Grassroots lawyers also have spring

Chapter 157 Talk about early child care early!

Chapter 157 Talk about early child care early!
"Director, I have been in the firm for a year. I have done a lot of cases with you and Lawyer Zheng. If I have the opportunity, I would like to study in the firm for a few more years." Wang Chuan expressed his thoughts. Comrade Lao Niu's IQ can understand what he means.

"Well, I want to keep you as a salaried lawyer, do you want to?" Director Niu asked.

"Yes! I'll listen to your arrangement." Wang Chuan nodded immediately.

"Okay. But you have limited experience and your salary is not high in the first year. I will give you [-] yuan. If you do a good job, your salary will increase to [-] yuan from the second year. Like Lawyer Zheng and others, social security is in accordance with the law. I will pay for you, and your lawyer's annual inspection fee will be borne by the law firm. What do you think?" Lao Niu looked at Wang Chuan.

"Okay!" After Wang Chuan finished speaking, he thought about it again: "Director, has there been any change in the commission of my case?"

"No change, but if you do your own case, you can't delay the work in the office. I saw that you put a lot of effort into labor before, and I will give you priority in cases involving labor and capital in the future."

Seeing that Wang Chuan just nodded and said nothing, Director Niu was afraid that he would dislike labor cases with small targets and little progress, and continued, "Don't underestimate labor cases. These cases are very important to us. Many consulting units start with labor cases.

Although the fee for this type of case is not high, it is expensive because of the large volume, which is very suitable for small lawyers who do not have resources. 360 lines, every line is the champion, as long as you do well, you will not worry about making money. "

Wang Chuan nodded and agreed. In fact, he has never disliked labor dispute cases in his heart. He didn't say anything just now because he was planning to change his residence after getting his salary, and then... save the money!After all, with a weak foundation, it is better to have some savings in mind.

Fundamentally speaking, Wang Chuan has inherited the simple, thrifty and housekeeping spirit of the rural people very well. He is relatively conservative in his thinking and has absolutely no sense of spending two to three in the city—advanced consumption.

"Director, don't worry, I will work hard, study labor cases in depth, and be a pioneer in developing legal consulting business for our firm." Wang Chuan vowed.

"Okay, don't worry, as long as you do well, the institute won't treat you badly!
During this period of time, you are preparing to submit materials and apply for a lawyer's license first.After getting the certificate, go to the administration to sign the contract, and start receiving wages from the next month. Director Niu settled Wang Chuan's job with a few words.

Wang Chuan walked out of the office happily, smiled at Zheng Yi who was looking over, and stretched out his hand to make a victory gesture.

When they got off work in the evening, Wang Chuan and Wei Ping walked along the road to the subway station.

"I will apply for a lawyer's license next month, and today the director asked me to be a salaried lawyer." Wang Chuan was excited.

"Yeah." Wei Ping continued walking expressionlessly.

Seeing that she had something on her mind, Wang Chuan asked in a low voice, "Has something happened to you recently?"

Wei Ping silently glanced at the elder brother: "After I get my lawyer's certificate, I plan to go abroad to study for a graduate student. I have already passed the IELTS test."

Wang Chuan was silent, he didn't know how to answer the following words.

"How many years do you want to study?" Wang Chuan asked in a low voice after a while.

"It may take four or five years to go this time, until I graduate with a Ph.D." Wei Ping said flatly, and after she finished speaking, she glanced at the elder brother.

"Then our agreement..." After finishing speaking, Wang Chuan forced a smile: "I'll wait for you to come back, and then continue to teach you how to play the guitar."

Wei Ping was speechless for a while!
The two sat on the subway and chatted with each other, neither of them brought up the matter of studying abroad. After arriving at the station, Wei Ping got off the subway and did not leave. Instead, she turned around and stared at the people in the subway. Wang Chuan.

Wang Chuan noticed the strangeness in her eyes, and he struggled in his heart. The moment the subway started, he suddenly felt as if he had lost something.

He made up his mind to find a chance to keep Wei Ping!As for success or failure, I can only resign myself to fate, at least I have no regrets in my heart!

The next day, an emergency occurred in a consulting unit, Wei Ping was called away by Mu Huaijin early in the morning, and went to the consulting unit to "fight the fire".

Wang Chuan went to the legal service office to be on duty, and Pan + Jinlian suddenly called Lao Niu to ask for a day off in the morning!Seeing that the second senior brother Pan didn't come, Wang Chuan felt relieved, and he didn't need to be bullied today.

Zhang Dahuyou's money is tight recently, as long as a customer comes in, she will try her best to fool you, and if it is a copy of the document, she will leave it to Wang Chuan to deal with it.For a whole day, Wang Chuan didn't get a single legal consultation, and Zhang Dahuyou intercepted all of them.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, it's all the resources of the law firm, and he didn't get a commission after the negotiation. He happened to be happy at leisure, and used his spare time to prepare materials for Gao Dali's loan case.

After get off work, Wang Chuan was walking to the bus station when suddenly a car horn sounded from behind.Wang Chuan thought he was blocking the way, so he hurriedly took a step aside, but the red Mercedes-Benz behind him stopped when it drove past him.

"Big Brother!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Wang Chuan hurriedly turned his head to look inside the car, only to see Pan + Jinlian sitting in the car obediently, looking at him with embarrassment.

"Pan Yuanyuan! What a coincidence! Didn't you ask for leave today?" Wang Chuan looked at her in surprise.

Pan + Jinlian hurriedly gave him a look, and Wang Chuan saw a well-dressed lady sitting beside her.

"You are Wang Chuan!" The lady got out of the car and looked at Wang Chuan seriously.

"Hello, auntie, who are you?" Wang Chuan had a premonition.

"I'm Pan Yuanyuan's mother. If it's convenient, I'd like to delay you for a few minutes!" The lady said coldly.


When Wang Chuan heard that the other party was Brother Pan's mother, he immediately felt his scalp tingle, and he didn't want to go away, but he could hide from the first day of the junior high school but not the fifteenth day. Since the other party already knew about the Li family, let's talk about it early!
"Get in the car!" After speaking, the lady got into the car.

More than an hour later, the red Mercedes-Benz stopped in front of a teahouse.After Wang Chuan got out of the car, he followed the lady and Brother Pan, who looked like a "good girl", into the teahouse.

As soon as the lady entered the teahouse, the manager of the teahouse immediately ran over to serve her attentively.

"I'm here to talk about something, you prepare a private room for me, and make a pot of Dahongpao." The lady ordered coldly.

"President Pan, the tea art master..." Before the manager of the restaurant finished speaking, the lady said: "There is no need for a tea art master. I will do it myself."

"Okay! Mr. Pan, this way please." The manager of the teahouse respectfully brought the lady to a tea room on the second floor.

When Wang Chuan entered the tea room, he was startled. The whole tea room was twice as big as Lao Niu's office. With a small bonsai, very chic.The whole tea room feels very comfortable.

The tea table is so big that it can seat seven or eight people. The purple sand pot on the table looks extraordinary at first glance, and the tea bowl is as thin as a cicada's wing.After a while, someone brought a jar of Dahongpao on a tray, and several plates of delicate snacks.

 This week, there will be three chapters a day, two chapters at noon, and one chapter in the evening. Please support me a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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