Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 200 The Green Stick Is Ferocious

Chapter 200 The Green Stick Is Ferocious

Seeing that Wang Chuan really left, Big Fatty regretted it unceasingly, the past kept coming to his heart, and tears kept rolling in his eyes.

After a while, his heart felt ruthless. He suddenly picked up a bottle of beer from the beer box beside him, held it up high, and slammed it hard at his right hand that was pressing on the table.

"Crack!" "Bang!"


The beer spilled all over the floor, the owner of the small shop trembled with fright, his eyes flustered, and the phone in his hand fell to the ground!

Walking out of the small shop, Wang Chuan felt uncomfortable, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt sorry for Fatty. Is this the end of a friendship?

Everyone is a grassroots drifting north, and has been working hard to live. There are temptations everywhere in this prosperous imperial capital. There are black and white. It is not easy to make money, but it is easy to spend money for fun. The bottom of the abyss, ranging from bankruptcy, to the separation of wives and children, and leaving their hometowns.

After walking for nearly five kilometers, Wang Chuan returned to the rented community, and when he passed by the canteen at the gate of the community, he yelled at the owner of the canteen who was studying lottery tickets: "Boss, here are two bottles of beer!"

"I'm sorry, there are many people drinking beer in hot weather. The beer is sold out!" The owner of the commissary who came out every day and went in had a half-familiar face with him.

"What wine?" Wang Chuan asked casually.

"Baijiu, Red Star Erguotou, green screen, also known as green sticks, authentic taste of the imperial capital! What's the matter, man, one?" asked the owner of the canteen.

"Get a bottle!" Wang Chuan said dully.

"Okay, your green stick." The shop owner took a bottle of Red Star Erguotou and handed it to Wang Chuan, who picked up the bottle and left.

"Hi! There's too much money." The owner of the commissary shouted at Wang Chuan's back, waving the ten-yuan Datuan in his hand.

At this time, Wang Chuan had already walked four or five meters away, as if he didn't hear him, he walked forward.

Now Wang Chuan just wants to drink, and he finally understands why those failed men in TV dramas and movies like to drink!And if you drink it, you will be drunk.A drunk solution to a thousand worries!

He wants to use alcohol to anesthetize his nerves, anesthetize his emotions, and use a green stick to completely bring himself down!Don't get drunk or sleep this night!
He did it, and he did it with just one sip! 62 degrees Erguotou, really strong enough!The green stick is fierce!

But he forgot that there is another sentence: use wine to get rid of your worries and worry even more!
At 35:[-] the next morning, after the anesthesia effect of the alcohol had expired, Wang Chuan was woken up by the rumbling sound of his stomach. Only then did he remember that he hadn't eaten since getting off the plane yesterday.

Wang Chuan finally realized what it was like to be "too hungry to sleep"!

After wolfing down a bowl of instant noodles, his heart calmed down and his body gradually gained strength.But thinking of Fatty, Wang Chuan still felt a dull pain in his heart.

When he went to work in the morning, Wang Chuan felt dizzy in his head. He would think of Wei Ping for a while, and the down-and-out Fatty for a while, and he was out of shape all the time.

After lunch, Mu Huaijin called Wang Chuan into the office.

"Wang Chuan, your condition today is not right! Are you influenced by Lawyer Wan?" Mu Huaijin knew that Lao Niu took him to NM to pick up Fatty Wan. Seeing his poor condition, it was natural to think that he was influenced by Lawyer Wan. Fatty Wan's influence.

"No, I'm fine. I was bitten by mosquitoes all night last night, and I didn't have a good rest! It will be fine after adjusting these two days." Wang Chuan said with a smile.

"That's good! Don't think too much.

Pack it up and go out with me later, there is a labor dispute case. "Mu Huaijin said.

At around two o'clock, Wang Chuan followed Mu Huaijin into a five-star hotel, and a shrewd man in his thirties received them.

"Manager Gao, this is lawyer Wang from our firm, please introduce the situation." Mu Huaijin said.

"Okay. A few days ago, we received a court hearing notice from the Shijingshan Labor Arbitration Committee. The applicant is an employee who was previously fired by our hotel." As he spoke, Manager Gao handed a cowhide document bag to Mu Huai Jin: "The materials are all inside, you can take a look."

After Mu Huaijin took the materials, he glanced at them and handed them to Wang Chuan.

"Manager Gao, please introduce the situation, the more detailed the better." Mu Huaijin said.

"This employee is a room service worker in our hotel and has been working in the hotel for almost two years. Some time ago we discovered that he was stealing and often stole yogurt from the hotel.

Later I talked to him, but at first he refused to admit it, but later I showed him the video, and he admitted to stealing the yogurt from the hotel and wrote a letter of repentance.

But later the security guard found that he stole the yogurt from the hotel again. We are a five-star hotel with very strict requirements for employees. Theft and other things are absolutely prohibited. There are also clear regulations in our hotel system. Before he joined the job He was also given relevant training.

So then we fired the employee, and that's about it. " Manager Gao said.

"Manager Gao, does the hotel have any training records for this employee, and can you make a copy of the letter of repentance you mentioned?" Wang Chuan asked.

"Okay, our legal affairs are all ready. I'll ask her to bring them for you, wait a moment!" Manager Gao called the legal affairs after speaking.

After a while, footsteps sounded outside the office door, and a 27-year-old girl walked in with a file bag in her hand: "Manager Gao, here are the files you want."

"Xiao Liu, these two are Lawyer Mu and Lawyer Wang, please sit down and listen too!" Manager Gao said.

"Okay." After sitting down, Liu Fawu smiled and nodded at Lawyer Mu and Wang Chuan: "Lawyer Mu, Lawyer Wang, I have a question for you."

"Say it!" Lawyer Mu smiled.

"This employee just stole a few boxes of yogurt, the value of which is only a few yuan. In this case, will our dismissal of the employee constitute an illegal termination of the labor contract?"

Wang Chuan thought for a while: "I think that the case of your hotel should not be based on the amount alone, but should be comprehensively analyzed in terms of the nature and service content of the hotel. I think you can give this case a try, and it may not constitute an illegal dismissal."

Liu Fawu seemed to understand Wang Chuan's explanation, and was not very satisfied. He was about to speak when he was stopped by Manager Gao.

"Lawyer Mu, to tell you the truth, we have legal advisors. We have also asked them about this case. They said that the case will definitely be lost. The value of the other party's theft is too low, which is almost negligible. Our punishment is too heavy. It is very likely that we will lose the case." It was determined by the arbitration institution to be illegally terminated.

Their work was a bit unsatisfactory before, and they made several mistakes. Our boss is not very satisfied with them. It just so happens that the legal consultant contract signed by our hotel with them will expire next month, so the boss asked us to consult a few more law firms. As an alternative to legal counsel, your Zhengyang Law Firm is one of them.

If this case is handled well, I will propose to the boss that your firm be our legal counsel later.All alternative law firms are on the same starting line, we are very fair. Manager Gao smiled.

"First of all, I would like to thank your hotel for choosing us as an alternative legal counsel. We can take this case. As for the litigation idea, it is the direction that lawyer Wang said just now." Mu Huaijin said.

(End of this chapter)

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