Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 191 Mutual Benefit

Chapter 191 Mutual Benefit
"Judge, since he has no feelings for me, I don't want to waste it like this. I can give in, 10 yuan. This is my bottom line. After all, I am not wrong, it is he who proposed the divorce." The defendant Zhang Manyu said.

"You're not wrong?..." The plaintiff, Lu Guoxing, stood up excitedly and said loudly.

"Don't get excited, isn't this mediation! Don't get excited." Wang Chuan hurriedly advised.

"Plaintiff, can you accept the conditions put forward by the defendant? If you don't agree, I won't transfer. Go back and wait for the judgment!" The middle-aged female judge said coldly.

Wang Chuan looked at Lu Guoxing and said in a low voice, "What do you think?"

"What will be the result of the verdict?" Lu Guoxing asked.

Wang Chuan could see that his heart was a little shaken.

"Now it seems that the verdict is more likely to be rejected. Would you like to try it? But even if the divorce is awarded, the defendant will definitely sue for the division of the shared property." Wang Chuan said.

"Judge, I agree with the defendant's terms!" Lu Guoxing thought for a while and finally made a decision.

About half an hour later, both parties got the mediation paper.When Wang Chuan walked out of the court, Lu Guoxing asked excitedly, "Lawyer Wang, do I still need to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a divorce certificate?"

"No, as long as there is a mediation statement, your husband and wife relationship has been dissolved.

There are two ways to divorce: one is that the husband and wife negotiate and go through the divorce procedures at the Civil Affairs Bureau, and the Civil Affairs Bureau will issue a divorce certificate.The other is to go to the court to sue for divorce. The court can judge the divorce or mediate the divorce according to the circumstances of the case.

No matter which method of divorce is used, it is valid.Divorce certificates, judgments and mediation documents have the same effect. " Wang Chuan explained.

"Okay, thank you!" Lu Guoxing said, walked to the side of the road and got into the car: "Lawyer Wang, I have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

Wang Chuan smiled slightly and waved his hand.

On Monday morning, as soon as Wang Chuan entered the law firm, he was called away by Mu Huaijin and went straight to Jin City to acquire the project.

"Wang Chuan, Mr. You has already signed the acquisition contract with the other party. This time, you and Fu Ziwen watched the factory pay out all the wages and compensation owed to the employees. You must ask the employees to sign." Mu Huai Jin exhorted in the car.

"Don't worry, I will keep an eye on them." Wang Chuan said.

"Well, do it well! After finishing this project, I will give you a big red envelope."

Mu Huaijin smiled and said: "Director Liu of the China Merchants Office is still efficient.
The transfer has already been approved by the above, and the first equity transfer payment has been paid.

The factory is responsible for the payment of employees' wages and compensation, and when the employees' affairs are resolved, You will always make a second payment
Equity transfer payment.Mr. You asked us to follow up the whole process, be responsible for relevant legal affairs, and try our best to prevent employees from making trouble.

In addition, Mr. You sent two personnel specialists to be responsible for the selection of employees and reserve personnel for the company's new production line. "

"So fast? The land transfer fee should not be a decimal number!" Wang Chuan said in surprise.

"That's for sure, the state-owned land transfer fee cannot be discounted.

However, Mr. You’s company plays a leading role in moving to the local area, and the higher-ups also wanted to buy horse bones with a thousand dollars to express their sincerity and determination to attract investment, so they agreed to reward 50.00% of the local reserved part of the land transfer fee to the company.

In addition, the tax part can also be given a certain percentage of return for a period of three years. "Mu Huaijin laughed.

"If you do that, what's the local map?" Wang Chuan asked in surprise.

"What's the picture? This is Zheng@结! Do you know the annual profit of Mr. You's company?" Mu Huaijin turned to look at Wang Chuan.

Wang Chuan looked bewildered.

"More than [-] million yuan a year! That's net profit!

Although it is not comparable to large state-owned enterprises and central enterprises, I am sure that there are not many enterprises of this size in the local area.And it can also stimulate the local economy and employment, who doesn't want it!This is mutual benefit! "Mu Huaijin said enviously.

"Mr. You is so powerful!" Wang Chuan's mouth became "O" in shock.

Mu Huaijin said happily while driving: "I have known Mr. You for a long time, he is my old client, and I can get more than one million in legal fees from his company every year.

When I met him back then, his company’s annual revenue was only 5000 to [-] million, but now its net profit is over [-] million.Still doing business to make money! "

When they came to the factory again, Director Zhao and Deputy Director Li beamed with joy and were very enthusiastic about Mu Huaijin and Wang Chuan.

There are a lot of "raw" faces in the factory, and they are all employees who are on a long vacation in the factory. Their faces are full of festive joy.The higher-ups have allocated funds to the factory, and the workers can get wages and compensation, so the employees in the factory are naturally happy.

"Old Liu, the factory didn't lie to us, did it! It would be great if we can pay the wages in arrears, and there will be compensation?" A thick black man said naively.

The man called Lao Liu glanced at him and said with a smile: "You don't know, I got the news two days ago that a big boss bought our factory. I guess our factory manager's face is frozen with laughter! If you don't want compensation Gold can be given to me!"

"What else is there? God open your eyes! I'm worrying about my child's tuition, now it's over!" The thick black man said with a smirk.

"What is this? Have you seen those two girls over there?" Old Liu Yin pouted.

"I see, what's the matter?" The thick black man looked confused, not knowing what Old Liu meant.

"If you want to find a job, you can register with them. There is a candidate employee registration office. The qualified employees who have been screened by them can work in the new factory after the acquisition is completed." Lao Liu whispered.

"Really?" The thick black man looked surprised.

"I can still lie to you, I just registered." Old Liu stared.

"Okay, I'll go to register too. I've been doing odd jobs for the past few years. If I can find a stable job, I'll be really lucky!" the thick black man said excitedly.

"Stop talking so much, hurry up and register!" Lao Liu urged.

The thick black man agreed to run to the two girls in the distance.

Wang Chuan saw a familiar figure from the window, it was the big man who was caught stealing things from the factory before.I saw him walking quickly to the candidate employee registration office. Deputy Factory Manager Li said a few words to the two girls in charge of registration, and they registered the big man.

Wang Chuan and Fu Ziwen took the factory's employee roster, and after checking each one, the factory finance and deputy factory manager Li paid the wages in arrears and compensation for the termination of the labor relationship.

"Why do you fire me? I've worked here all my life, you can't treat me like this..." A shirtless man in his 50s yelled at the door of the building, and behind him were two men who were about his age He stared at Director Zhao with eyes full of anger.

"Old Gao, don't yell, let's go to my office to talk about anything. Isn't this just a discussion!" Director Zhao looked puzzled.

"I'm not going anywhere, just talk here. Tell me, I'll listen. I'll see what you can say." The man named Lao Gao sat down on the steps in front of the building angrily. superior.

(End of this chapter)

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