Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 177 Disrupting Court Order

Chapter 177 Disrupting Court Order

Don't look at Wang Chuan as a tall man, but compared with a strong man who does physical work all day, he is far behind in terms of physical strength and strength.He struggled several times but was "suppressed" by the strong man.

Seeing that the strong man was struggling to deal with Wang Chuan by himself, his brother ran over, two against one, Wang Chuan had no room to fight back.He had to squat down on the ground with his head in his arms and "let others slaughter him".

The female judge was so shocked that she lost her mind, and by the time she realized that the trial court was already in chaos.She yelled a few times, seeing that the three defendant brothers could not be stopped, she hurriedly ran outside the court to look for the bailiffs, and six bailiffs rushed in after a while.

When the three strong men were under control, Wang Chuan was beaten to the ground with blood all over his nose and mouth.Zheng Yi hurried forward to help him up.

"The three of you have been involved in the crime of disturbing the order of the court, and now we will detain you in accordance with the law." A bailiff shouted at the three strong men who were pressed to the ground.

"I'm going to kill them, I'll see who dares to touch our house." One of the strong men shouted loudly: "I don't accept it! Why arrest me..."

"Take it away!" A leading bailiff ordered coldly, and the bailiffs escorted three disheveled, wheezing and strong men out.

"Plaintiff's lawyer, are you all right?" the female judge came over and asked.

"I'm fine, but my colleague was beaten and injured in many places. We reserve the right to pursue their civil and criminal responsibilities." Zheng Yi said angrily.

At this time, Wang Chuan was supported to sit on a chair beside him, blood was coming from his nose and mouth, and he looked dazed and a little unconscious.

"Let's do this today. There won't be a court session anyway. Wait for my notice when the court session will start again! Go to the hospital first!" It was the first time for a female judge to see such a battle, and she actually fought in front of the judge in the courtroom. Too arrogant.

Seeing this, Angkor felt a little sorry, and walked over and said, "Lawyer Zheng, why don't you send Lawyer Wang to the hospital first?"

"Well, please drive us there, I'm not familiar with this place." Zheng Yi said.

Angkor drove Wang Chuan to Miyun County Hospital located on Gulou North Street in the county seat.

The doctor in the hospital checked everything that should be checked, and finally dealt with the trauma. The conclusion is that there is no bone injury, but there are several soft tissue injuries that are serious. It is recommended to rest in bed for a week. After a week review.

Naturally, it is impossible for Wang Chuan to come to Miyun County Hospital for reexamination, it is too far away!

On the same day, Angkor drove Wang Chuan and Zheng Yi home.On the way back, Zheng Yi reported the beating in court to Director Niu.

The next day, Zheng Yi directly asked for sick leave for Wang Chuan.Wei Ping heard that senior brother had been beaten, and suddenly remembered the scene when she was beaten by hair by the last time she went to Shishi for a court hearing. That time Wang Chuan was seriously injured to save her.

The plastic sisters Hua Zheng Tongzi and Pan + Jinlian denounced the other three brothers angrily, clamoring to seek justice for the elder brother.Regarding their reactions, even if Wang Chuan hadn't come to the camp, he could have imagined them.

In any case, Wang Chuan was injured during the course of the case in the contractor. Director Niu was unambiguous on this point and gave him seven days off directly according to the doctor's order. The kind that deducts wages.

The resident singers at the bar on Friday and Saturday nights couldn't go, so Wang Chuan called Brother Six and asked for leave!

On the afternoon of the third day after the injury, Wang Chuan was resting in bed at home when he heard someone talking outside the house, followed by a knock on the door.

Wang Chuan went down to open the door, only to see three people standing outside the door, Mu Huaijin, Wei Ping and tool man Hao Renyuan, the latter was holding a big fruit basket in his hand!No need to ask, Hao Renyuan must have brought them here.
"Lawyer Mu, why are you here?" Wang Chuan was surprised: "Come in quickly, the place is a bit small, I'm really sorry."

As soon as Wei Ping entered the room, she saw several bottles of medicine on the desk beside the bed, and the hut was well cleaned.

After entering the room, Mu Huaijin sat on a chair, the toolman Hao Renyuan stood against the wall, and Wei Ping stood aside.Once three people entered the cabin, it immediately felt crowded.

"Lawyer Mu, I'll get you some water!" Wang Chuan said as he was going to get the thermos.

"Don't be too busy, your injury is not healed yet, you need to rest!
Originally Director Niu was going to come, but he went to court today and couldn't come.On behalf of the law firm, Wei Ping and Hao Renyuan and I came to see you.This is what we mean. "

After Mu Huaijin finished speaking, she took out a big red envelope and handed it over.

"This..." Wang Chuan was a little embarrassed.

"Accept it, it's a bit of meaning in the institute." Mu Huaijin said: "This is specially approved by Director Niu!"

"Thank you Director Niu, thank you Lawyer Mu!" Wang Chuan took the red envelope.

"There is also good news. The two parties in the Miyun case you represented have reached a settlement. Under the mediation of our law firm, the defendant agreed to share 50.00% of the demolition fee with the plaintiff. Lawyer Zheng will bring both of them Go to the court and ask the judge to issue a mediation statement." Mu Huaijin laughed.

reconciliation?It's not that simple!Wang Chuan could guess with his big toe that the reason why the other party was willing to compromise must have something to do with the fight in the court that day.

"Lawyer Mu, why did the two parties reconcile so quickly?" Although Wang Chuan guessed it, he still asked out driven by curiosity.

"Actually, this matter is related to you. After you were beaten last time, the judge notified the defendant's family. The defendant's three brothers were detained, and the other party's family hired a lawyer.

Later, the other party's lawyer came to our office, and Director Niu, Lawyer Wan, and Lawyer Zheng received him.They talked all morning and then twice, and finally the two sides reached a preliminary agreement.

First, the other party agreed to share half of the demolition funds with our client, and the two parties went to the court together and asked the judge to issue a mediation statement. "

Second, all your medical expenses, lost wages and other related expenses shall be borne by the other party, and the other party will give you another 5 yuan as compensation.You will issue a letter of understanding, and the other party will no longer be held criminally responsible!

Of course, if you are dissatisfied, you can discuss it again. This item has not been fixed.

Originally, Attorney Wan proposed to call the police for intentional injury and let the police do an injury appraisal for you, but the other party didn't want to take risks and wanted to solve it as soon as possible, so they offered to give money.

Third, lawyer Zheng's medical expenses will be borne by the other party, and another 2000 yuan will be compensated. "Mu Huaijin said.

"Well, I agree with the decision of the institute. Let's do it according to the previous discussion!" Wang Chuan nodded.

Yesterday he went to the [-] Hospital for a check-up, and all the wounds he suffered were skin traumas, it doesn't matter, as long as he rests for a while, he will recover.If he really got the other three brothers in, he might not be able to get so much compensation.

However, the other party fought in court and disturbed the order of the court. This is beyond Wang Chuan's control, and he has been suspected of disrupting the order of the court.

(End of this chapter)

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