Chapter 189
On Wednesday, June [-], as soon as the court opened in the morning, Wang Chuan walked into the trial area with the case file, waiting for the judge to call the client's name.

Not long after Wang Chuan entered the court, Luo Xiaoyu walked over holding the arm of his husband Tong Xiaoxian.

Wang Chuan has also seen it. In court, you can beat you to death, and you can't do it without giving the house and the ticket. The couple in court love each other (at least it seems so), what a wonderful couple!
Soon Wang Chuan and the Qipa couple entered the trial court. This time, like the last time, Tong Xiaoxian did not hire a lawyer. In Ms. Luo's words, her husband can be deducted for fear of spending money.

A square-faced, upright middle-aged male judge sat on it and asked, "Appellant, state your appeal and factual reasons."

"Judge, my appeal and factual reasons are consistent with the appeal." Tong Xiaoxian said skillfully.

"The appellee replied." The middle-aged male judge said.

"Judge, we agree with the judgment of the first instance. The divorce agreement is the true intention of both parties. The appellant should travel to the divorce agreement. It's over!" Wang Chuan said succinctly.

"Has the appellant any new evidence to submit?" the judge asked.

"No!" Tong Xiao said first.

"Appellee, do you have any new evidence to submit?" The judge looked at Wang Chuan and Luo Xiaoyu.

"No!" Wang Chuan said.

"Appellant, let me ask. You both signed the divorce agreement. The divorce is not your real intention, but to deal with your parents. Do you have evidence?" the judge asked.

"My parents gave me a certificate." Tong Xiaoxian said and submitted an A4 paper to the judge.

"Appellant, I just asked you if you have any new evidence, why did you say no?" The judge was a little depressed, and said that there was no new evidence, but suddenly produced a certificate, what is going on!
"I forgot!" Tong Xiao said carelessly.

"Appellant, you should have submitted this evidence in the first instance. Why did you submit it in the second instance?" the judge asked.

"During the first trial, my parents traveled abroad, and they came back half a month after they left. They didn't have time to submit them. Here are my parents' passports and boarding passes, which have time on them." Tong Xiaoxian had made preparations and took out his visa and passport with confidence. boarding pass.

"Appellee, cross-examination!" The judge said after looking at the passport and boarding pass.

"Judge, we do not recognize the authenticity, relevance and legality of this evidence. The proof was issued by the appellant's parents, and they have a direct relationship between them, so it should not be accepted.

In addition, even if the appellant's parents traveled abroad, the appellant should submit the evidence to the first-instance judge as soon as they come back. However, the other party did not provide such evidence at the first instance. We believe that the evidence should not be As new evidence in the second instance.Cross-examination is complete! "Wang Chuan said.


"Okay, both sides make final statements!" The judge may think that this case is relatively simple, and ended the trial after asking a few questions.

"Lawyer Wang, do you think my husband has a good chance of overturning the case?" Ms. Luo asked after walking out of the court.

His husband stood aside holding the car keys and looked at Wang Chuan, showing no anger or anger at all.

"It's hard to say, but I personally think that your husband has little chance of overturning the case. Of course, the final result depends on the judge's verdict." Wang Chuan said.

Tong Xiao first rolled his eyes, there is no difference between saying and not saying!
Back at the office, Wang Chuan began to prepare for Lu Guoxing's divorce case, which will be held in court the next day.

On June 21, at 01:30 p.m., in the No.12 courtroom of Shijingshan Court, Wang Chuan put the case files on the plaintiff's bench.

On the dock opposite, sat a beautiful woman with long hair. If you didn't know it, you might think it was a new film and television star.

Sitting next to the beautiful woman is a middle-aged woman, no need to ask, she must be a lawyer, because the lawyer has a special temperament from the inside out, which is obtained through constant practice in court and cannot be imitated.

"The divorce case of Lu Guoxing v. Zhang Manyu will be heard by judge Dong Mei alone. The court session is now in session!" After checking the identity information of both parties and the agent's identity information, the middle-aged female judge rang the gavel.

"Plaintiff, state your claims and factual reasons." The middle-aged female judge looked at the plaintiff expressionlessly.

Although the judge didn't say anything, Wang Chuan could see a different taste in the eyes of the middle-aged female judge, which may be the sequelae of the plaintiff's riot in the court hall.

"Judge, the plaintiff and the defendant were introduced to get married on May [-], [-]. After marriage, the relationship between the two is still good, and they have not had any children so far.

In January [-], the plaintiff found that the facial photos of the defendant were displayed in the advertisement of a medical beauty institution. Surgery was performed on multiple sites.

The plaintiff believes that the defendant's beauty is not innate, but obtained through artificial trimming, and this artificial beauty has greatly hurt the plaintiff's heart, has caused harm to the plaintiff, and led to the breakdown of the relationship between the plaintiff and the defendant..."

"Plaintiff, are your claims and factual reasons consistent with the complaint?" The middle-aged female judge showed a hint of impatience in her eyes.

"Unanimous!" Wang Chuan said.

"If they agree, there is no need to read it again. Our time is limited." The middle-aged female judge looked at the defendant after speaking: "The defendant defends!"

"Judge, the defendant disagrees with the plaintiff's claim. We believe that the relationship between the plaintiff and the defendant has not yet broken down. The two have been living together, and they went shopping in the supermarket together the day before yesterday. We have photos to prove it. Please judge to dismiss it according to law." The plaintiff's request." The middle-aged female lawyer in the dock said.

"The plaintiff's proof!" said the middle-aged female judge.

"Judge, our first evidence is the marriage certificate, which proves that the two parties are husband and wife; the second evidence is the advertising photos of a medical beauty institution and the recording of the conversation with the woman who said she had plastic surgery, which proves that the woman had plastic surgery in a well-known hospital in Han. Surgery. Evidence [-], the plaintiff’s unit’s certificate that the plaintiff has been living in the unit’s employee dormitory recently, proving that their relationship broke down, and the plaintiff and the defendant have been living apart. The proof is complete!” Wang Chuan said.

"Defendant, cross-examine!" The middle-aged female judge said expressionlessly.

"Evidence approved.

The authenticity, legitimacy, and relevance of the second evidence are not recognized. We believe that the recording is illegal. In the advertisements of medical aesthetic institutions, there are only photos of eyes, chins, and lips, and it is difficult to distinguish that the person in the advertisement is the defendant.

The authenticity of Evidence [-] is not recognized.The plaintiff unit has an interest relationship with the plaintiff. " said the middle-aged female lawyer.

"Plaintiff, let me ask. How did you get the recording?" The middle-aged female judge looked at the plaintiff with sharp eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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