes care of them. I often went to visit them before. Guo Li is quite filial." The old man said.

"Judge, I'm fine!" Wang Chuan said.

"Does the appellee have anything to ask?" the judge with thick eyebrows and big eyes said.

"No!" The second appealed humanely.

"Okay, witness, go down! Wait outside the door, don't go far!" The judge with thick eyebrows and big eyes said: "The appellant cross-examined!"

"Judge, we think what the witness said is a lie! The witness is his neighbor, so of course he told him. We don't agree." The elder brother of the appellee Guo Li said.

"That's right, they are in collusion, we don't recognize it!" Guo Li's sister also said loudly.

"You guys are talking nonsense, who said that there is no ass hole in having a child! You didn't take care of mom and dad when they were alive, and now they are dead and come back to fight for property. How shameless you are!..." Guo Li jumped up and cursed again road.

"Pay attention to the order of the courtroom. Calm down the appellant, and the appellee, calm down too!" The thick-browed and big-eyed judge tapped the gavel twice and said loudly, "Appellant's lawyer, calm down the appellant, don't be so emotional."

"Old Guo, stay safe and don't be impatient! This is a court, a place for reasoning, and yelling is not good for us..." Wang Chuan advised in a low voice.

Guo Li's chest bulged out of anger, and he gradually calmed down after hearing Wang Chuan's words.

"Now the court debate begins..." The judge with thick eyebrows and big eyes continued to walk through the procedure.


After the trial, Wang Chuan and Guo Li walked out of the courtroom after signing the transcript.

"Lawyer Wang, according to today's trial, do we have a good chance of winning?" Guo Li asked.

"I can't say anything about this, but we didn't provide a lot of evidence in the first trial, which will still have a certain impact on the second trial. Now we can only do our best and obey the destiny!" Wang Chuan's meaning is obvious. The first trial was too bad. easy to say.

Guo Li also understood what Wang Chuan meant, nodded and followed Wang Chuan out.

As soon as he left the gate of the court, he saw two men walking towards him, who seemed to be here for the court session.

As soon as Guo Li saw the person coming, he immediately rushed towards one of the skinny men like a wolf, and beat him round and round: "You bastard, you caused me to lose a few flats, I will beat you to death!"

While yelling and cursing, Guo Li swung his fist like a leather hammer and hit the thin man like raindrops, spilling all the pent-up anger during the trial on the thin man.

The thin man was taken aback, and when he realized it, it was too late to run, and he could only scream.Fortunately, there was a bailiff on duty at the gate of the court, who rushed over and stopped Guo Li.

What a joke, the court is important, dare to fight at the gate, it's too bad to use bean bags as dry food, the bailiff is also a policeman!

Wang Chuan on the side was dumbfounded!Fuck, it won't affect me this time!

"What's the matter with you? How dare you fight at the gate of the court." A tall bailiff yelled loudly.

 It has always been censored recently. The last chapter has just been revised, and it is in the process of applying for lifting the ban. Please bear with me, fellow readers, and try not to use sensitive words in the future.

  Thank you book friends for your strong support!
(End of this chapter)

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