Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 235 Is This an Arranged Marriage?

Chapter 235 Is This an Arranged Marriage?
"The defendant pleads!" said the beautiful female judge.

"The defendant disagrees with the plaintiff's request.

After negotiation, the plaintiff and the defendant have signed the "Agreement on Termination of Labor Contract through Negotiation", and the defendant has paid compensation to the plaintiff according to the agreement.There is no dispute between the parties.

Labor-related laws and regulations do not prohibit employees from negotiating with the company to terminate the labor relationship, and the "Agreement on Negotiating the Termination of the Labor Contract" should be valid. " said the female legal counselor.

"The plaintiff's proof! Do you have any new evidence for the plaintiff?" asked the beautiful female judge.

"There is no new evidence.

Evidence [-], "Agreement on Termination of the Labor Contract through Negotiation", proves that the plaintiff and the defendant have labor relations.

Evidence [-] The diagnosis certificate of the Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital and the appraisal of the degree of disability caused by occupational diseases by the Shanghai Labor Ability Appraisal Committee proved that the plaintiff had occupational diseases.

Evidence [-] The award of the Labor Arbitration Commission proves that the labor dispute between the plaintiff and the defendant has been arbitrated and meets the conditions for prosecution.The proof is over! "Wang Chuan said.

"The defendant cross-examines!" said the beautiful female judge.

"Evidence [-], we recognize the authenticity, relevance and legitimacy.

We also recognize the authenticity and legitimacy of Evidence [-].However, the occupational disease diagnosis occurred after the plaintiff and the defendant signed an agreement to negotiate the termination of the labor relationship. We believe that the plaintiff has given up the treatment related to occupational diseases.

Evidence [-] We agree and have no objection.Cross-examination is complete! " said the female legal counselor.

"Plaintiff's lawyer, did the plaintiff know that he was suffering from an occupational disease of pneumoconiosis before signing the agreement to terminate the labor relationship? Did the plaintiff go to the hospital for treatment?" asked the beautiful female judge.

"The plaintiff didn't know. Although he occasionally felt short of breath, he never thought that he had pneumoconiosis." Wang Chuan said.

"Defendant, did you ask the plaintiff to go to the hospital for occupational disease screening before signing the agreement to terminate the labor relationship with the plaintiff?" The beautiful female judge looked at the female legal counsel.

"We asked verbally! But the plaintiff didn't want to go, so he gave up automatically." The female legal officer said confidently.

"Plaintiff, is that so?" asked the beautiful female judge.

"No, the defendant never reminded the plaintiff to go for an occupational disease screening. After leaving the job, the plaintiff always felt that his breathing was not smooth, as if there was something in his throat but he couldn't cough it out, so he went to the hospital, and then he went down to the doctor's advice. Occupational disease screening conducted by the hospital." Wang Chuan said.

"Defendant, do you have relevant evidence to remind the plaintiff to undergo occupational disease screening?" the beautiful female judge asked.

"No, the company is the plaintiff who gave the verbal reminder." The female legal officer said firmly.

"The plaintiff made an argument." The beautiful female judge said indifferently.

"The plaintiff believes that the defendant signed an agreement with the plaintiff to terminate the labor relationship before the plaintiff did not conduct occupational disease screening, which was illegally terminated.

The plaintiff has now been diagnosed with an occupational disease, and the defendant has violated Article 30 of the "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases". For workers who are engaged in operations exposed to occupational disease hazards, the company should allow the workers to do so before starting, during and before leaving the job. Occupational health checkups are carried out... For workers who have not taken occupational health checkups, the company shall not terminate the labor contract with them.

The agreement to terminate the labor relationship signed by the defendant and the employee did not mention giving up the occupational health examination. The defendant obviously did not want the plaintiff to undergo an occupational health examination in order to avoid the risk of occupational diseases.

complete! "Wang Chuan said.

"The defendant made an argument." The beautiful female judge looked at the female legal counsel.

"Judge, we believe that both the plaintiff and the defendant should treat this case with honesty and credibility, and both parties should have the spirit of contract..." The female legal counsel spoke out incessantly.


When Wang Chuan finished signing the trial transcript and walked out of the court, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon.Looking at the ticket booking information on his mobile phone, Wang Chuan hurriedly took a taxi to the airport without caring about enjoying the scenery of the Shanghai stock market.

After eleven o'clock that night, Wang Chuan finally returned to his small home. The dinner on the plane could not satisfy Wang Chuan who was hungry.After returning home, he made himself a bowl of instant noodles as quickly as possible, and added a piece of Shuanghui ham sausage, which was very thin.

This is a typical business trip for a good-looking lawyer!

At the end of the day, Director Niu called Wang Chuan into the office.

"Wang Chuan, you have been working in the institute for a while!" Director Niu asked with concern.

"I joined our firm not long after it was established. I am the first trainee lawyer in our firm. It has been almost two years now!" Wang Chuan didn't know why Director Niu would ask such a question.

"Well, time flies so fast!" Director Niu sighed while sitting on a comfortable office chair.

"Director, is there something wrong with you?" Wang Chuan asked carefully.

Director Niu seldom expresses such emotions. His words made Wang Chuan's heart flutter constantly. He didn't know if it was a blessing or a curse!

"How's your personal problem?" Director Niu suddenly looked at him with a smile.

"Personal problems? What are my personal problems? Apart from eating and sleeping, I earn money! It's good!" Wang Chuan laughed.

"Stop talking nonsense, I don't know you are good! Stop pretending to be confused with me, you are old enough, do you have a girlfriend?" Director Niu scolded with a smile.

Uh..., when did Comrade Lao Niu become a matchmaker?Wang Chuan looked at Lao Niu in a stupid way.

"Don't look at me, I don't have a flower girl on my face!" Director Niu glanced at Wang Chuan sullenly, and then said: "The last time I went to Lawyer Wan's wedding, I think the bridesmaid behind the bride is pretty good. Lawyer Wan and his wife will introduce you."

"Director, don't bother Lawyer Wan with this matter..." Wang Chuan said with an embarrassed face.

"Don't bother him, you can't directly stop the girl from saying that she wants to marry her?" Director Niu stared.

"That can't be done. If it's really like what you said, you probably have to go to the police station to get someone! I mean, I don't need Lawyer Wan's introduction, I..." Wang Chuan blushed and said with an awkward smile.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Director Niu said in surprise, "Successful, Wang Chuan, it's not obvious, it's done!"

"I...what am I doing! I'm doing it! No... Really not!" Wang Chuan said hastily.

"No! Then there's nothing else to say. Listen to me. I'll let Wan Fatty... Lawyer Wan arrange it for you in the past few days. I promise to make arrangements for you. I'll let Lawyer Wan come with you later. Docking!" Director Niu used the tone of assigning the case, this matter is settled like this!
Wang Chuan looked at Comrade Lao Niu, who was taking care of everything, and murmured in his heart: Is this an arranged marriage?
Not long after Wang Chuan was kicked out of the office by Lao Niu, Mu Huaijin walked in with a smile.

"How is it?" Lawyer Mu smiled.

"It's done! With me here, there's nothing we can't handle!" Director Niu waved his hand carelessly, as if there was nothing in the world that his old cow couldn't handle.

(End of this chapter)

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